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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Hey everyone,
    I'm back town after some time with the husband's family. They are good people, we have been married for 30 years now so certainly I am comfortable with them. They have their annoying quirks and so do I!

    Sounds like people are doing well over all, lots of positive energy. Some have slid back a little but then are still posting here, that is great. I had to mention my new Friday evening routine: watching Cesar Milan (the Dog Whisperer). I always learn something. We got a new dog, a mixed breed rescue dog, nearly a year ago. She wants to be good, and often succeeds but like me she is not yet perfect.

    It's still Sunday here, I've got things to unpack and food to fix.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Hi Everyone,
      dont really have much to say today, am feeling very blah, so plan on taking it easy, & hopefully curling up with a good book, especially since its raining, I love reading curled up cosy & warm, with the sound of rain in the background, later on I plan to do some research on nutrition, I read that article on hypoglycemia & alcoholism & it was very interesting, I could relate to alot of it, so want to look into it further.
      anyway hope everyone has a sucessfull day, will check in later
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Hey there fellow Challengers-

        Thanks for the words of encouragement, Sunbeam, Babysteps and Free Bird.

        Day 8 AF for me today! Feels good to have an AF free week under my belt - while I've managed a few days here and there this is the longest AF stretch I've managed since June 2008....

        Went to a party on Saturday and had a momentary twinge when I passed on the wine/beer but I focused on how I felt in the mornings with a hangover (and that nauseous feeling of often not remembering what I said/did) rather than the fleeting happy high the first couple of drinks used to give me and that really helped. I actually had a good time and didn't miss the drink after the initial "poor me" moment.

        Dewdrop - love your idea of using money saved from not buying booze for a treat. I'm thinking of putting cash I would have typically spent on wine in a special box or something so that there is a tangible reminder. I should have a small fortune to spend on myself by the end of the month! :yay:

        I've gotta say I'm so happy to have found this place - such a relief to be among others who are so supportive, whether we are going through the good, bad or the ugly. :h
        :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Hello Everybody! read all the recent posts and we all seem to be doing just fine. We are still here! I am going through a bit of a difficult patch. I come from a family background of worriers and extreme anxiety set in yesterday as I had taken on something which was quite challenging for me - going to a combined social/work function with people I did not know. The thoughts of it made me exceedingly nervous and as the time approached, I was desperate to find something to calm me down beforehand. Of course normally that would have been a large glass of white wine. I did not go down that route - did not want to- but the nerves stayed with me before and after the event, I came home feeling deeply exhausted and I have woken up feeling lousy too, as i have a similar social/work/new place/new people coming up in Ireland this coming weekend and it makes me nervous to the pit of my stomach!! I know I should be looking into ways - natural ones preferred- to help me stay relaxed and calm-just feeling a bit frightened right now. I really believe i will not resort to drink as i feel very detached from it, refused it easily and firmly last night, but it's finding another more healthy and effective way to deal with my anxiety levels .... can't seem to wrap my head around meditation/affirmations - feel weak and tired ..
          there! it's been said, hopefully part of it has gone! I am doing these things on my own, and it feels like being in front of a naked light bulb when all I want to do is melt into the background and let someone else carry the reponsibility. I hate the exposure! Part of me is still a very shy child. Wish I could rationalise my feelings and begin to enjoy what are really very interesting opportunities and rise to the challenge they present and enjoy them more!
          Anyway! this is less about alcohol and more about how its absence allows the real us to appear, warts and all, and dealing with my true self is going to prove a real challenge in the days to come! I hope it means change for the better!
          Sorry to be so incredibly self-preoccupied this morning, I am trying to write my apprehension right out of my system but the nervous feelings are still to the fore as I type this!! Nervous about discovering who I really am maybe and having to deal with it in a grown-up way, having suceeded in blanking it out for -oh - 40 years, give or take.

          love you all, thank you for giving me this space in which to express myself
          am going for a walk soon
          really do NOT want a BLAH day


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Mornin'! I haven't posted for a couple of days, so I thought I would now. Up this early...... ugh! Been going to bed at 7pm the last couple of nights. Really throwing my body out of whack.

            I've been feeling really sad the past couple of days. Saturday I was helping my dad move stuff around up at his house and it was then it really hit me that he is dying. A neighbour came by that hadn't seen them in a couple of years (they were renting their home out and living in a different city. They just moved back on Tuesday) anyway, she was shocked at how my dad looked. He was 240lbs the last time she saw him. He is now 149lbs. He is 6'3. So her reaction and conversation with my dad's wife made it really real for me. I haven't been feeling so great the last couple of days.

