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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Well hello all, just in from late shift so I won't even attempt to go back and name off everyone! You'll be counting in weeks instead of days soon Anon. the cravings just ease a bit every day you're sober, the danger is that a craving can land at anytime and just be aware of that and prepared for it. Good on you with the Antabuse Overit. My daughter is coming home in November for a couple of weeks, she's been in Canada since May, and I'm going to take a few antabuse when she's coming over just in case. It could be a very emotional time and I definitely don't want to cock up then. My doc says it's fine just to take them when feeling vulnerable so I think that might be when!
    Tired now so signing off and will 'see' you all tomorrow
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Hi All,
      Happy Monday here...Day 16, I made it through the whole weekend AF and had a great Monday, can you believe a great Monday at work. Got up early, went to the gym, had lunch with a good friend and the work day flew by. I guess that's how "normal" Mondays are without the hangover, guilt and shame from the weekend binge.

      LOVE IT!!!!!!

      Congrats to all and to those really struggling with cravings keep at it, with each craving crossed it does get a bit easier, I had a rough couple of days last week and truly thought I would slip.

      Oh ya, my skin is clearing and my energy is returning...enough to chase those evil mental games this beasty can play.



        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Great to hear you so strong Peace. You are going to be one of the success stories here unless I'm very wrong!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Hey Everybody,
          Just a quick check-in. I love the positive spirit we all share.

          I too remember those Monday mornings, dragging myself in. I never missed work nor my Monday swim before work, but ugh! I don't know how I did it.

          I thought of all you shoe lovers while looking at my new issue of the American Gardener magazine today. Someone made a garden display with several pairs of dressy high-heeled shoes, displayed on plastic shoe storage boxes. Only some of the shoes had plants growing out of them, some of the plants were growing out of the boxes. It was very cute and so original. Growing plants out of work boots is common, but high heeled shoes???!

          Take care, all.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Morning all! Fab nights sleep and now into double figures as it is Day 10 Well done Peace it is great not to have a hangover. I love being able to drive the car without worrying that there may be alcohol left in my system. I can run my grandchildren around without any fear of being over the limit after drinking the day before. Today I am off to have a bit of beauty therapy and may try take my monster Chocolate habit in hand as an easily addicted person I do not want that to become a problem. Although I remember giving up cigarettes which was hard but never think of them now but cannot remember how long it took to finally stop craving mind you no one at home smoked so that made it easier. Anyway Molly,Peace,Sunbeam ETC. Have a great Tuesday


              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              Good morning everyone. Peace well done on your success and everyone else. Anon enjoy your beauty therapy its soo nice to treat yourself. Molly sunbeam and anyone i forgot hope you have a good tuesday. Its day 19 for me nearly 3 wks sober. I got some nfo from job centre yesterday about coarses and part time work. I have to update my cv and get 2 recent referances which i will start on today. I'm going in to the city centre to do some shopping and browse around for bargains mostly household stuff like sheets pillow cases tea towels etc. Money is low right now as i fell behind wit bills when i was drnking so not much left for treats but hopefully i will get back on track and eventually get back in to work. Need to get out and make new friends as i have to avoid certain people to stay af. Also have been eatng to much chocolate so i'm going to get lots of fruit today and start having breakfast smoothies. Anyway enough of me rantng on have a good day whatever you have planned.:hallo: :wave:


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Morning everyone, quick check in before I go to work. Working out in the country today - I don't really like it, the day goes very slowly and back in my drinking days I associate going out there with sitting in a side lane at lunch time swilling vodka from a bag - how horrible! They had a sale on household goods in Arnotts last week FF, they were giving the stuff away - don't know if it's still on? What does beauty therapy involve Anon? I hate people touching me, not even keen on the hairdresser. Not quite as phobic these days tho since I lost a bit of weight I think my self esteem is improving a little bit. Wow everyones sober days are really adding up to serious figures, I think Sunbeam has started a wonderful thread with great committed folks coming here - hope we can think of an October one - it makes the days go faster, specially for new people - every day can seem like a century at the beginning - did for me anyway.
                Got to go - the country awaits! Talk later
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Hello my wonderful MWO friends Day 17!!

                  Feeling really great and can't believe how soon it is happening. Maybe it's because this time I am ready, the past times it was more of a struggle and went back after 21 days - so I know I have some tough times coming but enjoying this feeling right now.

                  Thank you everyone, and MollyK I hope to not make you wrong


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    mollyka;958764 wrote: I hate people touching me, not even keen on the hairdresser.
                    Oooh - that reminds me - I used to hate people getting too close (in case they could smell the remnants of last night). Ugh.


