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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Hey Fellow Sober Septs-

    Good to hear everyone having a fab AF free weekend! :goodjob: Today marks 2 weeks AF for me - feels soooo good to wake up rested and hangover free.

    Have a great week, everyone - stay motivated to keep on keeping on the Challenge!

    :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Good morning everyone. I'm awake early and can't get back asleep so i thought i may as well stay up and post. Might get in in to bed for a couple of hours later. Sleep pattern is not so good but apart from that is well and no major cravings or struggle so far. Its the start of day 18 for me and a sober monday. I'm going to an AA meeting at 1pm and the job centre after to check out coarses and back to work programs. I'm ready to work part tme for now or do a coarse or training etc. Small steps as i'm bit fearfull of returning back to work after so long. Sunday was good met my brother and some of his friends and we went for lunch to a nice cafe. Just chilled in the evening i read a bit and watched tv. Happy sober monday and well done on all your successes. And for anyone who slipped its the start of a new day so jump back on the wagon.



        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Just gone 7 am and the start of day 9. I feel so good and looking forward to Monday. Very little pain from the broken bones and no hangover or sense of shame and disgust. I am still overeating which worries me a bit but maybe it is a normal reaction to not drinking alcohol. Anyway better food and chocolate than booze. Good night (Monday) Choice have I got the time zone right? Keep on fighting the good fight everyone.Firefox, I wish I had the courage to go to an AA meeting. Good Luck with the job centre and the potential courses x


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Mornin all! Firefox, how long have you been out of work? Was it by choice or just no jobs? I took over 20 yrs off to rear the kids, glad I did it, but I was TERRIFIED returning to the workplace. I'm now working in my present job nearly 3 years and I absolutely love it. Obviously would rather stay at home Mon morns but other than that, yep one of the best things I ever did, so good luck with the courses - I did an ECDL which helped me get this job, I did it online tho.
          Hey Anon, great to get the first couple of weekends over isn't it. I am also a bit worried about my eating - I'm not in anyway overweight - like you Sunbeam, marginal on those BMI charts, actually speaking of which, if I was on the lower end of 'normal weight' on those charts I reckon I would be a skeleton, I have big problems with that. My daughter is 6 ft tall, the same as me, I would describe her as slim verging on skinny, she barely makes it into the normal range. What a dreadful message to pass on to young people. Sorry I'm on my hobbyhorse. I had marginal anorexia as a young person due to the likes of those charts and I can honestly say I have never been overweight in my whole life except in my last year of drinking when I bloated like a mad thing. Incidentally, despite eating things I have never eaten like chocs etc I have lost nearly 3 stone since last year just from giving up drink.
          Sorry for going on, see you all later
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Hi Molly and everyone else this is a busy tread so hard to reply to everyone. . Not long awake i got 2 bed for a while havin woken at 3.30 and cudn't get back asleep. i'm out of work as a result of losing a job and then ill health i had a few accidents and my depression got worse. I did a coarse and did volentary work in oxfam after but i'm findng it hard to get a job now as my referances are out of date and too few jobs for too few people. Thata why i'm going to fas job and training centre today. There are a few coarses i'm nterested in so i hope i get a place on one of them or even on a list. Off to have a shower and get ready to go. Have a good monday.


              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              Best of luck FF
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Good Morning Team September - Happy Day 13!

                Hope everyone is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning!


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Hi all, I?m working from home today but just had to peek in and see how everyone is doing. I left my party early last night just too much wine flowing and folk were determined to celebrate and get drunk ? it was for the birth of one of my best friends first granddaughter so lots of toasting going on, I had a champagne flute full of tonic to fool everyone and appear ?normal?. Okay what do you do when told to ?bring a bottle??? I took along a box of nice chocies but just couldn?t go and buy a bottle at this stage.

                  It?s a rainy dull day and I?m stuck doing admin which I hate so will need to think of something to cheer me up. Can?t eat anymore ice cream. Anyway, day 20 here and my first time into the twenties and 3 weeks tomorrow so all good.

                  FF hope you get onto a course you like, and happy Monday to Molly, Anon, Enja, Choice and Sunbeam another start to another week AF.

                  Dewdrop :h
                  Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Sorry Coco Nut, crossed post - Happy Monday to you too!!!
                    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Happy hangover free Monday to coco, Dewdrop, Peace, Mollyka, Sunbeam, choice, enja, fiefox, anon and everyone eles on the challenge!!! :goodjob:
                      It's day 22 for me and so far so good. I went for a workout at the gym and then went shopping for winter boots and got some they are lush Why not? I didn't get any last year and I'm not drinking my body weight in wine :H ! Firefox good luck with the job hunting. I am looking to return to work now my youngest has started school. Ive been at home for nearly 6 years now and would like something part time to fit around the kids. No rush tho I'm rather enjoying my 'free' time! Nearly halfway there folks! Have a great week.
                      :l :h


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        thats everyone else!!!!


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          Hi Everyone
                          Isnt it wonderful to start Mondays hangover free.....!!

                          Spin - you can well afford the boots on what you have probably saved on booze....

                          This thread has a wonderful positive vibe to it, I just love it! :h
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Happy Monday from Overit too!!!

                            Spinning, you sound great. Keep on working that booty out! Seems like we have alot of people meeting the September Challenge! Thats awesome!

                            I definately DONT want to fail at this challenege. Its already almost HALF over!

                            Just took an Antabuse pill so wont be no drinking here!

                            Will check in later, but just wanted to give a HAPPY MONDAY SHOUT OUT!!!:yougo::yougo::yougo::goodluck:
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              9 10 pm Got past most of the evening cravings looking forward to hitting double figures in the morning DAY 10. How many days do the cravings last? Thank god for you lot on this website/forum as I always seem to get what I need to hear when I log on. Still munching chocolate but good news no weight gain so far. Hope everyone is having/had a great Monday. Have a good Tuesday in Oz and New Zealand. Liz x


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Anon, you are crackin' me up with the time zone... It is Tuesday Morning here... and the start of a sunny spring day. When I first moved here (1yr 5months ago) I couldn't really believe I was across the date line and under the equator. I guess it took getting that far away from home to decide to sober up lol! I'm day 22 AF... and smiling. This September challenge with all the great folks was just what the doctor ordered!!

