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odat monday 23 august

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    odat monday 23 august

    had a lovely lazy af day yesterday - lunch with mum in law then garden centre to get new garden bits(can't believe I am enjoying it - amazing!). Then home for a snooze and bit of dumb tv before bed.
    Today got careers interview, then I am off to buy a few bits we need, food, new skate laces,sort out hair appt and meet a friend from London who's coming over for lunch.

    Anyway good af day all to come - feeling good - it's day 9 here now and I am feeling much perkier af.
    one day at a time

    odat monday 23 august

    Hi bear73
    Well done, its good to keep busy, I'm on day 9 too, how I have managed so far, is trying to get back into the things I used to enjoy, yesterday I was gardening, and because it was raining here in OZ today, I did some sewing.
    Hope you have a nice lunch with your friend.

    Lillypond x


      odat monday 23 august

      congrats to both of you,busy is good,i to will go AF one day,but rt now im modding,but again ive been doin this off on thing for 40 years,ive done 2years once ,and many 1 years flings,what ever your both doin rt now keep up the good work,try to never let it go,i remember several times over the years in AA,people saying they would never give up there worse day sober for there worse day drunk,hang in there gang gyco


        odat monday 23 august

        Morning peeps

        Well after a rollercoaster emotional weekend today is day 1........ I will not drink today

        Have a great day everyone :l
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          odat monday 23 august

          morning odat family...good weekend for beer yesterday after working in the blazing sun all day....
          be strong my friends...
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            odat monday 23 august

            Good Afternoon All,

            I had a very busy week, we had a lot of company come in from out of town, was a lot of fun with some frustrations. Our pet bird that my daughter raised from a baby got stepped on and died. She like to be around you when you were outside and would just sit by your feet or in your lap. We should have put her in a cage for the weekend when we had even more family members come, but we did not and now she is gone - very sad. I made it through the week though without no desire to drink, which was really nice, I'm on day 78 today, feels great. The habit part of drinking is pretty much gone, every now and again I get the desire for a glass of wine, but with each passing day that is AF it gets a little more easy. Rainy her for the next couple of days, will give me the chance to get caught up on things around the house and get the kids ready for school. Hard to believe school starts back up next week, the summer flew by, I also can't believe I made it through the summer without alcohol. Hope everyone is doing well and has a good AF day.



              odat monday 23 august

              Hi gang,

              Busy weekend for me - daughters birthday party, work and my mum not being well

              the neighbourhood gang of kids are really starting to get on my wick, they are all bored now with hols and constantly bickering with each other, they are back at school next week so thank god!

              keep strong everyone
              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                odat monday 23 august

                Hi all,
                My first post on an ODAT thread was yesterday. I've been posting under mods for quite some time, but I'm gradually realizing that I would rather not be drinking, so here I am. I didn't drink yesterday, definitely won't today, I guess that makes this day 2 for me. I bumped up my story (My Own Path) mostly for my own reality check, but you can read it there if you would like more background on me. I mostly haven't been drinking too much, but I'm just tired of thinking about drinking.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  odat monday 23 august

                  Hello all,

                  Af Monday for me after a weekend of some not so great choices. My calendar clearly shows me that I am making progress, so trying to not be too discouraged. Just jump right back into it! Lots of water for me today, and early to bed. Hope you all have a wonderful evening, and best wishes for your goals!

