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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Happy Sunday Dew and Molly, Anon, and all the fellow Challengers!

    I have not posted here every day pretty much due to time issues, and also because as you all know I take Antabuse. Its pretty much a given that I wont be drinking! I think I am at day 20 today

    Im pretty confident I will meet the Sober September Challenge (dont want to get too cocky though). This month has really flown by hasnt it? Im really glad to have had the honor to joined you all with this.

    How is everyone doing today??? I hope your Sunday is a blessed one!!!


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Hi everyone!

      Chill, way to go on the massive cycle! Overit, so glad things are going well for you Dewdrop, I just love the sound of that fire and music - sounds so cosy!! I actually like this time of year, when I can wear my nice jumpers and start thinking about lighting the fire again. Anon, enjoy the party! Hi Molly - remember the rule of thumb - if you're worrying about your own memory, everything's okay. It's only when others worry about it that you need to worry!

      Well, I had a busy day yesterday, I ended up doing Irish dancing on the streets in town (the Walls of Limerick, for those who'd know) which was fun, but boy am I unfit! Then I went to a fundraiser at the Dog Track, met some neighbours which was cool. This morning, went to a concert (organ recital) and then into town to a farming display and food fair!

      And, I found myself realising today just how relieved I feel not to have to worry what stupid thing I'm going to say or do the next time I get drunk - I am starting to feel like I can relax a little and maybe I was always worried about what I was going to do next?

      Have a great Sunday everyone xx
      AF since 13th July 2010
      NF since 5th July 2010


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Lovely party. Fanta orange is horrid so drank water. They never opened the wine as I did not want it I am shocked that I am the only person out of about 20 who would have bothered to drink at a childs 1st birthday party.
        Everyone sounds releived to be hangover free and Molly what Neart said about memory is probably true at least I hope so.


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          wot was that - can't remember:H:H:H
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Ha ha


              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              Hi all,
              Sober Sunday
              I am enjoying a nice relaxing weekend. I don't remember the last time I just chilled out with a book on the weekend. I am learning to relax again and it feels wonderful.

              Neart I can really relate to thinking about how I was going to act, react while I was drinking. It is truly liberating to just be...

              I am engrossed in reading "Dry" this weekend, started it yesterday and will be finished today I am sure.

              Just had to check in with all my MWO friends.


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Hi Peace, Anon, Neart, Overit and everyone else. Another lovely sober Sunday. Funny thing today -Neart, being Irish you'll know what I'm talking about! Today the All-Ireland Gaelic football final was on. I am big into sport and the All-Ireland is a biggy here. As it started - completely out of the blue I just got this quite strong feeling that I'd love a drink. Obviously we must have always gone to the pub or something for the match - I honestly don't know but the association was there and it was definitely registering on my radar! This is a very very dangerous addiction, when I started on this 'journey' I thought it was going to be a doddle - I'm quite strong willed and determined sort of person when I make my mind up -THIS IS NOT A DODDLE.
                Anyhow, had my lovely roast dinner and cream cake and am now beautifully replete and over my temptation!! Hope you've all had a lovely day
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Well done Molly this is not a doddle I agree.


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Morning Everyone!

                    Isn't it just wonderful to wake up unhung!

                    Chill - well done on the massive bike ride.:award: Anon - congrats on the AF free birthday party, it made me remember back to my son's 1st birthday party- there was only one other child, a whole bunch of our friends, lots of food, cake and a case of champagne which we demolished :bonkers: Dewdrop - your day sounds like bliss. Molly - thanks for letting us know about the 'Shout out loud its Sunday' thread - I didn't know about it and will certainly put up a post. 3 AF weeks for me today! Peace, Neart, Overit & all SS'ers well done - sounds like you're all keeping busy and doing well. :goodjob:

                    :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Hi guys,

                      Molly isn't that mad - the old triggers are still there! Funny, cause I've been having a few moments myself today. Not that I was going to break open a bottle or anything, but just feeling a bit blah and non-commital to the whole exercise, thinking "why shouldn't I drink again?" This is the first time in ages I've felt this or thought this. I think I'm feeling restless, and also have been planning a trip to the city I used to live in to visit a friend, and the association with AL there is strong (no prob with not drinking around my friend though, she is v supportive). So these associations are everywhere, and like you say Molly, it's no doddle. My biggest danger is complacency.

                      Peace, how is the book going? I got Allen Carr's book out of the library, been reading it at night. It takes time to learn to relax, doesn't it? I was really antsy this weekend, finding it hard to settle. But I've just started reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy (a nice, cheerful book ) which everyone tells me is very engrossing - fingers crossed!

                      Anon, glad the party went well - imagine none of the others wanting wine!

                      Sidney, hope you're okay xx

                      Hi to all

                      ps me Dad is delighted cause Cork won the All-Ireland!
                      AF since 13th July 2010
                      NF since 5th July 2010


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Molly & Neart are you going to the meet up in Dublin next month?
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          what meet up?!
                          AF since 13th July 2010
                          NF since 5th July 2010


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Oh Molly my heart missed a beat when I started to read about your struggle today, even after all these months to feel that strong urge again just shows we have to be on our guard all the time. Neart it sounds like you had a lovely day I haven?t been dancing in ages and you are right we really can?t be complacent as that urge can surface at any time.

                            Overit, antabuse or not we are all in this together whatever works to keep you off the dreaded booze is okay with me, you still need the willpower so don?t underestimate yourself. Congratulations on 3 weeks enja we will soon have the 30 days trophy, and hello to Anon, Peace, Chill and everyone else.

                            I?ve had a lovely day today and feel relaxed and ready to face another working week; I?ve taken my nytol and am off to bed shortly and so glad I am sober.

                            Dewdrop :h
                            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              Dewdrop - you are a real asset to this site, i love having you around!

                              Neart - Frid 22 & Sat 23rd Oct a crowd of us are meeting up in Dublin, it would be fantastic if you could come, I dont know exactly where in Ireland you are. Starty is coming from the Uk and Im flying in from Portugal! It will be a real laugh :H everyone is welcome.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                I wanna go too!!! :upset: I wuzrobbed of the Dublin meetup! outing:

                                You all are going to have so much fun!

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

