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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Good morning Molly I am only just awake as I have had a restless night but made up for it with a long lie in.
    Good morning everyone else and goodnight Aussies and Kiwis.
    Yes I am becoming dependent on this site but feel it is preferable to the alternative i.e. drinking. My husband has no idea I am on this site as he would be appalled by the very idea. I have to say he does not use the computer at all.
    I am very grateful to the advice and stories I read here even though I do not feel as though I have anything constructive to say/offer. I am sure I would not have gone soberly through those long (3 hr) Witching hours without you. :thanks:


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Nice to see the Irish girls are up! It is a lovely crisp day. I am off for a run and will be running alongside the River Mersey and will give the Irish Ferry to Dublin a wave.
      Firefox i am always losing stuff keys,cards money it is so frustrating. You will come across the bus pass after it has bloody run out!


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Good morning gals! Nice day for a run anon. I hope your lunch goes well today . I was up very early to drive my daughter to an outing with scouts and then took the other one swimming. Hubby works nights so some weekends I'm at a bit of a loose end but Im so glad I've got no hangover to deal with I'm 5 weeks AF today and feeling strong re the Alcohol but feeling a little emotional and vunerable and generally a bit 'soft' don't know if this is reated?? Does anyone eles feel like this? The past keeps popping into my head and making me feel sad. Hey ho. I'm not drinking now! Hope everyone stays strong for the last week of the challenge and beyond. Happy Sober Sunday. xx
        I hope you find your bus pass Firefox!


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Hi Anon and spinning. Enjoy your run anon its a nice fresh crisp day here. I'm always losing things too drunk or sober. No bus pass didn't turn up. I'll buy another one when i get my benefit on tuesday. I find it handy as i don't drive so if i want to go any where i just hop on a bus and its unlimted for the day i use it. Also i don't have to use up within 5 days in row which is good . i don't buy it every week just when i think i will be usung the bus a lot. I have also been feeling a bit low some days and the past keeps cropping up too which i try not to think about as i can't do anything about it. Not sure if i should see a councilleri don't really like having to to them. Hopefully ths phase will pass and i can move fully on. Wsh you all a good sunday.


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Hey again folks, have had a right busy morning, got the washing and ironing and dusting and floor cleaning and shopping and feeding teenager - all by 10.30AM!! Back in the (drinking) day I wouldn't have even started yet. Would be 'suffering silently' and waiting for the offie to open at 12.30 - no point in doing anything till I had been there!!
            I think that feeling of lowness and vulnerability is not talked about enough. It hit me like a bulldozer at round the 1-2 month stage - I didn't expect it. I think imho, that the adrenalin rush of getting booze out of the body sort of slows down. We feel physically so much better, but the brain, which has literally been pickled and sort of 'redundant' for a long time, is now kicking in and saying 'what about me?' All the shit that we've buried for years and years comes to the top and needs dealing with - it's a very big part to me, and caused me to have more than one 'relapse'.
            I was actually quite bad and really had quite severe depression which ultimately needed medication. I'm sure for lots of folks it is probably just a phase, plough through it, fill up the empty hours with new stuff and move on, but don't disregard it, it is every bit as real as shakes, anxiety , headaches, nausea etc. were in early withdrawal.
            Have a lovely day folks, I feel very chirpy today, was humming to myself around the supermarket - haven't done that in a very very long time
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              How do you do that thing under your posts? Like AF since?? I'm not great with computers!! Glad you are having a good day Molly. I agree with what you said I think thats probably why I usually decide to moderate after 5 weeks or so. Not this time though I'm just going to get on with it and deal with the stuff in my head! Looking forward to finishing my choc cake tonight whilst watching the Xfactor!!!!! Lol x


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Hi SJ, just click on your picture - avatar and then click on 'user cp' then click on 'edit signature' and then just write whatever you want and add smilies or whatever. Yeah, my 'moderating' in the past has had fairly disastrous results - definitely not for me!!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Thanks molly


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Hippy thank you so much for your advice and I agree with you as I do feel that I need much more time to deal with some things. Although I feel quite strong on some fronts on others I am still feeling fragile and that I could easily crack given the circumstances and/or my emotions on the day. Firefox well done girl fantastic going on 30 days!!!

                    Molly I think there is no easy answer to this struggle and while I am not contemplating AA at the moment I will never say never, I?ll use whatever I need to stay off the alcohol, would never leave MYO though as this is my lifeline. Choice you did well to stay strong over the weekend and if you feel you need to take a step back that?s cool.

                    Anon, Spinning, Firefox I know what you mean about the vulnerability thing as I replied back to Hippy, and Molly is right I think we need to deal with it as another step towards being sober and be kind to ourselves. I?m going to give myself a few months before I deal with some of the stuff I have going on. However my key priority is me so I?ve decided to concentrate first on being sober, then healthy eating and some form of regular exercise - the rest can wait till I am stronger.

                    I?ve had a busy weekend and didn?t check in yesterday so will go read some and come back later.

