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ODAT Sun 29th August

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    ODAT Sun 29th August

    Well, this is a good sign (unless i've missed something): no thread for Sunday, well done! Everyone must be busy

    I worked today. On the tail end of getting over my flu. Getting a bit anxious about work after Sept. 5th cos my contract runs out, but i'm hoping i'll have a stunningly positive attitude by start of next week, so i can write my resume.

    Also, feeling terribly lonely and isolated at moment, so time to go out and meet some 'friends' :blushing: I'll have to start with online cos don't have a whole lot in real life

    Anyway, hope everyone's having / had a good day :l
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    ODAT Sun 29th August

    Hello Change, Happy AF Sunday to you. I've called in sick today at work but its not due to a hangover, I just needed some head space. I'm going to spend my day checking in on here, reading a good book and planning my road to recovery. Change, maybe you could join exercise group. I've been toying with the idea of Kickboxing for a while now! Have a nice day xx
    AF since 19th August 2011


      ODAT Sun 29th August

      Seems like change is the theme here, it is appropriate. My life is filled with many blessings including a few good friends and many acquaintences. I guess I will go to church today, I say without enthusiasm. It is an important piece in my life, especially the music, but sometimes I skip out on a summer Sunday because there are so many other things I like to do.

      Happy AF day, everyone. It's day 8 for me with a whole new mindset. Is anyone else considering a September monthly challenge? I thought I hadn't decided, but as I write it, I see that it will happen. There is usually a new group that starts at the beginning of each month, or I could start one.
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


        ODAT Sun 29th August

        Hi Change and Time to change. Day 7 for me today and feeling very tearful. Haven't slept much since my holiday and keep going over things in my mind about how I ruined what could have been a wonderful holiday! Oh well if it keeps me sober then it's worth it I suppose. Sorry for ranting! Get well soon Change. I go to the gym a lot but never done a class I may try that in Sept when my youngest starts school. Time to change hope you have a productive day. x


          ODAT Sun 29th August

          Lol @ 'Change' and 'Time to Change' Quite a mouthful...

          TTC, yeah, i'm thinking of going on some walks with a group from I'm also thinking i should keep my membership at the gym, cos although i don't talk to people much there, it's still interacting on some level. It's really hard being gay, you constantly think you're going to be rejected, although i'm getting over that. I am sick of the attitude and am going to meet people and if they can't accept it, that's their problem. I am a decent human being, i try not to let people down and i mostly 'do the right thing'... Who wouldn't want to be friends with somebody like that?!! I just need to be around people!! Most people have been letting me down lately and only seem to want to hang out when there's some excitement around, or they're lonely. Not a basis for a friendship.
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            ODAT Sun 29th August

            Hi all
            Yes it does sound like change and having some space to clear the head is in order. I am on the verge of moving country, trying to get a job, deal with being a single mum with a 5 year old and have both parents recently diagnosed with serious illnessess... Oh sometimes it all seems a bit much but I'm on Day 5 and the day is nearly over for me here in Asia
            Have a fab day everyone!!!!
            Take Care


              ODAT Sun 29th August

              patrice;946606 wrote: Hi all
              Yes it does sound like change and having some space to clear the head is in order. I am on the verge of moving country, trying to get a job, deal with being a single mum with a 5 year old and have both parents recently diagnosed with serious illnessess... Oh sometimes it all seems a bit much but I'm on Day 5 and the day is nearly over for me here in Asia
              Have a fab day everyone!!!!
              Take Care
              Where are you going to move to Patrice?
              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                ODAT Sun 29th August

                NZ in november - my contract teaching in Asia is finishing and its time to go but I have SO much to do!!


                  ODAT Sun 29th August

                  Change, have you looked into volunteer work? Habitat for Humanity if great, for example. They would teach you whatever you need to know to do the job, as long as you are willing to help. There are many other organizations needing help, and if you offer your help they don't care much who you are. This is the potential foundation for real freindship, and it is also a great social opportunity.
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    ODAT Sun 29th August

                    hi odat family....sending positive and happy vibes to all of you who are hurting or in pain...
                    mama jan
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      ODAT Sun 29th August

                      Afternoon everyone day 3 for me again. I have an upset stomach so no desire to drink today. Going to go for a walk shortly and may be go for a coffee if i'm up to it. I also need to get out more as i feel lonely and isolated too. So change i know how you feel. I hav 2avoid bars and any al stuations for now and move away from certain people if i am to stay sober. Not always easy to change but has to be done. I'll check in here later and read a book and watch some tv. Well have a good sunday folks. Oh i used to do dance classes mainly salsa and latino but didn't really make any friends as most stayed in their own groups or went straight home but i may try another venue. Its gettng dark here now by 9pm and cooler so i need to plan for winter evenings when the days are shorter. Also need to go to AA again regularily.


                        ODAT Sun 29th August

                        Good Morning All!

                        Overit here too! Starting Day 2 (grrrrrr) but with a real strong desire to log in some serious AF time. In my case, that will most likely require me getting back on my Antabuse, which is a pretty sure way to get some long AF time in. (unless you want a trip to the hospital)

                        Someone mentioned a September Challenge??? I think that is a great idea, and I would love to join in racking up a Sober Septermber!!!

                        Running a little late today for work (another grrrrr) but would have loved to address you all more personally. Duty calls.
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT Sun 29th August

                          Yep i'm up for that September challange as i need to get serious about sober and stop all these slipups.


                            ODAT Sun 29th August

                            Morning firefox and overit and others;
                            hope you feel better fire. I'm on day 2 as well. Shall one of us plan to start a Sober September thread and keep at each other as we're all on the same timeframe? I will if you are game. We're almost there... Over here ff it's the late august cricket noise with earlier evenings..... always like that as it means it will soon be getting cooler.
                            Overit, i've never taken antabuse; did you ever drink so you know what it will do to you or is it just what you are told that makes it work for you? off to sunday!
                            From the Sanskrit prayer;

                            "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                            But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                            determined to be AF


                              ODAT Sun 29th August

                              Mornin all from the midwest burbs, and happy AF sunday!
                              I get lonely too Change, as I live alone a few years now. Part of the problem in drinking too much, no one @ to notice!
                              Patrice, what is NZ? Oh, just realized, New Zealand! Good luck with the move and all on your plate.
                              From the Sanskrit prayer;

                              "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                              But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                              determined to be AF

