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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    hello all!
    just checking in really!
    going strong but v busy with work
    catch you later
    and keep up the great work, my friends


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Thanks sunbeam, my mistake was to think I was invincible and different from everyone else here. I thought I could have the one or two drinks and for a few days did that easily and then WHAM it escalated.
      I was so scared about what I was doing to myself again and saw myself as a hopeless case with no control. I got my computer back and looked at it a few times and felt more disheartened when I saw how well others were doing. Then a little message popped up mentioning I had not posted for a while. I looked at some of Marios posts and that was the confirmation I needed. So I got back on track. I started this journey properly on May 31st and really only fell badly literally and metaphorically on 21st August. So not such a hopeless case ---- Thanks for being there


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Good Tuesday morn all Sept. Sobers!
        Off to the doc before work, to see if there is anything for midlife lack of sleep (which with AF start is worse), or an anti-d that may be better for me then last one. And not cost a mint Molly.
        Have a great AF day all!
        And anon, we all have wisdom/experience to share, you too, that can be helpful.
        From the Sanskrit prayer;

        "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
        But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

        determined to be AF


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Hi everyone, been a bit rocky lately, but still on a mission to be af one day soon, or moderate at the very least. I have stopped at 2/3 bottle tonight, which is remarkable for me sometimes.

          Big realisation: realised today that i need to flick off a so-called friend who:

          a) keeps telling me "alcohol is good"..

          b) has a major drinking problem, even more than me

          c) has been annoying me lately

          d) no longer serves "me" in life (and has actually been quite obnoxious, saying nasty things about the people i work with and having a generally obnoxious attitude towards me for some resaon).. He was only using me cos he was lonely anyway!

          I feel a lot better for my decision as i've felt that just about every interaction i've had with him lately has been him putting me down... Why? How rude.

          So, yes, the self esteem may be improving...
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Hello and hope everyone is having a sober and happy Tuesday. Sunny here in England again . My daughter will be full time at school tomorrow!!! Hi again anon, I think we started around the same time. I too fell badly off the wagon thinking I could mod on an all inclusive holiday yeh right!! The first 2 days I have little or no memory of and God only knows how I managed to get away with a few bumps and bruises. I'm so ashamed but hey that's past now! I hope we can both stick with it this time. I CAN'T moderate. So no choice for me now. I got to stay AF. Day 16 for me ( and Choice!) today and feeling good after sleeping better last night. :l :h


              Sober (AF) September Challenge


              Another rainy day here on the West Coast of BC! I loooove it though. We desperately needed the rain. Plus with it pouring outside yesterday, I managed to have a good nap then stuffed my face full of spaghetti with my homemade sauce I put in the Crock Pot in the AM. I love fall! (not technically fall yet, but feels like it!)

              My dad took a turn for the worse yesterday. I was pretty distraught after speaking to him last night. I honestly think it is just a matter of days. I am going to go up there today and see him.

              One of my dad's wishes was that I quit smoking. So I am on day 2. Feeling ok. A headache this morning, but manageable. I have never done this cold turkey. But I got so severely addicted to the nicorette gum the last time..... It was insane!

              Well, my little one wants on the computer. My eldest starts her final year in high school tomorrow and my youngest starts kindergarten next Monday. So, I have one more day of holidays to 'just be'.

              Have a great day!


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                babysteps;953541 wrote: Good Tuesday morn all Sept. Sobers!
                Off to the doc before work, to see if there is anything for midlife lack of sleep (which with AF start is worse), or an anti-d that may be better for me then last one. And not cost a mint Molly.
                Have a great AF day all!
                And anon, we all have wisdom/experience to share, you too, that can be helpful.
                Happy Day 7 everyone!!

                As I just posted on Newbies' Nest - I'm using spray Melatonin (ordered from I'm finding it helps.


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Hi 16 for me. Feeling damn good too. Today is my daughters 20th birthday and my 35th anniversary at work. Hope you all are doing well.


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Just back from Orthopoedic Clinic where they have no idea my injuries were drink related! So releived at that. hello again Spinning Yes we will do it this time x


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Good evening everyone. Crikey all the threads are busy tonight! Sid. congrats to your daughter birthday - the big one next year! and 35 years working WOW! I worked for about 10 years after school then gave up for about 20 yrs to rear the kids and am only back working less than 3 - love it tho. Are you in the same place or have you moved around?
                      Good for you Anon, I also have the scars to prove that I am an eejit!! and Jenny - you go girl!
                      AFM, sorry to hear your Dad is so bad - good on you with the smokes, that's not easy either. That's some gap you have between your kids - I've 12 yrs from youngest to eldest - I thought that was a lot.
                      Just a little thought I had today. One of my lowest drinking points in my life - long story - involved my family frantically ringing me in a hotel room on my mobile phone. The ring tone to this day puts shivers up and down my spine............but I will not change it. It reminds me like a knife in my heart where I was and how lucky I am to be where I am now.
                      Hello to everyone here - far too vast a thread to go thro everyone but good to see we are here and doin our best - that's all we can do.
                      Ireland are winning 1-0 against someone called 'AND':yay:
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        work for the Toronto Public I am not a librarian I am in Public Relations.
                        Yes I have worked for them for 35 years. I started when I was 12. lol


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          Is it Public relations for the library or or you just stationed there? (I work in a library)
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Firefox, I went to school in Bray so I went thro Loughlinstown manys the time on the bus. Loads of stuff we can't seem to get here readily as well as the kudzu. I wanted to try the melatonin - think Coco mentioned it tonight - either Lav or Rubes recommend that but it doesn't seem to be in Ireland.
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              no I do Pr for the library we have 99 branches in Toronto. The largest system anywhere.


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Wow - our council only has 9!! Love my job tho!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

