I actually first joined at the beginning of this year and thanks to the support of people here I quit for 30 days and then 15 days respectively... So now I'm back again after a few spectactular months on the booze.... why do I drink? I have no idea I love being sober but somehow I always go back there.... why do want to wake up hungover and wondering what the hell I posted online the previous night?
So last night, well actually yesterday afternoon that evil bottle of Vodka talked to me... so with that and the red wine in the pantry... (I've been so good lately... just the odd glass of wine here and there.... my GP finally diagnosed me as has having depression and the meds have helped) and anyway it all went crazy from there once again... waking up wondering what I said or did once again..
So I'm here drunk from the hair of the dog which is my excuse for daytime drinking..... trying to remember what I was going to post hered.....