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ODAT Sat 28 August

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    ODAT Sat 28 August

    Well, i thought i'd start the thread this morning. Let me tell you darlings, i woke up feeling like i'd been hit by a truck this morning :boohoo: Not for any other reason than i've had this bloody flu, which i am beginning to think is the swine flu. Just when you think it's over, it says "i'm back".

    Anyway, it has been a blessing in many ways. It was only last week that i thought to myself, "i need to get REALLY sick in order to stop drinking", and look at what has happened :huh: The other thing i'm doing is trying to give up sugar, that is killing me and i'm wondering if this truck-like headache is due to the flu, giving up sugar or some sort of withdrawal... Anyway, all good. I've got to go back to work tomorrow, so have to get my act together by then

    I hope everybody had a sober Friday night. I stayed at home (of course) and fell asleep to a Hilary Swank movie...

    Have a nice day everyone
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    ODAT Sat 28 August

    ah change my friend good to see you!
    yes i had a friday night sober as well...husband had gone to watch footy with a mate & i was left home alone...the thought was there but for reasons that you yourself know i chose to honour my pledge.
    for that i am grateful.
    i've got a tough weekend coming up with a heap of in-laws (bil,sil,their friends + kids) all coming to watch the endof shearing (wtf!) but i spose for city slickers it is unique....
    the point is a barbie tonight with lots of wine my plan is to fill my glass of wine then ignore it,so no-one sees my empty glass & says "you wanna top up beagle?"
    & then get my good old soda stream happening & have heaps of sparkly water....
    so let's stick it out shall we?
    you get better soon change cos it's never very inspiring being crook....:l


      ODAT Sat 28 August

      Hi all,
      i to made it thru Fri night sober, yay!!!, and as I have my one day a week of work tomorrow, I wont drink tonight, so that will take care of tonight (Day 3), and my parents get back tomorrow from 3 weeks in Australia, so I am putting a crockpot chicken dish on before I go to work tomorrow so I can have tea with them, therefore no drinking for Day 4, (due to financial reasons I moved home to my parentds earlier this year, then my dad got cancer & I got made redundant from my main job & now only work 1 day a week, so I am still here) so that will take me thru to day 5, but I plan to be online during my trigger hours 6-8pm, to keep myself safe.
      Hope all are having a great day & enjoy a sober night.
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


        ODAT Sat 28 August

        hi witchy, great stuff on your commitments so far!
        bugger re your dad & cancer ... hope he gets thru.
        mmm the finances - imagine how much we'll save by not drinking! hopefully shirt loads!
        btw i just love your signature & am repeating as my mantra - i am a self-destructing perfectionist at most things so i just keep repating "progress not perfection" really strikes a chord with me.
        see ya round huh?


          ODAT Sat 28 August

          Thanks B
          it took me a long time to realise that was the only way I would make it AF, when I was being a as you so eloquently put it " a self-destructing perfectionest" I would get so down on myself if I slipped up which then led to a " oh well I may as well not try" attitude & ), I would go right back to drinking. so now it all about the progress, baby steps, Ihave had so much go on inb my life over the last couple of years (long storey) that now I not so worried about only working one day a week as it is giving me some time to work thru my stuff.
          i read your "venting rant" the other day, I hope it all worked out, I really felt for you & what you were saying really resonated with me, in the sense of people always at you & not taking time to think about how you are feeling/doing.
          Talk soon
          Progress, not perfection!!!
          A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


            ODAT Sat 28 August

            Beagle, well done on abstaining last night See, it would have been so much worse this morning if you had have 'caved'.

            witchywoman, my trigger times are 6-8.30 weekdays, esp. Friday nights, and Sunday night, believe it or not.

            I'm so bloody sick today! Just went to an auction cos had to get out of house. Nice unit round the corner sold for $358,000.

            Ahh, pretty much decided i can't drink today, cos feel unwell (and don't really want to anyway), can't drink tommorrow night cos have to work after work (2nd job, hobby job)... Can't drink Monday night, cos have an induction at this organisation i volunteer for, and can't drink Tuesday night, cos have interview on Wed. Mon night will be hard actually, cos finish induction at 8pm, and am very able to buy bottle on way home, but thinking about it now, i have to work at 7am on Tuesday, so maybe not.