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Hi all aren't you all doing well. I think I am at Day 23. It is over 3 weeks. Looking forward to counting in months again. I know what you mean about the skin. Mine looks a hundred times better when I am not drinking. I had lazer treatments last fall and all the spider veins are gone. Pampering ourselves I think is helpful. If we look and feel good it is a great push for remaining sober. Have a great day.



                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Yeah Coco maybe that's the 'touching' thing - should be ok now so! Hi Sid. yeah nearly the months now. My skin did improve but has disimproved lately but I think it's the shampoo I'm using, just feels horrible and I never had skin problems up til the last couple of years. Pampering is excellent - daughter is coming home in Nov for 2 weeks and I'm booking a hotel in Dublin (just for a night) hopefully with spa etc. she loves all that stuff! Bit of shopping as well - I miss the female company, love my sons to bits but something about a daughter!
                        Peace, you'll be a good one! Funny you should say that about being honest about all this. I am the same. I think coming on here, talking to people who are all in the same boat, realising we are normal human beings not a 'dirty little secret' helps me anyway be straight about whats wrong. The first day I went to the counsellor she asked me to tell her about myself and I just said ' my name is... I'm an alkie and I have a husband and 4 kids' she sort of looked at me and said 'Wow, that'll save us about 6 sessions' and we both roared laughing! Apparently she usually has to drag the alcohol part out of people!
                        Going to watch Eastenders, will check in again later
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          Hiya Everyone :h! I'm with you Sidney on day 23 !!! Well done anon on your 10 days I bet you are feeling so much better now. I know what you all mean about the chocs! I wouldn't even entertain dessert or chocolate before cos I'd have my wine. I have a treat now ,every night when Ive got my youngest to bed , with a cup of tea . Good luck Firefox with your jobsearch. I don't know if you are into doing positive affirmations but try this one from Louise Hay
                          'I have wonderful work in a wonderful way I give wonderful service for wonderful pay'
                          Everyone seems to be doing really well. Half way there tomorrow!!!! We can do this :l x


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Evening everyone from a cool but sunny Scotland,

                            Choice you?ve changed your avatar !! Anon congratulations on getting into double figures I was thrilled when I got there. Peace my goodness 5 years how fantastic to get that far and I so admire your honesty about your decision to stop drinking, you?ve given me food for thought. Molly/Sidney I love having an aromatherapy massage and try and have one a month if I can afford it (no worries now) they are just so relaxing and I appreciate the pampering.

                            Difficult day at work for me, I?m working on a joint project with a colleague and every 4 weeks we get together for an update and review our actions well he is so competitive and a chauvinist, team working is not in his vocabulary and it?s just so frustrating and draining. He?s well known for this but his Manager encourages his behaviour because he admires people who are aggressive and driven. Fortunately we only have another 2 months till the project completes, I spend half my time doing damage limitation and keeping him well away from my clients. I?ll never work with him again.

                            On the way home I so could have done with a drink and I battled with myself for a while but reasoned that if I was going to slip up it would not be because of an imbecile like him, I wouldn?t give him the satisfaction (he wouldn?t have known but you know what I mean). I bought a tub of ice cream instead!!

                            Anyway everyone onwards and upwards in our battle guys.

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              Hey Spinning J lets stick together. I have always lost weight when I quit drinking before.
                              This time I am getting chunky due to eating like a pig. But as long as I dont drink I am not going to worry about. Good gong Dewdrop after your difficult day. almost half way seems like we just started!


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Hi Sober September crew! I'm on day 23 with Spinning J and Sydney and feeling steady. I am amazed at your will power Dewdrop!?! I did change my avatar... I'm not sure if I want to spin all these hoops for long but I liked the colors this one had. Peace Seeking I'm impressed by your honesty on why your not drinking. I'm thinking probably the only way I'll stick to this long term is with honesty as well. I guess I feel like I've got to hit the 30 days before I tell people "I don't drink". Otherwise I feel like they will say "yeah right". I've realized over the past few days that I have been pretty worried about what people are going to think or say to me when I'm offered a drink, how I'll handle old friends and family who drink heavily when I go home, my boyfriends family and friends... new people... I'm trying to come up with a good answer to tell them so that they won't think I had a drinking problem. I have real insecurities in this area. I know it's in my head and kinda self absorbed as probably no one CARES if I don't drink. I hate to admit it but I think I am as worried about what others think about me not drinking as I am about drinking again. I know it's a lame hurtle but it is one non the less.

