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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Good morning everyone. I feel for everyone affected by the quake too Witchy... Saw some footage of animals in a shelter last night that made me want to cry. Yep Spinning keeping AF day 16. Looks like Sydney is on the same day too. I'm feeling pretty good. Just checking in today. I hope everyone has a good one!:h


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Morning Choice - Night Choice! Just goin to bed nighty night
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Hi Everybody,
        Today is the seventh day on this thread - one week! Tomorrow begins week two. I thought it might be a good time for people to check in and report if you like: how many consective AF days, how many total AF days, or whatever you want to say that makes you feel you are making progress in the battle against alcohol. Or you can simply state that you are still with the group. I have done 13 consecutive AF beginning Aug 23; 6 AF days in September.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Good morning! I slept for 8 hours last night so I'm feeling good . Day 17 AF for me today along with Choice and Sidney well done us! My 'baby' starts school full time today so I have a day to myself. I'm going to the gym, shopping and cooking something special for tea! I'm also looking at getting back to work as it has been quite isolating being a full time mum (not complaining tho!) but a privalige (can't spell!) at the same time. Hope everyone has a good day and stays strong. Thanks again Sunbeam for starting this thread it is really helping me. xx


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Good morning everyone. Well its a dull cloudy start to the day here. More rain forecast and its getting cooler autumn is well and truly on the way. Its day 13 for me i'm doing good except i'm drinking too much coffee and cravng sweet things like chocolate so have to try get that under control. Apart from that i'm eating healthy lots of salads and starting to eat more fruit. The main thing is that i remain sober odat. Yesterday i met a friend from facebook for the first time. We had a nice few hours just chatting. He ordered a beer but i stuck to my guns and ordered a cappuchino. I didn't have any urge for a glass of wine and it didn't bother me that he was drinking a pint. I didn't tell him i had an al problem just that i wasn't drinking but it was no big deal. Well have a good wednesday or hump day as our USA members call it. Good luck to all in you af journey whever you are on the path.



              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              Why is it a 'hump' day - never knew that? Morning all. I am AF for Sept so far and feeling good. A very good old friend from school days called into me at my job yesterday, I only see her a few times a year but she complimented me on loosing weight and before I knew it was out of my mouth I just said it was cos I gave up the booze and I think I'm an alkie - she looked at me and just said 'I think I am too' wow!!! We had a great chat - she has always battled big time with her weight and I think she was truly thinking the added benefit of giving up - it was lovely being so straightly honest with someone. SJ, I am envious of your 8 hrs sleep - still not great here on that front. Firefox - glad the date went well - keep giving updates yeah?
              Again Sunbeam, this is a great thread, thanks for starting it
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Small world Molly i go to Bray quite regular to shop etc and the seafront is lovely few nice coffee shops and hotels to sit outside when the weather is good. Yeah very few supplements available to us here. I don't want to ask my doctor for meds tho i was tinking of try ant-buse but i'll see how i get on. Ant-buse doesn't agree with everyone as i know of 2 people who got side effects even tho they didn't drink on it.


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Day 4 here in a sunny Merseyside. Feel good and strong after good nights sleep. Not taking any painkillers as I think they lower my resolve.I feel much stronger this time so maybe it is like learning to walk or ride a bike eventually just learning how to do it!
                  Hi to everyone on this thread:h


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Happy Hump Day!! Dont think Im getting humped today, but maybe some of you might

                    So good to see everyone doing good!! Im at day 9 I believe. Still taking my Antabuse but now every other day to save a little money. I dont even think about drinking while on Antabuse, well maybe I "think" about it, but there aint no way I would DO it.

                    The weather in Florida is changing to Fall weather, a much needed nice change.

                    Will check in later on, have a blessed day everyone!!!!


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Good Morning All,

                      Thought I'd better check in and let you all know I am still committed to being a healthier person without alcohol in my life. Everyone sounds great and the support here is amazing here.

                      I have had some AF days and not. I am not getting to my goal for this week and it is frustrating, but I am not doing bad, just not what I want. It has been hard. I have been on HRTs and they are not working for me. Today I see the DR and I will probably quit them. I think it will help. I really thought the HRT's would work and make life so much easier. Just goes to show you. I am beginning to think they too are so unnatural to what your body wants to do, that they are screwing with me. I usually have tons of energy, but I feel (for the first time ever) I could go back to bed this morning. I know it's the meds. Completely off subject.

                      I am just going to have to be ODAT for a while until I get this figured out with the meds (or no meds).

                      Keep up the good work everyone. Thanks to everyone who keeps this thread alive.


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Hey 4 days AF. Damn, broke my ankle on dirt bike Sunday, proud to say was not Al related since I was the only AF person there that day. Oh well, just another challenge.


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          mollyka;954252 wrote: Why is it a 'hump' day - never knew that?
                          It's not what you're thinking!!!


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Sunbeam;954134 wrote: Hi Everybody,
                            Today is the seventh day on this thread - one week! Tomorrow begins week two. I thought it might be a good time for people to check in and report if you like: how many consective AF days, how many total AF days, or whatever you want to say that makes you feel you are making progress in the battle against alcohol. Or you can simply state that you are still with the group. I have done 13 consecutive AF beginning Aug 23; 6 AF days in September.
                            OK - here's my AF status:

                            Since joining MWO in February I haven't managed too much continuous AF time but I have cut my consumption by more than half.

                            I am still completely AF in the Sober September Challenge. Currently I am on Day 16* - and this is the longest I have gone continuously without AL for 10 days (since my last pregnancy).

                            *a couple of notes in case it may encourage others: my cravings are now almost non-existent and I am sleeping much better.

                            GO TEAM! (As my fitness instructor says: We're stong - we can do this!!!)


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge


                              My eldest starts grade 12 today! I feel VERY old! LOL!

                              My youngest and I meet with her Kindergarten teacher today. She starts this coming Monday.

                              One finishing school and the other starting school (other than preschool).

                              I had a great sleep last night for a change. Going to see my father later today.

                              Have a great day everyone. xo


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Hi everybuddy!

                                Still AF here. I had a rough go the other night, but with the help of my friends on MWO I made it through! Thank you all. I have made it 5 months and am working on 6 right now. Keep up the good work everyone!