            It's quite cold here today, about 12-13 degrees.
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


              ODAT Sat 28 August

              WOW Change,
              you have so much going on, what is your hobby job?
              its also not the warmest here, either, I am contemplating turning a heater on,
              Progress, not perfection!!!
              A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                ODAT Sat 28 August

                witchywoman;945759 wrote: WOW Change,
                you have so much going on, what is your hobby job?
                its also not the warmest here, either, I am contemplating turning a heater on,
                It's not really a hobby job, it's more a crap job, left over from the industry i am leaving.
                One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                  ODAT Sat 28 August

                  thanks witchy yep i'm semi recovered from my volcanic explosion on Thurs....& the good news is that the foal is improving. FIG JAM.
                  change deary get some echinacea into ya - triplex from greenridge botanticals is excellent. looks & smells like Draino (i seem to be fixated on that sorta shit don't i?) but wonderful - no bad bugs could survive it!:yuk:


                    ODAT Sat 28 August

                    beagle;945769 wrote: get some echinacea into ya - triplex from greenridge botanticals is excellent.
                    Lol @ the draino comment!

                    I've heard that once you get the cold, it's too late to take echinacea, so it's probably too late. I'm just chillin here, eating stuff and my neighbour told me to eat some honey, so just had a crumpet with heaps o honey on it...
                    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                      ODAT Sat 28 August

                      I'm here for today for the reason I'm being harassed by an ex-drinking associate. Hes drunk and a coke addict/dealer. I've had nothing to do with him for many,many months - and he just won't stop calling and texting me. He turned up at my house a couple of months ago after I told him not to several times, trying to get me to buy some drugs. Anyway yesterday I was getting texts offering me bottles of wine and all sorts.

                      Scared in case he comes to my house, but that's another story as I'm hoping he won't find me again/have taken steps to prevent that.

                      Talking to the guy is like banging your head against a wall. I suppose I'm being harassed by someone who wants me to drink again!

                      ODAT is the only way I can deal with this today.


                        ODAT Sat 28 August

                        are you going to be ok UKB?
                        you've put so much into your sobriety & i don't think i'd be wrong to say you've worked bloody hard!
                        you're very welcome to come on board with us doodle-heads here to go ODAT.
                        so long as he can't find you physically that's good.
                        phones can be turned off.
                        if it's a work phone why you "drop" it ....oh bugger,sorry boss accidentally smashed this little thing....& if it's work computer stuff can you block him somehow?
                        sounds as though you've every right to be scared.
                        but i've got a really mean dog......


                          ODAT Sat 28 August

                          Hi everyone! Day 6 for me today and still feeling spaced out after 2 weeks of drinking on my hols! UK that sounds a bit intense. Could you turn off your phone? Hope he gets the hint. Stay strong. Hope everyone has a great AF Saturday.


                            ODAT Sat 28 August

                            Its a work phone and I'm self-employed, so would cause me major problems if i were to turn it off. I'm just going to go back to ignoring him - a tactic that was working previously but I discussed with a friend who suggested I just tell him I'm long term sober, and that might get the message across. It didn't, just opened the flood gates. I have told him I'll go to the police if he doesn't leave me alone, considering some of his texts contain reference to substances you'd think he'd then stop. But no.

                            Nothing this morning so looking good. It's BH weekend here so he'll be drinking a lot and probably short of money(not that he hasn't had enough of my money in the past!).


                              ODAT Sat 28 August

                              Ukblonde;945903 wrote: Its a work phone and I'm self-employed, so would cause me major problems if i were to turn it off. I'm just going to go back to ignoring him - a tactic that was working previously but I discussed with a friend who suggested I just tell him I'm long term sober, and that might get the message across. It didn't, just opened the flood gates. I have told him I'll go to the police if he doesn't leave me alone, considering some of his texts contain reference to substances you'd think he'd then stop. But no.

                              Nothing this morning so looking good. It's BH weekend here so he'll be drinking a lot and probably short of money(not that he hasn't had enough of my money in the past!).

                              He sounds like a loser, just ignore his calls. I would say turn your voicemail off, but seeing as though it's a work phone, best to leave it on.

                              I changed my no. recently, and kid of regret it a) cos i had a great number (!), and b) cos i think i've lost touch with a few people in the process.

                              But, yeah, just ignore
                              him, he's probably off his chops.
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

