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1st day of finding me again

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    1st day of finding me again

    I have been pondering this new life for quite awhile...I came to the conclusion that i love the life I have but it just needs some adjusting. A very close friend of mine is doing the same thing and we are on day 2 now together. I want to be clear on life instead of in a fog of the same old everyday of the samething. My drink of choice is always beer. I am gonna try this cold turkey unless I start to have medical problems. I am hopeing that my husband will follow siute and join me soon. I have also quit smoking, I have only smoked when i drank alcohol for the most part so if I stay away from the booze it easy to stay away from ciggerettes. I look forward to being more active now. I have been working out lately but then will drink 6-8 beers in the evening and then will wonder why i bothered working out at all. I want my body back and my health. I have 2 beautiful children full of energy and it's time to keep up with them. It will be nice to have a few extra bucks in the bank and energy to burn. I am doing this for myself but also to spend more time enjoying my kids. They are to young to know but will figure out a change for the good is happening. A happier and more lively mom wanting to go out and experince life again is way better then sitting around and wasting life. Like i said this is only day 2. I plan to go day by day.... that's all i can do..... If I fall i plan to get right back up....A everyday thing will now be left for special occasions if that. I am not gonna say never again but will say not today!

    1st day of finding me again

    Hi FindingMyself,
    I just wanted to say hello and welcome! Good luck in your new alcohol-free journey. We are here if you have any questions, or just need to talk. There's always lots of advice and encouragement around here. Congratulations on day 2, and here's to day 3!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      1st day of finding me again

      Welcome! It's day one for me, I think I averaged around that many drinks a night all summer, and I have definitely had enough too! I wanted you to know we're in the same boat! I already feel better after the first 24 hrs. I hope you do too.


        1st day of finding me again

        Hi FindingMyself,

        Good On You for taking care of yourself + your lil ones too. I'm new here so I'm still taking baby steps to get myself better. I just wanted you to know that Your wish to get healthy for yourself and your kids is very inspiring.


          1st day of finding me again

          Oh, by the way one additional benefit! Once I stopped drinking for 5 months I was able to go on a diet and exercise program and lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks! That never would have happened on the drink
          One success seems to open the door for others. I like your attitude, FM. Work on it until you get it. I once promised my oldest son that I might not kick it but i would keep trying. Luckily the last time I tried it it worked.


            1st day of finding me again

            Hi F-M welcome to the site, wishing you lots of luck on your AF journey, it's good that you've got a close friend on board too, that should help knowing you've got someone to talk to and understands what you're facing and of course you've gots hundreds of new friends here on the site, that can offer advice and support 24/7
            GL xx


              1st day of finding me again

              Day 3 here I come!

              Starting my day 3! Last night was the evening anyway. Always the same thing... beers after my hubby gets home from work. There was beer in the fridge and that was not easy to ignore. My husband drank it up. I don't think he thinks i am serious about this quitting thing for we have talked about this several times. I felt anxiety and some insomnia last night but got up with out a fog around me this morn. I think it is time to talk to my doc about getting something to curb my cravings but am abit leary of the side affects of what that will bring. I really don't want to get addicted to something else. Think I will clean out all the empties and spend that $ on something fun with the kids instead of replacing it with a fresh box of beer. looking forward to waking up sober free on day 4! :hug: Thanks for everyones support. You don't know how much help you all have been.


                1st day of finding me again

                Find, this is a good start to a better you, for yourself and your family. Welcome, and welcome everyone else.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  1st day of finding me again

                  Hi Finding Myself. You are doing great. I think it is a very good idea to discuss this with your doctor. The anti craving meds are not addicting. You are developing a plan so stick to it. I wish you all the best! John
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    1st day of finding me again

                    Hi Finding,
                    I'm new too, and have been sort of lurking around, waiting for my cd's and supplements to arrive. I'm also nervous about the meds but plan to call the doctor after the other stuff arrives. I went AF last night-first in quite awhile. Woke up and took a jog-felt good, although it kicked my butt. Like you, I am tired of waking up fuzzy, tired, not at my best for my kids or myself. My drink of choice is wine and tequila-3-4 a night. More often than not I have enough so that I don't sleep, feel guilty, tired, mad, fuzzy...and the cycle goes on, again and again. I am hoping, through these new avenues, to achieve moderation-maybe abstinence later, but taking it one step at a time. I was thinking on my jog that whether our demons are violent and ferocious, or lethargic and persistent, I hope we all kick their asses and dump them into a big pile and then set it aflame! A little violent, but there you have it. It was a great visual as I plodded along on my jog! Good luck on day 3! It is really great to read these threads and think to yourself- "hey, that's how I feel-I'm not alone" I wish you a great journey forward as you take this new and exciting path.


                      1st day of finding me again

                      Thank you for all your suggestions

                      Thank you for all the suggestions.... i like them all... I decided to go to the dr and get some advice..... After 2 hr wait for her to fit me in. I am glad i went. It was hard to actually talk to to someone and she thanked me for being so honest. She prescribed me some apo-diazapam to help for the next bit. 10 pills to take half at a time as needed. I hope that will do it and that i can get on with life. Blood tests to come to cheack the liver and also to take some multi vitamins with thiamine. Lots of water and i love the lemon suggestion. I just bottled up some of that! Still yet to take the medicine but will see abit later. I feel better at the moment just talking to someone and having the support of all of you. :thanks:


                        1st day of finding me again

                        Day 4

                        Well still sober! Haven't taken any of my meds yet.... Lemon water lots! Went for a walk with with kids and friend today who is on board with me. Told another great friend yesterday and she told me she was doing the same thing.....she snuck in my house today when i was out with a card and a bowl of lemons and a new water bottle for me and a card that read she was proud of me! That made my whole day! Had a great talk with my hubby last night and he just isn't ready yet, but he said soon. Had a good day today! :yes2:


                          1st day of finding me again

                          still sober!

                          Well day 6 and I don't feel to bad. Friday is a hard day. Weekend? I know I will get through it. Rented some flix and hanging with the kids! Had a great morning going for a walk and getting some excersise. Now abit bored so time to find something to keep myself busy. Have a sober weekend everyone! :illbeback:

