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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    DG would love you to come!
    Why don't you arrange one in the US, somewhere central - I'd come over!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Chillgirl;963406 wrote: DG would love you to come!
      Why don't you arrange one in the US, somewhere central - I'd come over!

      I'm doing a class thing through the local Chamber of Commerce and one of the other women in the class is having a get together with 9 of her high school friends soon. They are spread all over the US now. They rented a 7 bedroom 5 bathroom house in Chicago for a long weekend. I could get the address and name of the land lord. We should seriously consider that!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Doggygirl;963407 wrote: CHICAGO!!!!!!

        Fantastic! I haven't been so with enough warning I'm up for it!
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Sober Sunday coming to a close for me. Had a lovely day spent with my son first at a water park, and then swimming! He was a very wet boy today! Im sure he will sleep like a rock tonight.

          THank you Dewdrop for reminding me that it does indeed take the desire and drive for me to actually take my Antabuse. Your right, all it really requires is to skip it for a week and then I am free to drink again. I am indeed serious about this challenge and willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

          I hope everyone had a lovely day as well, and even if your day was not so lovely, well tomorrow is a new day!!

          Hugs :l


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            4 weeks AF

            Hi Everyone! Happy Sober Sunday September challenge!!! Although it is Monday here . I didn't check in yesterday but wish I did because I could probably spend about an hour responding to everyone's posts from yesterday let alone how great everyone is doing today . Thanks so much Sunbeam for starting this thread it has really been an enjoyable way to keep up the good AF work.

            Well, my big challenge on Saturday's lunch turned out kinda funny. I'm not sure really where to begin this story.... It's too long and winded and I keep deleting what I write.... My boyfriend and I met 2 other couples out for lunch... (I'd said I couldn't meet them on Friday night.. because I was afraid I'd be tempted to drink) We get to the restaurant and I am going over my lines in my mind about how I will order a 7-up. It was a strange awkward pause when the drinks were ordered... I have a feeling everyone was feeling each other out.. on if we'd all drink AL and how much. I ordered my 7-up.. and kinda just sat back and remained calm. Everyone ordered their AL drinks and I was fine.

            Get this!! In about 5 min a huge sweaty glass of chilled white wine is set in front of ME. And it stinks really bad. It's the only drink served and just to me. No other drinks are served to the 5 other people at this time and the waitress is gone. I feel like someone is playing a cruel joke. I also feel like someone may have well of put a glass of urine in front of me as I don't even want to touch the stem of the glass.

            I feel like my head is about to start going around in circles like the girl in the exorcist. I look around... NO ONE has their drinks yet, and I talk myself down barely able to say. "What is this? I did not order a wine. Who's wine is this?" When the waitress returns I tell her "I didn't order this" She looks at me like I'm insane. I have to say it again. Finally she takes it away and brings everyone their drinks except mine. When I finally get my 7-up I want to drink it in one gulp. I don't, I sip it and listen to everyone talking and drinking. I felt comfortable at some point... and it was all fine. But what a strange experience in front of people I don't know. I am glad that the wine looked like urine to me though.


              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              Hi all,
              I'm at the end of a very busy day. That's a satisfying thing, and makes me feel especially good because it was a Sunday. As I've mentioned before, Sunday afternoon used to be my abusive drinking time.

              Doggy Girl has mentioned a possible meet-up in Chacago, and that spurs me to tell a story. I met up with a friend from the Mod Squad in August. We had connected through our gardening interests, and we met at a large public botanical garden, spent most of the day there. It is a whole different experience talking with someone who shares your drinking problem and attitude. At one point I said to her something like "I'd probably be happier if I didn't drink". Reflecting on that thought, I started posting on the ODAT thread instead of the Mod Squad, and then decided to start this thread. And here we are!

              My heart continues to be warmed reading the stories of how well you are all doing. Thank you for sharing all of that energy with the group, including me. It is very inspiring.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Just have to say that is one crazy story Choice! How bizzarre! Im so glad you were able to pull it off and get your 7-up! Geesh, I think you were trapped in an episode of the twilight zone or something!

                And Sunbeam, you warm my heart as well. You picked an appropriate name!!!

