I've been a member of the forum for a few months and have found it really helpful to get feedback and support from the site.
My drinking was getting out of hand,I started off a couple of glasses of wine in the evening but not every night mainly at weekends, which over the years ended up a bottle sometimes going onto a 2nd every night.
I started to hate the way AL made me feel in the mornings, waking feeling bad that I'd drunk so much, not being able to remember the end of a TV programme I'd being watching, that slurred telephone conversation with a friend or family member.
Then last week I went to my GP with swollen ankles and feet - I was put of water tablets and was told me BP was way too high and that it was to be monitored every 2 weeks to see if I need medication to sort it.
My GP commented on the 30 units of alcohol I'd declared on my medical record at the time that was right but that was about 2 years ago, recently it's gone up to nearer 70, he told me 30 units was too much and I needed to cut back drastically as it was no doubt a contributory factor to my high BP and water retention...he'd have a blue fit if he knew that I was drinking double that these days

So I came home and decided enough is enough I need to get a grip and sort my life out more importantly my drinking and get healthy. So that's exactly what I've done, albeit only for 9 days.
I had only 2 glasses of wine since last Tuesday. I've been making sure I eat better and drink loads of water to flush out the toxins. This is nothing short of a small miracle for me it means that instead of about 70 units and 7000 calories I've had just 3 units and 300 calories. I've struggled with my weight for years losing and gaining and I know the main reason for this is wine, I would cut right back on food and cut out all 'naughty' food but I'd still drink my bottle of wine.
I've been taking Kudzu, Milk Thistle and L-Glut morning and night and it's really helped. I got through my first weekend with just a glass of wine on Friday and a glass on Sunday, with no real issues, yes I did think about drinking, but somehow I was able to control the urge and it passed.
My long term goal is to drink in moderation and it's as I've always believed I was drinking more out of habit than the desire for a drink. After 9 days it is definitely getting easier, I still think shall I have a glass of wine tonight...then I think no I'm okay, and almost talk myself out of it.
I'd love to hear how others are coping on the road to moderate drinking and find out when it starts to get tough if at all.
Here's to the next 9 days...one day at a time:h:h