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Day 1 - Here we go!

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    Day 1 - Here we go!

    Ok, I'm actually really excited about this. Finished my last bottle of Rum last night. I am going to be out of the house and away from al this evening. Then tomorrow I start Antabuse. I'm feeling really positive that this is going to work! I have the support of my wife as well so what can go wrong??? :l


    Day 1 - Here we go!

    Just saying hi :welcome:

    Im on day 3 myself and just to tell you the encouragment and support you will get here is wonderful


      Day 1 - Here we go!

      hi itsjustme. today is day 1. just take it one day at a time. you can do this, and yes there is a lot to be excited about. the joys that sobriety can bring
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Day 1 - Here we go!

        welcome! and congrats! it feels wonderful to be af!! :goodjob:


          Day 1 - Here we go!

          Hi itsjustme
          Welcome, the support you get on here is great, I am new too, I'm om my 8th day al free.I have been following the one day at a time thing, as spuddleduck advises, so far its working for me.
          So good you have the suport from your wife,
          Have a great day

          Lillypond x


            Day 1 - Here we go!

            Hmm, think i might join you. I was af for two days, then bought a bottle last night. Don't know why, the old "i deserve it" sort of thing.

            Interesting point: i found myself slightly more positive these passed few days. I find one of the best things is to think of tomorrow (morning).. That sometimes deters me.
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


              Day 1 - Here we go!

              Hello ItsJustMe -

              congratulations on taking the first big step. Day 1!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep yourself hydrated, well nourished and keep reading and posting. You will do great!
              While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
              Benjamin Franklin


                Day 1 - Here we go!

                :welcome: and congratulations Itsjustme! (I like that screen name!) Getting sober is SO worth it. Awesome that you have the support of your wife. I look forward to sharing the journey.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Day 1 - Here we go!

                  Hi All -

                  Thanks for all the encouragement! Well, it's been exactly 48 hours since my last drink. Yesterday evening I got out of the house and put myself in an AL free environment. This morning I started Antabuse (1/2 tab to start out with). Also took some Milk Thistle. Good thing I started. I would love to have a rum and coke right now. But you know, with the Antabuse, it takes the debate away. I worked really hard today in the yard and could justify that I deserve it too. If I had one now I know that I would be very sick!

                  I will be making a really complicated stir-fry dinner for the wife and kids tonight which will occupy my mind. I will be drinking unsweetened ice tea. I have drank at least a gallon of water today.

                  I am looking forward to getting up tomorrow morning without being in a haze. I did notice this morning that things look a little brighter and colorful…. Interesting!

                  I’ll keep everyone updated on my progress. The folks on this site are totally awesome.

                  AF 2 days

                  P.S. My doc suggested I go to AA meetings. I told him that was not my thing but there is a web site I go to (this one…). He looked it over and was impressed.


                    Day 1 - Here we go!


                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Day 1 - Here we go!

                      Hi ItsJustMe!
                      I'm so glad you took the Antabuse, it really does erase the "mental debate" that we each face every day. I have been on it for over 4 months. I stopped taking it about a month ago because I thought I was "ok"...nearly slipped, so went right back on it. Now there's no question of "am I drinking tonight?"...the only question left is "do I want to end up in the Emergency Room tonight?"....who'd ever say YES to that???!!!! I started off with 2 pills per day for the first 7 days, then 1 pill per day after that.
                      You are doing great! Keep up your good work!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Day 1 - Here we go!

                        Thanks K9 –

                        Do you ever (or at least in the beginning) find yourself getting grumpy? The smallest things setting you off? I sort of think it is the fact that I know I can’t have a drink at all now. Let’s see, started off the day with youngest child not able to find the clothes he wanted to wear to school. That made us late and of course I backed into my oldest sons car. Got to work, phone ringing off the hook, office hotter than hell, … oh, did I mention I started weight watchers in the middle of this so for lunch I had a sandwich that wouldn't keep a gnat full….. AAAGGGGG!!!!!! I am about ready to leave early, go home, crawl under the bed in the fetal position, and rock back and forth while mumbling “make it stop…..” :-)

                        Tell me this is normal and it goes away quickly before I go commit myself to one of those padded rooms with the coats with extra long sleeves!



                          Day 1 - Here we go!

                          Hi IJM-
                          I know it's not funny, but your description really made me laugh. And yes, that's how it is for a while...but it WILL get better. Part of the mood thing is your body still wanting alcohol, and that will pass soon. Maybe think twice about doing Weight Watchers for now...I know it took me a couple of months to decide I was ready for the was just TOO MUCH!!! Also, I'm still smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day, I'm mentally not ready to give that up YET...but it's coming, and soon! You gotta pick your battles, and alcohol is definitely the one to start with!! Everything else will eventually fall into place.

                          Hang in there, no need for the padded rooms...yet! LOL

                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Day 1 - Here we go!


                            I agree with and second K9 lover's advice. I would not try to quit drinking and lose weight at the same time. Especially the first 30 days. I gained weight the first few days, ate everything in the house, then I started losing and am now 15 lbs down from the day I quit. But I did gain about 3-5 lbs before I started losing. It all worked out but quitting drinking is hard enuf without attempting anything else at first, I think.

                            I hope the rest of your day goes easier.


                              Day 1 - Here we go!

                              Hey K9 ?

                              Sadly, everything I posted was true of that day. However, I wrote it ?tongue in cheek?. I learned a long time ago that if I can?t laugh at myself that I would take life too seriously!

                              Take care,