            Sorry for being a bummer. This is hard for me. I want for him to not suffer anymore but I also want him here. I plan on spending as much time as possible with him. It is just so hard.

            Anyway, sober is as sober does. Going to make a coffee now. I am a retard for making it at ten to one in the morning! LOL! Have a great day everyone.


              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              Morning everyone
              Accountable, so sorry to hear about your Dad - such a tough time for you. I hope you are doing ok?
              Anna, sounds like you are doing great so far, even though you may not see it yet. Getting through a social function like that without any stimulant/sedative is amazing, especially when you find it tough going normally - fair play to you! I suppose it will take time to find the best method for you to help you relax. Re: affirmations - Louise L Hay has some good books that helped me understand them more. Maybe some breathing exercises? I've been struggling wiht meditation too (think it takes ages to get the hang of) but I find guided meditations much easier to do, I listened to one on MP3 every morning when I was doing exams. Just a thought!
              Enja - you go!! :goodjob: Bet you felt great not having a hangover yesterday
              How are you feeling today, Witchy? I know all about blah days - think everyone does! Curling up with a good book sounds like the best plan. What was the article on hypoglycemia? Firefox, how are you doing today?
              Sunbeam, glad you enjoyed your trip, and Choice - have fun with the trainer!!!

              it's just after 9am here in Ireland and its lashing rain. Gonna prepare for interviews today (don't have any coming up yet, but am ever hopeful!)
              AF since 13th July 2010
              NF since 5th July 2010


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Good morning from a wet miserable monday morning in Dublin. I'm on day 11 and feeling quite good but get the odd time i feel a bit down but no strong cravings yet for al. My sinius seem a bit better too. Anna and afm so sorry you are both are going tru a bad patch i hope things get better for you both. Anna may be your Dr could prescribe a mild ant-depressant for the anxiety it might help. I tried herbal stuff like kalms before but didn't work. I suffer from drepression and anxiiety attacks at times but i'm taking cipramil20g which helps but i still have my bad days. AFM good to spend time with your father i hope he will be ok. Keep checking in as it helps coming on here. No plans for today as the weather is so bad so i think i'm in for the day and will watch tv read and come on here throuhout the day.


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  I'm a bit behind now because I've been away for a few days to the other side of the country. Back now and thought I'd like to respond to the earlier post in this thread;

                  what's your favorite AF beverage, what made you decide to quit drinking right now, what do you tell your friends, how do you deal with cravings, describe your family support or lack thereof. Please post additional questions you would like to learn from others.

                  Favourite AF beverage?Well I love dark, rich, black coffee but also know too much of that is bad for me. I also have gotten to enjoy Camomile tea which I originally drank for it's supposed relaxing benefits in my early days of AF. Recently also been partaking in Peppermint varieties too. Soft drink - ginger cordial, fizzy vimto.

                  I decided to quit for good at the end of March this year. Why?Because I was sick of what AL was doing to me. It was destroying me inside and had held my life still for at least 10 years. Sick and tired I'd heard so many times, and this time I truly was there.

                  Cravings?These always frightened me as I'd just gotten used to drinking whenever I felt the urge. My secret weapon this time was soap operas. Yes I would take myself to bed and watch back-to-back soaps on iplayer. Guaranteed to switch your brain off and send you to sleep in no time. After a couple of months I cut down my programme watching and can now sometimes read a whole book. Apart from that I get through them by remembering how bad things were, and repeating that I'll only go right back there if I dare let myself drink even once. The other thing I taught myself was that a craving NEVER kills you, however alcohol does kill.

                  Family support?At first family just carried on as usual, since they'd seen numerous attempts in the past. It was around 8 weeks AF that one or two started to trust me again, and it's at the point were they now ask me to do things for them now. In the past I was completely unreliable because of my drinking, and it's really nice I can do these things for people again.

                  I would like to know how to live in the day better, I'm still projecting on some things and getting them out of proportion before they've ever happened.


