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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Hi Everyone,

    Nice to see some new people join us. Hi to hdb and Patrice. I have found this to be a interesting journey with many false starts and disappointments with a ton of self discovery. I strongly believe we learn/are learning so much from all of it and it just takes time. Imagine if we would have never ever started. I feel self awareness is not a gift we are all given. Sooo, me thinks you are all so special just for being here.

    We are all so similar, but so different too. Gotta luv it....

    I feel GOOOOD today.

    Good luck to everyone.


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      mollyka;954900 wrote: Spent 6 bottles of voddie today on my new hairdo!!
      This is a similar monetary system to my daughter's - her currency is Converse shoes. (Looking at the restaurant check: "Wow! That's 3 pairs of Converse.")


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Well done, mollyka!! Love that! We all should treat ourselves more often with the funds we would have blown on alcohol! Good going!

        I went out to a pub with my sister last night. Didn't smoke or drink but I had a terrific time and ate tons of pub fare! Nachos, wings, nachos, wings, more wings

        Have a good one everyone!


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          I love Cons too Coco - I'll spend the voddie first tho:H:H Evenin to everyone else
          AFM, grub tastes so much better when we're not falling into the plate doesn't it? I have been to some really posh restaurants in the past - spent a fortune and have had no idea what I ate, too embarrassed to ask hubs obviously the next day!
          Hey HDB, and welcome. Doin good all else?
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Hi Everyone,
            Nearly end of day 5. Mollyka I would think it is money well spent on trading Vodka money for a great hairdo. Still scared of failing but reading more posts and getting some great ideas.
            Husband just tried to make me have a sip of his G&T and was really offended when I got angry with him. I have tried to explain my alcohol addiction but he thinks I am just being melodramatic. Oh well---


              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              Day 18 AF for me too. YAY!! Spinning and Sidney.

              I have to say this third week is much better then the first two weeks. I think the first week I was freaked out and scared. The second I kept torturing myself with thinking I could moderate, and this third week my thinking just feels clear. I have more energy then the first two weeks, and I'm starting to feel more and more confident in my choice to be be sober. I'm still hiding out from the world for the most part and working on a plan to handle the drinking public, heavy drinking friends I have, family members who associate me with the one who will party... Just a bunch of things that I for see as being a challenge. Mainly I feel I have been re-wiring my mind to rid it of any glamorous thoughts of AL. I went to the bookstore yesterday and bee lined to the self help section.

              I just sat in a comfy chair and read a few books with more information regarding AL. I think the more informed I am the better I will feel about living a sober life. It's almost like I've been waiting for this green light to just get on with my life. I think ridding my life of AL is going to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. One thing that keeps me from wondering if I could moderate is the blackouts and loss of memory. Those are real danger sighs and indicators that a person can't moderate. I've tried moderating the past year and my hat goes off to people who can. I thought it would be horrible to be one who couldn't but right now this feels like a relief to just stop trying to do something I'm unable to do.

              So funny I was reading back some of my posts on MWO and at first all I wanted to be was "normal" then without hangovers I felt normal... and needed another motivation to stay sober. This indicates to me that AL really messes with my since of self.

              Alright... off to the day... Cheers to everyone on the sober September challenge!!


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                choice;955629 wrote: It's almost like I've been waiting for this green light to just get on with my life. I think ridding my life of AL is going to be one of the best decisions I've ever made.
                Cool, Choice I had a moment like that earlier too, it was somebodies signature quote that triggered it - not to let drinking, etc prevent me being the interesting person I could be - it was one of the first times that I thought it could be a fun thing to be sober long term! It's literally taken 8 weeks for me to start seeing it that way, and that was only for a moment, but it was a good one. Like you said, it's that green light saying GO!!

