I really don't want to drink again but I still feel like I'm hard done by and its really frustrating.
I've fallen off the wagon a couple of times over the past 2 weeks and I haven't been checking in on here as much as I was. Each time I've slipped it's been because I was having a "Why shouldn't I have a drink?" moment which sneak up on me.
It makes me feel like a fraud, I really truly want to quit completely and I'm not in denial of any kind that I can tell, But I can't get passed the feeling It's all unfair. I know this is something I need to get passed but how do I change that mentality? will I wake up one day and see it all from a different perspective?
I've come along way since I started this journey but I'm nowhere near where I want or need to be and its so frustrating!!
Any advice and wise words would be much appreciated, I'm sure everyones been there.
xx :thanks: