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9 days later

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    9 days later

    Morning all, its day 9 here and im just off to work,i want to thank you all for your words of encouragement.

    Its Friday the "witching day" so after work i will be glued to this site, have a good Friday everybody.

    9 days later

    Hi jodiex. Weekends use to be my downfall! Congratulations on your 9 days!! Have a great sober friday.
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      9 days later

      You can do it Jodiex! I remember your post from 9 days ago, you were in pretty bad shape lady. I totally understand how you were feeling, alcohol has kicked me down hard like that many times before.

      Its just not worth having to go through all that again. I say that to you, as I am also saying that to myself. I want to have a sober Friday too, and a nice hangover free Saturday morning to enjoy.

      You can do it, and so can I.... So... lets do it!

      Is that your cute little baby in the picture???? Awwww, he is so precious!!!!!


        9 days later

        WOW Jodie, 9 days is excellent ............

        If you get tempted, just fast forward in your mind just how bad you will feel in the morning!!!!!

        Keep it up.

        Love & Hugs, BB xx


          9 days later

          Congrats on 9 AF days! :yougo: That is fabulous! You can get through another one. I like your plan of sticking close to the forum since Friday is a witching day for you. It's great to know it's always here for us!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            9 days later


            jodiex;944970 wrote: Morning all, its day 9 here and im just off to work,i want to thank you all for your words of encouragement.

            Its Friday the "witching day" so after work i will be glued to this site, have a good Friday everybody.
            good mornin jody,i read all your threads,very interesting,the people your around ,family dont understand addiction,there hurting as much as you,and lash out ,at you, when they see the boogie woman come out again,hahaha,as you can see im a joker, ,cant beleive i missed your threads,ive been doing this for a number of years,and till i stumbled on this site,i thot there were only 3 ways to conquer this disease, stays [treatment,],AA or death, what ever you want to call it,to us your doin a great job,your trying,thats what matters,fridays arejust another day,youll lern that thro time,you stop you from doing this harm to you,im reading a great book rite now,i beleive the gentleman has a lot insight to this,problem we have,its callhealing the Addicted brain,i wish you well, gyco:goodjob:


              9 days later

              Stick close tonight...there's always somebody here to keep you company. :goodjob:


                9 days later

                Hi Jodi,

                Weekends are a killer but if you have a plan in place they are not so bad.
                You seem to be strong in getting your plan together so just keeping strong
                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                  9 days later

                  Hi Jodiex,
                  Congratulations on day 9...that is awesome! Just remember that a craving doesn't last as long as a hangover! Keep up the great work!
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    9 days later

                    Good for you! I am only on day 6 but friday's are a killer! Wishing us both the best! We can do it!


                      9 days later


                      Day 9 is FANTASTIC!!! You go girl! x
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        9 days later

                        Finding, :goodjob: on day 6 .........

                        Jodiex how is it going tonight????


                          9 days later

                          Overit2007. thats my wonderful grandson in the picture with me

                          Well done finding we can do this together....

                          Betty Boop.. its going so well its scary,but i am enjoying waking up with a clear head

                          Thanks one2many


                            9 days later

                            jodiex;945581 wrote: i am enjoying waking up with a clear head
                            That feeling can be addictive!!!!! enjoy it .... :l:l


                              9 days later


                              I used to call each day betwee 5 - 8 the witching hours because that's when I used to start drinking heavily. Fridays and Saturdays were the worst. Know that after awhile, you no longer think of it that way. All of those associations just drop away as you put in more and more AF time. Keep up the good work.

                              AF Since April 20, 2008
                              4 Years!!!

