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New Improved???

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    New Improved???

    Hi there,
    I'm new to this site & just wanted to say hi. I'm really trying hard to stop drinking completely, and hope this place will help me. I'm not an everyday drinker, never have been, but I drink on average once every 7-10 days. The problem is that when I do drink, I have so much that I usually black out & feel horrible the next day. I can't seem to go more than 10 days without drinking either, which makes me feel horrible. All in all, I think I'd just feel better if I totally stop. The problem is that no one thinks I have a problem with alcohol! I've talked to my husband about it, my therapist, my family, & they all think I'm being too hard on myself. I've heard that if you think you have a problem, you probably do. So needless to say, I feel conflicted. Honestly, if I could drink just once a month or on special occasions I'd be ok with that. But I don't know if I could do that. I have major anxiety & depression problems, & look to Saturday nights as an escape. I need a new escape!
    During the week I'm a totally loving mom to 3 awesome little ones, devoted wife, work at my church's daycare center as a teacher, good friend, etc. But then I have this crazy "party girl" mentality once Saturday night hits. I need help, please! Thanks for listening.:new:
    AF since August 21, 2010

    New Improved???

    Sobermom, I had friends and family members tell me the same thing, that I don't have a problem. I drank everyday atleast a bottle of wine. Did I get drunk everynight - No, but drinking a bottle of wine everynight is not good and I knew it. I was so tired of alcohol controlling me and myself not being able to control it, that I finally did it - quit! It does not matter if you only drink one glass of wine a night or once a week, if it becomes a habit and you don't feel right about it, then you most likely have a problem. I wish you well and only you can decide wether or not you have a problem, not somebody else.

    Take care,


      New Improved???

      Hi sobermom,

      Welcome! Good for you for looking for help. There's lots of info and support on this site. Hope you stick around and find some useful ideas.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        New Improved???

        You know if you know

        Hi SB,

        After a black out drunk about 7 years ago at Holloween, I called my family individually, confessed my prob, and was poo-pooed. I was convinced and kept drinking. Wish I had those years back.

        You know you and what you need to do!

        Be strong and look for you have it.

        Good Luck:welcome:


          New Improved???

          Hi sobermom, welcome to MWO!
          Your drinking would be similar to mine in many ways - I didn't drink every day, and could go from a Sunday to a Friday without a drink without much hassle if I wanted to. But I could not for the life of me put 2 weeks together without drinking. Just couldn't do it. That set off alarm bells for me. Also, when I did drink, I usually drank too much, sometimes waaaay too much, and it landed me in trouble a good few times. And the guilt the next day, oh the guilt! Makes me shiver just thinking of all the tears... I too tried to talk with some close friends about it, and was actively encouraged NOT to give up drinking, that I didn't have a problem, that "everyone has too much now and again". Unfortunately, like Symbols, I listened, and kept drinking.
          As others have said, if your instincts are telling you that something isn't right, then you should listen. The only standards and voice you should listen to are your own. I have found this site invaluable, as I have received the support I couldn't find anywhere else. Do stick around, and find a thread you feel comfortable with (different daily threads or newbies nest).
          Best of luck and fair play for taking such a brave step :l
          AF since 13th July 2010
          NF since 5th July 2010


            New Improved???

            Thanks so much everyone - I really appreciate your input!
            I think I've just finally had enough. The guilt that I experience after drinking is so horrible that I never want to feel that way again! Yesterday I had an appt. with my therapist & told her I DO have a problem with alcohol, & she was semi-supportive. She told me to go to AA meetings to see if it helps. Also, I bought some L-glutamine & Kudzu & will start taking it in the morning. It's more of a mental addiction with me, not physical so I'm hoping that with support on here & with my vitamins I can kick this habit. I pray to God that this works....
            AF since August 21, 2010


              New Improved???

              sobermom1979;944065 wrote: Yesterday I had an appt. with my therapist & told her I DO have a problem with alcohol, & she was semi-supportive. She told me to go to AA meetings to see if it helps.
              That's a great step. At least you can talk to her about it. What do you think about the AA idea? I go to AA occasionally and always get something useful from it (although it took me a long time to pluck up the courage to go).
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                New Improved???

                Hi Sobermom, and welcome. You are in a great place for thoughts and feedback. From what you have written it seems we are alike. I am a father of two, devoted parent, hard worker during the week, and volunteer etc, but I like to drink too much. My weekend warrier activities left me at rock bottom.

                I am sober now for 6 and 1/2 months. If you suffer anxiety and depression, perhaps having control of alcohol, and not drinking anymore, would help you feel better. Being sober - although very tough to accomplish, has made such a positive impact in my life. Feel free to PM me, if you would like to chat further.

                I didn't think it was possible to live life without weekend boozing, but it is. The weekends last longer, feel better, and I enjoy my kids so much more. All the best to you, and you CAN do it.
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

