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ODAT - Saturday, 21 August

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    ODAT - Saturday, 21 August

    I thought i'd start the thread, at least i got the day right today.

    Well, i've been af since Thursday night, mostly due to being asked to work last night, which was a god send...

    After having a fight with my mum, i hung up and developed a headache, which then turned into a miagraine. By 1pm, i could hardly keep my eyes open and was feeling very nausious. I was on the phone to a friend, so said goodbye and went to bed. I woke up at 4.30pm. I still have headache and just had a home-made stirfry to put something in the stomach.

    I don't think i'll get a choice as to whether to continue my drinking or not as i've just had the great news (sarcasm detected) that my stepfather and mother are getting divorced. Great, so i really need to stay in control right now as my mum is off the rails and has all these mad ideas about travelling, but no money to do it with. I am very worried about her... And myself of course.

    The other thing i did was review my life today... I've realised that i've really let myself go... I've put on weight, i feel sick. I need to lose weight and get myself back on track. I also need to re-focus re-work, as i have no one to fall back on now and i have to look AFTER MYSELF! Totally, and 100%. Nobody is going to buy me a house.. So, a brand new attitude, cos only i am responsible for my future...

    So, anyway, 2 days AF now due to circumstances beyond my control to a certain extent. It's amazing what the self-survival instinct can do...

    I hope everyone's having a better day than mine started out to be.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!