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A second chance

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    A second chance

    Kimberley;941953 wrote:
    1, Recovery MUST be your no. 1 priority - more important to you than anything else.
    Thanks Kim, that is an worthy point!
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      A second chance

      Day 3! I am feeling strong enough to venture down to campus to run some errands today. My hands have stopped shaking so badly. I am finding it a bit easier to eat (though I am still not eating enough). Oh well, these things take time, right?

      I have actually sort of 'let go'. I don't know if I believe in God persay (though I was raised Catholic), but I am surrendering to whatever higher power there might be out there. I am asking for help, praying for my life. It sounds dramatic, but it really was THAT bad, I thought I might die because of AL, and sooner rather than later. Health effects aside, I also put myself in many a dangerous situation. Best not to dwell on it.

      I hope everyone else is having success today!


        A second chance

        Hi Liath!
        Congratulations on day 3! Your appetite will come back, just hang in there. Each day it WILL get better. I can identify with what you said about putting yourself in dangerous situations, I did that A LOT, and I am thankful I made it out unscathed. I am glad you are doing so well...keep up the good work and keep us posted!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          A second chance

          Well I managed to walk past a cafe on campus with 1.75 blue moon draft special. I was hot and tired after walking all day and I am sure it would have been delicious...and my mind would have been ruined for studying for the rest of the day. It's not so hard if I can avoid AL, but eventually we will be face to face again..ugh.


            A second chance

            Liath;943546 wrote: I have actually sort of 'let go'. I don't know if I believe in God persay (though I was raised Catholic), but I am surrendering to whatever higher power there might be out there. I am asking for help, praying for my life. It sounds dramatic, but it really was THAT bad, I thought I might die because of AL, and sooner rather than later.
            Hey Liath,
            That's really positive. I think the way you described it as 'letting go' is kinda good - it's a bit mindbending to think about the whole process as it occurs mentally so I like that term. Doesn't sound too dramatic at all - I'm pretty sure many of us can relate.

            Baby steps with getting the eating back on track. Having said that, I have had a Cadbury's creme egg, 2 pieces of cake and 6 biscuits today! Argh, sugar cravings. I hate it as I usually don't eat sugar as it brings on al cravings, but today has been one of those days so I'll get over it if it's a one-off.

            Yeah it's a pain that al is EVERYWHERE! Even in a 'Quaker' state. I sometimes wish I had been a drug user as it would've been easier to avoid. But hey, that thing about acceptance again. Guess we have to accept the situation and deal with it.

            Anyway sounds like you're getting on well with things, so I'll check back in tomorrow. I am having a dose of SpongeBob SquarePants (it's not for children!) then off to bed.

            You're doing great,
            K x
            Recovery Coaching website

            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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              A second chance

              Feeling better

              Hey Kim and anyone else who might be reading this! Well I'll probably let this thread go, since I am feeling so much better and this forum is really for newbies needing advise. Day 4!!!

              If you are new, and feeling desperate, hungover, or just plain miserable, I can tell you this--I've been there. Just 4 days ago, I felt like death. Today I feel great. Over the summer (while drinking daily, anywhere from 3 beers to ??) I noticed my health declining. I had anxiety and depression issues. My nails looked unhealthy, very weak and brittle. My nose was reddish, my hands started to shake, and I could barely eat. What a state I was in!!!

              4 days AF and every one of these symptoms is gone. My head has cleared, I feel hopeful. I can actually function again! Amazing how quickly the human body can heal itself..but only if we make the choice to stop poisoning it! AL in moderate amounts is not poison, but we would not be here if we knew how to moderate!

              Take care all. I'll stay close to the boards and keep posting!

              P.S. Kim-I'll PM you later!


                A second chance

                I am grateful for every single day that I am sober. >>

                Me, too.

                The self-hynosis tape I use says something to the effect that, if we decide to stop drinking, we can be assured it's a choice we'll never regret. At first I didn't agree with that. I was really anxious about being on the outside of "normal" life, not being able to do what "normal" people do. That felt like regret. (I"m happy to say that's fading as I've done more and more activities where people were drinking, and no one really cared that I wasn't. And, I've had fun).

                Now, what I think it means is, no one is ever lying on their deathbed thinking, "I wish I'd kept drinking." Would I regret continuing drinking? Absolutely.
                AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                  A second chance

                  Liath... I was thinking of you this AM and hoping you are still doing well. How about checking in with us?
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

