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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Good Morning everyone,

    First thing I do after I get home from the gym is come on this site to check in and see how everyone is doing. This has been a good week craving wise, have had a few but not like the first couple of weeks.

    I am starting to feel like a non drinker again and I like it. I love being able to make plans at any time of the day and not have to wonder if I will be drinking or hungover, it is liberating.

    I will be joining the October thread for sure, you all have helped me make it this far - 26 days woohoo, I appreciate all the support more than you can imagine.



      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      Back again after a very slow run.
      Hiya to :Enja,Peace,Spinning,Sid,Neart,,Tippy,Sunbeam,Fire fox,Mollyka,Tired,Doggy,JC,Welcome Hippy:welcome: and Brilliant Dewdrop 30 Days well done:goodjob:
      When I was running in the woods I ran into the person/friend I had disclosed my Af status to and spoke about getting fit to run races again. I was so thrilled to see her out running and she said if I could do this then she could!!!
      Another nice thing is that I miscalculated my AF days and it is 19 today not 18 so I will be out of my teens tomorrow and well on my way to 30. I did think 30 was the day of my 10k race but luckily it is day 29. I think if it had been 30 I would have either wanted to celebrate or drown my sorrows.


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        Good morning! I'm zoomin' already (thank God I am not hung over - that would be horrifying!). Wanted to say hi to all and special congrats to Dewdrop on 30 days AF! And welcome Hippy Chick!

        Have a wonderful sober and unhungover day one and all.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Morning everyone! Just doing a quick check in, happy to hear everyone seems to be doing well. I am on day 16! I am getting ready to leave for an out of town wedding and won’t be back until late Sunday. Please send me thoughts and prayers of strength and support so that I make it through this. I am fearful but I know that I that if I put my mind to it, am strong enough to get through it. Let’s just hope I am smart enough as well! Hope everyone has a great “hangover free” weekend.


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Hi all I am doing much better in the stress deptartment with what is going on with my husband's health. Guess it is sinking in. Have not been drinking but have lost count. I think I am at 30 days...but I am looking forward to 30 days at the end of the month wih the rest of you. Take care all. Sid.


              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              Hi Sid - I'm glad you are holding up, I know you are one stong lady and can cope with this AF.

              This thread continues to be a great source of inspiration, I only need to come here and instantly feel better, there is so much good energy and it has to be continued with October!

              You all totally rock guys
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Hiya everyone . Congratulations on your 30 days Sid well done !!! Sober October! Bring it on . Day 32 AF for me today and day 23 of the challenge and feeling more positive that ever! Just thought of these numbers today and I had my first daughter when I was 23 and my second daughter when I was 32! No relevance what so ever lol. Anyway I agree with Chill you guys rock ! Must try and read all the post tomorrow as my 13 yr old wants the laptop. xx


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  that should read posts!


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Watched some Rain in my heart today shocking stuff. Been a bit angry this afternoon about nothing in particular and just wanted a glass of wine I cannot understand why I would even consider alcohol after watching the documentary. Anyway did not cave in but still feel grumpy and defo will not drink. I think I am grumpy cos I miss alcohol but do not miss the rubbish that goes with it.


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Howry'as all! I have had a pisser of a day and have now just lost a big long post:headbanger:Anyway, quick rant, plumber here for hours, still here when got in from work, 'fixing' the frigging shower, if anyone read the 'what we bought on ebay drunk' thread - they'll know the shower I'm talking about. They knocked off the electricity, broad band went down, dinner ruined and the SHOWER STILL ISN'T FIXED!! I am truly pissed off - sorry everyone will check back later when I've calmed down!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Hi everyone,

                        Glad you all seem to be going great guns, hang in there anon you can get over this check out your plan and distract yourself somehow and before you know it you?ll have forgotten about that pissy wine. Just think how bad you?ll feel tomorrow. I?ll be keeping my finger and toes crossed for Tired and the wedding.

                        I?ve had a good day as I have been in a great mood all day I just feel I am floating on air by getting to day 30. It has been raining heavy all day and is now torrential with thunder and lightening but it hasn?t dampened my spirits. I know it won?t last but I?m enjoying it while I can. I have noticed a lifting of my mood these past few days and my energy levels are picking up too.

                        Molly hope you don?t stay annoyed too long and I did see your post on the ?things you buy on eBay drunk? thread which was just so funny, I had tears rolling down my face reading that thread ? the crochet photos completely cracked me up. Oh and Oney?s ?hard? socks!!! I?ll need to go back and read it again for a laugh. Wish I knew how to bookmark things it takes me ages to find things again.

                        Have a great night everyone,

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          Morning Sober September crew!

                          I learn so much everyday on this thread :h:h:h

                          YAY!!! DEWDROP and SYDNEY and COCO-NUT! 30 days is fabulous.

                          Anon, I got in a pretty funky mood when I watched the rain in your heart videos myself. They made me super uncomfortable and I could only watch one. I also battled with cravings that day too, and really had to keep saying in my mind ODAT.

                          Tired, I hope you enjoy yourself AF at the wedding. I haven't been challenged with an event like that (yet) but I am finding not drinking around people who are a pretty interesting learning experience. It's starting to be more fun being an observer and taking mental notes. I think I might be enjoying people more.. not sure, but probably. Go easy on yourself and good luck to you :h

                          Enja, Oh brother... that's how my last drunk was... It was a mistake and only meant to be wine at dinner. Finding MWO two days later in such pain. I still can't believe I started this journey in such desperation totally disregarding a plan for a last drunk session before I did...(which previously would have been a typical move for me. I think? Not sure) it's funny or not so funny what turns a light on for us.

                          Thanks again to Sunbeam for starting this tread!!! We are almost there! woo-hoo!


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Hi everybuddy!

                            Still AF here, sneaking up on 6 months! I just wanted to let everyone know that I got my blood work back from the labs and the Doctor said everything is in the normal range. Cholesterol is good, blood sugar is good and all the liver enzymes are within normal range! WOO HOO. It looks like the human body has an amazing capacity to recover. Keep it up everyone, we are doing awesome.


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              :thanks: Dewdop. Feel ok now got my plan in place.
                              Molly crossed post-- sorry you are also pissed off.
                              Watching fab Tiger programme on TV would usually be asleep by now so another good reason not to drink.:h


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Also just missed Tippyso Hi. Also thanks for the information Choice Yes defo ODAT! Feel ok now

