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mental abuse

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    mental abuse

    i picked a drink on satur and didn't put it down till last night. my eldest daughter told me i am mentally abusing her by drinking,she is so 1 again today

    mental abuse

    Possibly when you drink, you dont remember- that you might of verbally abused her? Good luck on your journey of sobriety!
    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

    • Yesterday is History
      Today is a Mystery
      Tomorrow is a GIFT


      mental abuse

      i dont have any plan. im just trying to get through today


        mental abuse

        Im wishing you well too Jodiex. Sheri is so sweet. Thank you Sheri for always lending your helping hand.

        I think I need to get back on the wagon with Jodiex. I've been slipping bad too. I hate to admit that. I was doing really really well and I know life is so much better on the sober side.

        I'll join you Jodiex in getting our lives back. We can do this and I am here for you too.


          mental abuse

          Jodiex, the day before I found MWO I had a big fight with my then, 13yr old daughter while I was on a binge.... a many day binge. I accused her of taking a ring that I misplaced. I 'vaguley' remember 'so-called' asking her if she had taken it.

          I still feel like absolute shit for what I did that day. I didn't realize until a year later that I full-blown out called her a thief! She is definitely NOT the stealing type either. The days of continous drinking turned me into a f'n monster. It was the very next day, when she went to live with her dad full-time that I realized I had a serious problem. I also was hurting my child emotionally, all the while thinking I was being 'ok'. IT still makes me feel so crappy inside.

          The thing is, it was then that I started looking online for some sort of 'miracle' to help me out of the drinking Hell I was in. It was that day I found MWO.

          I didn't completely stop when I first joined. I still struggled off and on with periods of sobriety and then binges. But with the help of those I met here, I have become the person I like today. My 'slips' are very infrequent....... I am nothing like I was. My relationships with my children, friends, and myself are awesome! I am proud of myself. My family is proud of me.

          Since December 2006 I have had a few 'couple' day binges with several months being sober in between. I am not perfect. I am human. I do long for complete sobriety! I have a few months of complete sobriety at the moment, and honestly just take it one day at a time.

          Don't beat yourself down. Just use what your daughter has said as a source of inner strength to get better. xo


            mental abuse

            thanks all


              mental abuse

              Jodie, you can do this. However painful and difficult it seems at times to leave alcohol alone - just for today - IT IS WORTH IT!!!

              I too realize now that I was much meaner and nastier than I thought. It has been difficult to listen to my husband tell me his perspective on past events - what he saw and heard which was much more harsh than the way my alcoholic mind likes to remember things.

              The good news is we do not have to act that way today. Today we can choose to not drink. We can use the tools in the My Way Out program. We can use the support of each other. We can use other tools out there - SMART Recovery. AA. There are new medication options. There are many approaches. If what you are doing isn't working, try something else. If you are willing to go to any length to get sober, I really believe you will find your way out.

              I second the motion for a written plan. Get committed. Put the time and effort in. You are worth it. Your relationships with your loved ones are worth it.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                mental abuse

                i have been glued to this site all day

