Am worrried about day 2, however my plan is to be tappering off till the end of this month, then do September totally AF especially as its my 40th birthday at the end of Sept, so I really want this, I have only had a problem with AL for the 2.5 years before that I didnt drink when I went out as often as I did & even when i did drink, it was maybe 3-4 glasses in 6-7 hours, however I know I cant go back to that & truth be told I want to be completely AF, I look at turning 40 as a new phase in my life & want to enjoy it, the last couple of years drinking taken all the enjoyment out of my life.
in some ways I wonder if being made redundant is the universe's way of giving me time to get my emotional balance back, & to be relatively stress free so I can concentrate on my sobriety. I have spoken with my electricity company & finance company, both know I have been made redunadant & I have a payment plan in place so I dont have to stress about that, on Sat my friend is helping finish moving out of my old flat, so thats also done. time to concentrate on me, find myself again, what I want to do, not what I cant do as I am to busy drinking every night.
ok, enough rambling, time to go put the overn & get the veges ready.