                    Dewdrop :h
                    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Well I had a lovely sober weekend. The Meditation Day yesterday was very peaceful and relaxing and I made a few more friends, they are a really nice bunch of people. Later my friend came over and we had a lovely evening, I had cooked a bean chilli with salad and bread and she brought the cheesecake and a bunch of flowers. It was lovely to catch up and before I knew it it was midnight we had been talking so much. This morning we were up early with no hangover and went off for a long walk up one of the glens for 2 ? hours, the sun was out and it was just great to be outside enjoying the scenery and the company.

                      Interestingly she told me that the reason she isn?t drinking at the moment is because she has had kidney problems and waiting for a hospital stay. She has been waiting 2 months and has found it difficult stopping drinking, this led to a discussion about my decision to stop so we have decided to support each other as she doesn?t want to go back to drinking after her operation. It felt great having someone to talk to and share some of my concerns with, although I didn?t admit fully how bad my addiction had become.

                      I?m having a quiet evening tonight listening to some music, reading and checking out the boards although I am going to log out now and get some ironing done for next week, I've been on here long enough. I?m feeling confident tonight and hope you have all had a sober weekend.

                      Dewdrop :h
                      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Hi everyone, I'm back from my round-the-country trip I've read over the posts I've missed but I wouldn't know where to begin, as it was a few days worth!

                        I had an interesting few days, I stayed with a friend on Thursday night and we didn't go out, so it was nice to just drink tea and chat. She had a glass of wine, but it didn't bother me in the slightest. Friday then I went to a friend in Galway, and we went out cause there was a City of Culture night with museums and music on late (and free!). We werent' planning on going to the pub as she had work in the morning. We were standing in one place, just listening to a band, when this massive craving just hit me from out of no-where. Some part of my brain took over and was thinking "why shouldn't I drink, just not go on mwo, just have a few glasses of wine, etc etc". It really was like a different part of me, cause I haven't been thinking like that in ages, apart from the odd craving that lasted about 5 seconds. This went on for a minute or two, and it felt like forever. I don't fully understand where it came from, although maybe it's cause I used always drink in Galway, and I associate it strongly with sessions and lots of drinking and having "the craic". And my life at home is so different now. I'm still a bit confused and upset by it all, cause I thought I was past that. Funny thing is, we were out last night, and went to the pub till about 2 am and I didn't have the slightest interest in drinking - I really had a great time, and I was aware that I was enjoying myself much more by being sober!

                        I hope everyone's had a good day, and congrats on all the amazing 30-day-er's :goodjob:

                        ps my exam results for my teaching postgrad are out tomorrow - eek!
                        AF since 13th July 2010
                        NF since 5th July 2010


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          Hi everyone,

                          Congrats on 30 days Firefox!!

                          I had an incredibly busy Saturday and was surrounding by AL and drunk ppl...but you know what I didn't even want any, I had as much if not more fun than if i was drinking.

                          I had a bit of an anxious morning, but made it through without escaping in a drink. Rode it out and feel much better now.

                          I feel like I haven't been on this site for a long time, I have become dependent on it as well right now, but it's better than the alternative. I need to come here, this is my support group.

                          Oh ya, Day 29...


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Welcome back Neart, really missed you. Well done you with the craving and all. I've said it before, but until we have mastered a few of those humdinggers I reckon we don't know where we are with booze. Galway was always a piss up for me. My first weekend ever away from my parents after my leaving cert was to Galway and looking back, I was only 17 but fairly putting away the drinks even then! Having said that, my first 'sober' weekend away(ever!!?) was also in Galway with hubs and family this year and we did the pubs and the singsongs and everything and I had a ball, so now we've both had sober Galway weekends!!!
                            Will say my 'mammy prayers' (my aetheist children all reverted to those when exam results were due in) for your results tomorrow, let us know as soon as!
                            Dewdrop, that sounds like a lovely day with your friend. I'd love a mate like that that I could really talk to about this stuff - I'm not trusting enough of people I'm afraid.
                            Going to bed shortly, talk to you all tomorrow (few regulars missing - hopefully all reporting in tomorrow!!)
                            Deffo just do one thing at a time, we have the rest of our lives to learn sober living - I sat and ate a bar and a half of chocolate after my 20 mins on the exercise bike
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              Peace, cross-posted. Dead bloody right a massage tomorrow - you will so deserve it! I am in awe of how many are coming through this thread with so much sober time - sometimes the chemistry just works and I reckon we are all working together - it's super, really and truly. And yes Peace, it is their problem, but I hate the questioning. I find it invasive - NONE OF THEIR BLOODY BUSINESS!! Night to you as well and will talk to you on the morrow
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Hey everybody,
                                Just stopping by, I've been kinda in a funk... but oh well. This month is almost over and I think I've got to remind myself of all of the great accomplishments that have been happening. I'm wondering if some head games are happening for me now where I'm looking for excuses and distracting myself. I think I'm getting tired. Maybe it's a new phase after the 30 day AF mark? This sight has been a life line... I just think it's odd that I would see other peoples' slips as a reason for me to drink. I wonder if this is normal. Sorry to sound so down in the dumper the past few posts... I'm going to try and get myself busy with something positive now.

