This week flew on by! Thank goodness it is a long weekend here for us. Then the kiddies go back to school. (ah, poor kiddies - tee hee!)
Speaking of hormones. Something that I have noticed throughout my 'sober' life was that the day before my period I would have this incessant need to want to get drunk. I don't embark on it but, seriously.... that is about the only day that I have to really fight it on a monthly basis. It comes on like a steam train every month. I am pretty certain that hormones play a huge part in female drinking.
Well, today I am off to see my dad again. He lives an hour away, but well worth the drive to spend time with him. I try to see him 2x a week. (It is very hard seeing my terminally ill father.) Which can be exhausting with kids, work, etc... My house is paying the price for this but my 16yr old has been wonderful and helping me out keeping it somewhat livable. I am very proud of her. She has turned out to be a remarkable young woman! (my alcoholic ways there for a few years did not ruin her! thank God!)
Have a fabulous Friday everyone! Stay sober, stay healthy!
ps. babysteps - hang in there!