                Coco, I love your daughter's way of thinking I used to wear Converse years ago when I was in my teens, then stopped. I was thinking of getting a pair for years, but my ex didn't like them and for some silly reason, that mattered. Broke up with aforementioned ex last September, got myself a pair of Converse in June, re-pierced my belly button on the same day, stopped drinking in July and finally started feeling like ME again for the first time since I was about 16! (quite a while ago now )
                AF since 13th July 2010
                NF since 5th July 2010


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Molly your new hair colour sounds lovely ? I think!! :nutso:
                  Sidney what a great idea to celebrate our success, I?m not the ?creative? type so I?ll have to ponder this one awhile.
                  Anna I am a fan of quinoa too had it for dinner mixed with chopped cucumber, spring onions, pepper, tomatoes and olives and a panfried salmon fillet on a bed of rocket with a squeeze of lemon all over and salt and pepper, it was delicious. Made enough quinoa for breakfast tomorrow so I?ll heat it flavour with the juice of a tangerine, add plump sultana and sprinkle with cinnamon.

                  Hi to everyone tonight and welcome to Patrice and hdb you?ve come to a great place with a fantastic supportive bunch ? it?s very motivational around here.

                  Choice I so agree with you those are my sentiments too ? I simply do not drink anymore and have that firmly imprinted on my brain, I?ve worked hard to rewire my thinking because I cannot go back. I read a quote on a thread here that I have printed on the opening page of my diary and read it many times each day which summarises the way I feel about drink:-

                  It drains my spirit, saps my energy and empties my soul

                  Love and kindness to all

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    neart, I LOVE converse! I am 38 and I bought a pair of pink converse runners last month! LOOOOVE them!

                    I had a pair of Mint Green ones when I was 16!


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Morning all its dull and grey here , so far we have had heavy rain showers all week with some sunny spells in between. Tyical Irish weather lol . Its gettng dark now by 8.30 PM. I love converse trainers. I bought a lovely pair when i was in Vegas for a wedding last march they are white with differant colours in a nice pattern. They were reduced as well so good bargain as they are expensive here. Might get a 2nd pair at some stage they are so comfortable. Well its day 15 for me and no strong cravings or urge to drink and when the thought does come in to my head my just think of my last hangover and how i never want to feel so ill again. I got an AA meeting in yesterday and i'll go to another this evenng and/or tomorrow afternoon. Have a good friday whatever you have planned.



                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Mornin! This is like CA (converse anon):H. I actually spotted a smashing pair yesterday, mauve and white - ankle ones. They are dear - 85 euros, so maybe the next few days drink money????
                        Firefox, it's gorgeous morn here on the north side - I knew we must have something over you lot:H. Am heading to Drogheda in half hour for counselling, not really looking forward to it, still don't know if she starts delving or if I have to come up with stuff? I don't really know what I need to sort, I just feel so much better with the AD's I can't remember what upset me. It's a bit like when I was drinking, I hope the AD's aren't masking my problems just to resurrect when I finish taking them.
                        Anyway, hope you all have a lovely day - I'm not working today so will check in this after when I get home
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          Morning all! Firefox, AFM - mine are maroon, not the boot ones. My first pair were navy, which I still have a love for, and may well pick a pair up one of these days!

                          Molly, I hope it goes ok for you - it takes a little while to settle in and get used to the whole experience, so don't worry if it's a bit weird today. Thinking of you :l

                          Hope everyone else is doing well? It was lovely here earlier (Sunny South East ) but its clouding over now. Just back from acupuncture, he was trying to help get some blood flowing to my head for interview tomorrow! Hope it works...

                          Happy Friday everyone x
                          AF since 13th July 2010
                          NF since 5th July 2010


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Good morning All,
                            Quick hello before work...had a challenging day yesterday with mental cravings, but made it and happy to say Day 13....

                            Lots going on this weekend, I am feeling stronger than I did yesterday and will not drink.



                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              Hey Everyone,
                              May the consersation on Converse continue on! I love my Spira shoes. Not a fashion statement, but the built in coil springs cushion my every step, and last much longer than the cushioning in other shock-absorbing footware.

                              I did want today to bring up the topic of meds and supplements. Someone mentioned Antabuse, l-glut I think. Are these substances enabling your progress? Any suggestions for others? The only supplement I take is calcium with vitamin D, to strengthen my bones. But this site is built in part on using meds and supplements, and I am wondering how people here are doing with this.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                MAY I JOIN THIS CONVERSE-ATION?

                                Good Morning, Team! Howz everyone this lovely 10th day?

                                Friday - YAY! Can't wait for a little sleep-in tomorrow!

