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slept a bit better

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    slept a bit better

    Morning all.

    I slept a bit better last night, still sweats tho,finding them hard to cope with, I will remember these past couple of days forever.I'm going to use this MWO as my higher power,and use all your experience to stay on this path. My kids are so hurt that i drank last week. My 22 yr old daughter told me i will loose everyone around me that i hurt her so much,my 18 yr old son is finding it hard to look at me,my 9yr old daughter is back from Spain tonight with her father after holidays, so im sure he will have something to say about it. Anyway happy Saturday to all.


    slept a bit better

    You are trying Jodi and it is not easy but with commitment you will get there. Do you have a plan in place?
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      slept a bit better

      Jodiex there is no reason why you cannot change your life successfully. Provided you have the will and put in the effort you will succeed.but as ktab has said you need a plan in place for when your triggers start & they will start,keep reading & posting your thoughts & feelings, you are not alone and we/are all have been there,:-)

      "No one ever excused his way to success."
      Dave Del Dotto

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        slept a bit better

        Hi KTAB,
        Plan is watching my grandson today till 7pm, then go visit an AA friend who is in hospital


          slept a bit better

          Time with your grandson sounds really lovely and I do hope your friend is not too ill. What I meant and Mario has alluded to is have a structure or plan of action in place for when the cravings come calling. A plan for getting sober and more importantly staying sober. Did you consider reading the book?
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            slept a bit better

            which book is that KTAB?? the big book??


              slept a bit better

              Hi again Jodi, no the MWO book, a must read imo. You can buy a hard copy or download it from the home page.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                slept a bit better

                Actually if you click on the link at the top of this page entitled 'My Story' you can read an excerpt from it.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  slept a bit better

                  hi jodiex. the sleep will get better. i had a hell of a time the first week AF. you can do this and you will be so happy with the rewards it will bring
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    slept a bit better

                    Hi jodie. Congratulations on making through another sober day! I think taking this journey in small chunks - one day or even one hour at a time is the way to go. Like eating an elephant. (how do you do that? One bite at a time! :H)


                    The book they are talking about is the My Way Out book. I downloaded it from the Health Store "back when" and it's really nice because you get access to it very quickly. I think the nutritional supplements recommended, and the diet/exercise suggestions are really helpful in this journey. I also used the hypnosis CD's and I especially liked falling asleep at night to the subliminal one.

                    I also go to AA and I see you have mentioned a friend from AA. My Way Out + AA is what is working for me. Maybe that will work for you too. Do you go to meetings? Or just visit with your friend? The thing I find amazing about the Big Book is how long ago it was written, but how very true everything still seems to be when it comes to alcohol addiction and the crazy things we all end up doing as a result of that addiction.

                    Anyway...YOU CAN DO IT. I agree wtih the others that having a plan for the times when the cravings hit is important. I had a long list of "things to do." Distraction was key for me in the early days. The nice thing about a written list is that I didn't have to *think* too much. If I got an urge to drink, I could just whip out my list and pick something and get busy. It helped the urges pass more quickly for sure.

                    As Sheri so rightly pointed out, it's the FIRST drink that is so dangerous for us. The thought that somehow we can have "just one" got me in trouble every time. For me there has NEVER been "just one" and there never will be. Accepting that fact completely was a very important step for me.

                    You can do it!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      slept a bit better

                      Thanks Doggygirl.
                      I used to go to AA meetings about 3 years ago.I stayed sober for 10 months then thought i could drink like "normal people". To be honest my heart wasn't in it. There are few women at any of the meetings i attended. There doesn't seem to be any womens groups around me in Dublin.

                      Its been a roller coaster of drinking since then. I have been dating a man the past year who suited me fine because he is a big drinker, i could stay in his house and my kids wouldn't know i was having a drink,(or so i thought).I accept the fact that i have to give this man up if i want to stay sober. This i will do the w/end when he returns from business.The only thing we have in common is drinking if im honest.

                      So that's on the start of my to do list. I am thinking of returning to AA and looking around different groups as well,i need to surround myself with people like me.

                      Ill have a look at the book your talking about.:thanks:



                        slept a bit better

                        Jodiex there is place in tallaght that i went to,its called glenabbyhouse,lots of women there. it helps people who would like to stop drinking, its just once a week & its free,there only concern is to help you stop drinking, nothing else.i would highly recommend it as with a few other tools it helped me stay sober so far, you can phone them at 014516754, well worth a call. :-)

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          slept a bit better

                          Cheers mario, is that in the old glenabbey factory on the belgard road??


                            slept a bit better

                            jodiex, I applaud you on your willingness to be honest (i.e. about the boyfriend relationship and what it's really all about) and also your willingness to do whatever it takes. I can relate to you on the co-dependent dating thing. While my husband is not an alcoholic (he is a frustrating normie!) he was very into a different substance. It was very easy to date him (and then move in and then marry) when we were both abusing our substances. I didn't challenge him on his and he didn't challenge me on mine. I am so very fortunate that we BOTH wanted to sober up and I'm grateful to say we share the same sobriety date. I realize I'm lucky and it usually doesn't work out like that. I really believe that if either one of us had been willing to stop, but not the other, our marriage could not withstand it.

                            Anyway...just some rambling. It sounds like you are making great progress.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