                Sleep well friends! My day is over, and a new day awaits tomorrow!!!


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Yeah OverIt, It felt like the twilight zone or that I was in a twisted move. I'm glad I could share it here with the September gang... as I'm not really sure who would understand how amazingly difficult the whole thing was... Just to order a 7-up.


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Well done Choice! Love that it looked like urine I'm going to borrow that visual for every time I see a glass of white wine now :H

                    Sunbeam I agree with Overit, you are very appropriately named.

                    Have a wonderful AF Monday guys, the energy on this thread continues upward!
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Hiya everyone . I've been away all weekend so haven't had chance to read the posts yet so just checking in. Day 29 for me today and feeling good. No cravings or desire to moderate again ( this usually kicks in when the memory of my last binge fades!!). Hope you all had a sober weekend I will read posts later. Got to dash .:l x


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Wow Choice I wish I could always picture a glass of wine as something obnoxious to drink! Glad to see you spinning and I worry also that the memory of that last binge fading will kick start my alkie thinking.
                        Hmm Weekend in Chicago long way from Liverpool.
                        Thanks again for this thread Sunbeam.
                        Day 16 here


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          Hi All
                          hope everyone is doing well, I am looking forward to tomorrow night when I will be able to celebrate the spring equinox (autumn for our northen hemisphere people). the day/night of balance, the end of one season & the begining of another, which is one of the other reasons that I wanted to make September the begining of my AF life the timing seemed perfect.
                          I do have a question for those who have had some serious sober time, did you find you had to leave some of your old (drinking) friends behind, & if so how did you come to realise that they were no longer healthy to be around? I only ask as I have a friend who I have done alot for, been her break up buddy, twice (over the same guy), have given so much emotional energy to help her thru alot of stuff, we have always joked about how "it is always about her", but now I'm begining to think its not a joke, I pretty much had a breakdown, then was recently made redundant & my Dad is going thru Chemo, but the last several times we talked she didnt ask me how I was or how my Dad is doing, when i ring her i spend 45 minutes listening to her stuff, then maybe we talk about me for 5 minutes, the thing is we have known each other for 20 years & i love her like a sister, I know i wont hear from her for a while as she had just moved away to live with her boyfriend & since its all peachy at the moment, she wont ring me untill something goes wrong. i emailed her a couple of days ago & i know she has access to her laptop & i emailed her to see how the big move went & have not heard back form her, but she has posted stuff on her FB page. I guess i feel stupid. I dont know if i should cut my ties with her or wait & see what happens the next time we are in contact. plese dont get me wrong, she has lots of good points, she is funny, smart, & is a grat Mum to her son.
                          anyway hope all are staying strong in the fight, has anyone heard how Sid & her husband are doing?
                          Progress, not perfection!!!
                          A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Hi Witchy - I got a mesg from Sid, she is not drinking which is great
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              Happy Monday All,

                              Day does that ever feel good to say. Today, I am more than confident I will reach 30 and then some. Notice how I say today, it is really one day at a time. Way to go Choice.

                              Anon, I feel the same as you in thinking that the more the memory of my last binge fades the more at risk I am to drink. I am holding on to the Pink Cloud feeling and riding it for as long as I can. I read "Dry" by Augusten Burroughs on the weekend, picked it up Saturday and finished it Sunday, it was a good read. It is a reminder of how fast we can spiral once we pick up again, I, myself am an example of that also.

                              Off to start my day - chipper on a Monday feels amazing.


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Afternoon everyone its a nice sunny breazy day here. Day 25 and another sober weekend over. I struggled a bit yesterday but instead of caving in i ate 4 large choc chip cookies after dnner. Not so good for my bulging middle but at least i didn't go out for wine. Feeling better today. Choice well done for not drinking that wine not sure how i would have coped. I've not been faced with any social outings that involves al yet but i'll to be prepared when it crops up. Witchy sorry to hear your friend is not there for you right now. May be there is a reason have a word with her next time you phone. May be she's busy with the move but she should be more supportve to your needs and give you the same time when she's got problems. Wish you all a sober monday and a good start to the week.

