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    Thank you Ruby Willow, yes you do seem a kind soul. I will look you up regularly...
    And I get what you are saying LVT; you have succeeded in what someone like me wants to do, that is create anew my life without drink in it! So if I float around the 'older success' stories its to see that those who had been like me have done it, so of course I can too! I imagine almost everyone here has only good intentions for others....we are all just in our different little places in time.

    oh, what happened to MDbiker? I hope it wasn't alcohol related....
    From the Sanskrit prayer;

    "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
    But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

    determined to be AF



      I encourage everyone who is new here to do a couple of things:

      1. Be realistic and realize there are thousands of members on this site and many many many active ones. Everyone who visits here cannot possibly read and respond to every post.

      2. Most if not all members have a sincere desire to stop drinking problematically, which is AF for most of us, and to help you do the same.

      3. Very few if any people are looking at MWO 24X7. Lots of times people cross post (make posts at almost the same time, so don't see your post as they are composing theirs). Lots of times people reply on a thread to something of interest, and may not have read every post on that thread, and IMO that's OK. Your posts can get missed that way too.

      I sincerely believe that NOBODY is out to be "clickish" (see? I can't even spell that!). If stuff wasn't meant for all to see and respond to, people would just PM, which they do! Many of us have been here a long time and are friends. Many of us have been talking and joking about silly things for a long time. Don't be put off, just jump on in.

      I encourage everyone to give people the benefit of the doubt. The cup is usually half full. Big Girl/Guy Pants are a plus when getting sober here or anywhere.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.



        DG ........... as ever you put it so well :l:l:l



          Thanks Chillgirl and sunshinedaisies
          I WILL be posting more often, just going to get through this weekend, then as of tomorrow will be back to posting in the ODAT threads, and hopefully a few others



            Glad to hear it Gertrude and look forward to seeing you here with your "feel good" name....
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996

