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ODAT Tuesday 24th August

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    ODAT Tuesday 24th August

    Hi ODAT'ers

    Well after a dreadful weekend and a good nights sleep last night I am starting the day on a good positive note, have made a list of all outstanding jobs to be done this week and got myself a red pen to tick them off one by one. I'm off to get stocked up on my supplements because I have a feeling that is what has definately aided me to slip into my bad habits, have a great day everyone

    P xx

    ps I am also going to post this on Techie's 30 day challenge.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

    ODAT Tuesday 24th August

    Hi Panno you're sounding really positive today well done. What happened at the weekend to make it dreadful?
    As you know (previous thread) I had a bad night drinking last night, but reading the threads this morning and getting such positive feedback from my post, I feel I'm ready to start again.

    Mario suggetsed a 30 day AF free goal, it scares me to commit but I'm going to face my fears and go for it starting today.

    Good luck and lots of luv on your journey.


      ODAT Tuesday 24th August

      Hi Grange the only dreadful thing about this weekend was all the wine I drank and paired with hormones BANG!!....I pushed the self destruct button!! Definately only way to beat this thing is to listen and read all the fantastic posts on here and most of all make them stick!

      Good luck on your journey, lets do it

      Luv P xxx :l
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        ODAT Tuesday 24th August

        Panno I know how you're feeling - we can do it , just take one day at a time. I've commited to a 30 days AF .....I've posted a new thread on Starting Out pages, so the whole forum knows I've agreed to do it, can't fail now... I'd be letting myself down and all those people that offer me support and best wishes, so today is the START.... why not join me?

        It's going to be tough but after 30 days it should get easier xxxx


          ODAT Tuesday 24th August

          Hi all. Day 2 for me today and feeling very sad. After 5 weeks AF ( Im a binge drinker) I went and spoilt what could have been an amazing holiday with two weeks of solid drinking. I am disgusted with myself . I know now I cant moderate at all. So Im back with you all ODAT.


            ODAT Tuesday 24th August

            hey panno,grangelady,spinning j.
            i'm with you all.
            day 1 for me today.
            tomorrow i will deal with when it gets here!


              ODAT Tuesday 24th August

              Hello everyone,

              Day 3 for me....also after an overdo of wine and hormones on the weekend. Starting today for the next 3 or 4 days are the hardest. I will be checking in and posting.

              Everything I need is within me!


                ODAT Tuesday 24th August

                Hello my Friends,

                I was just reading and thought to myself, WOW, its amazing how we all seem to much alike!!! What we need to do is get rid of the bad habits we all share, and replace them with some good and healthy ones! WHOS IN???? Today is a great new day to start!!!

                Panno, after my lovely vacation, I slipped my ass right back into my nasty drinking habits. I have drank the past two days for no real particular reason other than just being weak and not caring.

                Spinning J, I know how you feel as well because I recently did a 44 day AF stint and was feeling amazing! Then yep, just like you I screwed it up. Its ok, we can start today!!! Ready, set GO!!

                I just dropped my son off on his first day of school. Today is a PERFECT day to start again, as now we are back into a school routine so that will help. (I hope!)

                C mon Guys, Lets get back on track ok??? I really really really really want tooo!!!!

                Love ya, we can do it!!!!


                  ODAT Tuesday 24th August

                  Morning to all
                  Guess it must have just been in the cards for everyone this weekend. Back again too, and looking forward to better days! Getting back to the routine helps me too. Without it, I just feel as though I'm on an extended holiday. Good luck to all with your goals, whatever they may be!


                    ODAT Tuesday 24th August

                    I am rooting for you CAN do this. Just remember how good you feel when you've got a few AF days behind you. While talking to my Doctor the other day, we were saying how it's the brain that wants the alcohol, not the body. The body takes the brunt of the abuse, and does it's best to expel the poison that we are focing into it. I remember countless times where I would be sick (vomiting) thinking how my body was begging me to just STOP...but my brain was still thinking "I want more". It's a vicious cycle, but it CAN be broken. Good luck, and I'm excited to follow your progress!! :h
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      ODAT Tuesday 24th August

                      hey all -glad you'real getting back on the horse - we do feel so much better af that's why we're doing it.
                      I too can't moderate - I very quickly end up at 30 units a week - it was always so much of a strain stopping at 2 drinks as well - within a week or two I'm usually back at 4-5 drinks in a session. I guess normal drinkers don't have this feeling do they.

                      well had a pretty s**t day at work begun with colleague almost shouting at me before i'd sat down or switched pc on- we're meant to be working together on a project but I seem to be doing it all.Then had to access someone's e-mail who I line manage and is off long term sick - I found unpleasant e-mail from someone else in the team in her inbox relating to me - marvellous.Then another difficult conversation with my job share - one in a series of 20000. I also found out last that an old friend has been charged with a really awful crime that I'm not sure I can live with.

                      Whatever - I'm af and nf and gonna chill with a hot bubble bath/healthy dinner and 'true blood'.Tomorrow can just take care of itself.Can't think anymore.
                      one day at a time


                        ODAT Tuesday 24th August

                        Hey Everybody,
                        Day 3 for me here, no problem. I wasn't drinking too much, no withdrawal. Just tired of thinking about drinking. I used to drink too much weekly, and I've been much better, but I love my AF days the most.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          ODAT Tuesday 24th August

                          Greeting ODATers,
                          I have done the 3 AF days out of the last 5, part of my plan to wean myself off so I can go completely AF, when I was here last year, i did over 60 days AF then decided i needed to see if i could moderate, cause the idea of it was driving me crazy, I fully expected to fail & it was my goal, as I needed to know i couldnt moderate, what i didnt figure on was that it would take me another year before I could get the courage to start again, I plan to be completely AF by Friday, besides which I was just made redundant & now only working 1 day a week, so actually cant afford to drink.
                          Anway i just want to wish everyone sucess & strength. I am about to start writing a cover letter for a job my work broker found for me so I will check in later

                          Progress, not perfection!!!
                          A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!