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Ha! shitey Irish weather has us all on here???? Seriously, good morning all - I'm back to work today after a couple of weeks off sick with depression/anxiety and am feeling very.................anxious:H Naw I'll be ok. Anna, I so identify with the 'social' anxiety. I am desperately shy and found that one of the hardest part of giving up alcohol. I find Valerian a bit of a help 20 drops in a bit of water - tastes vile and prob just placebo effect, but I do turn to it from time to time - probably today when I go in for my late shift!!
                    AFM, I have walked in your shoes and my heart truly bleeds for you. My mum died 2 years ago and deteriorated for 2 years before that - it is a horrible time, and yes you want to spend time with them but as their quality of life decreases you sort of want it to end...and then feel guilty feeling like that:l
                    Enja, nice one on 8 days - once you get into the weeks the time starts flying! I'd happily put saved money in a box if I had any - 'discovered' my depression when I sobered up and forked out nearly 100 euro for 1 months anti-d's on Sat. - bummer that!
                    Cheer up Witchy, go to Girly wirly's 'life story' thread and have a look at a poem transcribed by Oney on 31/5/10, just spotted it this morning, it is beautiful.
                    Hi Neart, thanks for the lovely messages you've left me and get yourself ready for that interview that WILL come along - you sound like someone I would love to have taught my kids anyway! Hey Firefox and everyone else I've missed out on - sorry!
                    Will check in later if I've any energy after work
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      I just thought of something i used for times when i had an interview or some occasion that made me anxious, a few drops of rescue remedy in a small glass of water helps you can also put a few drops neat on your tongue. Its a Bach flower remedy they have a whole range but thats the most popular. Still a miserable day here rain hasn't stopped since i woke up ths morning. Neart and Mollyka just wondering where in Ireland you are from? also Jodyiex . Good luck Molly with your first day back to work.


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Hiya everyone and Happy Monday :h. Firefox ,my Mum swears by Rescue Remedy so Ive just written that on my list. Thanks for reminding me about it! I think you can get it in a tin of sweet type things now aswell. Hi Choice day 15 for us today! Hope it went well with your trainer. I did a 6km run this am and was amazed that my body has recovered so quickly after me abusing it for 2 weeks solid. I'm so thankful and I hope I will never poision myself again. Im with you Dewdrop and enja about treating ourselves at the end of the month! Why not. I'm looking out for a pair of black winter boots. Well done anna for not having wine before (or at!!!) your function it must have been hard. I haven't been anywhere involving alcohol as yet so I have that to come. Witchy I think I will be doing a lot of curling up with a good book in the months to come too!
                        Good look everyone for the week ahead


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          Good morning everyone,

                          A quick check in on this Monday. Feeling great first totally AF weekend in a long, long while...years actually. Well, feeling strong, a few fleeting moments of "I'm not that bad, I could have a couple" but reminding myself of how rotten I felt last Sunday and yes I am that bad of a drinker..

                          Hope everyone is well today and will check in later..



                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Happy Monday!!!

                            While most people in the states have the day off (Labor Day) I will be working all day long! Lucky me!!

                            Overit still going strong at day 7?? I really dont count days like I said. I like to surprise myself!!

                            It seems a few people are Missing In Action??? Cmon guys, post away even if you slipped up, dont stop posting!!!

                            The Antabuse really really helps me tons! Anybody ever want to go that route, please talk to your doctor about it. I really like it alot, it takes away an chance of me drinking (pretty much) so I am pretty confident this September AF Challenge will be met.

                            Love you guys!!! Be strong today!!!!

                            My favorite AF beverage?? COFFEE and TONS OF IT

                            Why am I quitting drinking now?? Well, after 10 million and 1 tries, I decided to try 10 million and 2. Dont ever give up TRYING!
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              Well it is Sept 6th, already had 23, I am usually a weekend binger. I am a guy who loves sporting events hunting etc., Sept will be a real challenge, because all of these events are tyically guys drinkfests! I don't want to cancel them however, because that would be admitting Al rules me for sure, I plan to slug through it reminding myself why I am doing it, my friends may give me a bit of initial grief, but that is their insecurities, probably cause they could not do it! So I am going to try the remainder of September! I'll keep you posted.


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Magicone, Welcome! You say you want to continue AF through this month, NOW is always the best time to stop drinking. I will add your name to our list, which is located on page 9 of this thread. I think you are on day 23, is that what you meant?

                                Well I was on day 14, but I'm back to square 2 because I caved at a family gathering over the weekend. Most of them drink less than me, so it really would have not bee noticed if I didn't drink. I could have offered up any excuse like I just don't feel like having wine today. Instead I accepted the glass offered to me. I had 3 drinks total, over the course of the evening, I was the only one who continued to drink but that open bottle called out to me. Ugh! Well, it has been a long time since I made it 13 days AF, so that was an accomplishment, and there are 26 days left this month, 31 in the next one etc etc etc. So I still have a lifetime of opportunities.

                                The day is young, the weather is cool, and I have lots to yet accomplish today. Take care, all.
                                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

