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Sober (AF) September Challenge

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    Sober (AF) September Challenge

    Peace, xposted with your last post. I have to say the day I decided I can NEVER drink safely again was like a load off my shoulders - it had become exactly how you described - an anxiety
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Sober (AF) September Challenge

      It really is, Peace! So many ups and downs and conflicting feelings...I am hoping they fade over time! It's good that you have come to that realisation by yourself and in your own time.

      I have thought a little on and off about whether I'd moderate again, but it always comes back to the feeling (for me) that most people who do not have an AL problem do not need to "moderate", and how during one period of moderation, I still managed to land myself in hospital with a head injury and concussion. I moderate until I have 2 drinks in, then I forget to moderate, and then I forget to stop. Every time. I read a book ages ago about going AF and they recommended a minimum of one year AF before even considering moderation. Each to their own, but I have a feeling for me that if I do a year AF, I won't want to go back ever to hangovers and not trusting myself.

      I don't mean to criticise anyone elses choices and I don't think there's anything wrong with moderating at all, just that it's not for me - I am a disaster at it!
      AF since 13th July 2010
      NF since 5th July 2010


        Sober (AF) September Challenge

        I?m glad to hear everyone sounds quite chipper as we get to the end of the month, and tomorrow is Wednesday so mid week already. I haven?t had any alcohol dreams yet not sure if that?s something to be happy about or am I missing out??

        I have a big meeting to go to on Thursday morning on the restructuring of our company for 2011/2012 so it may be redundancy for quite a few and no one is safe. The timing couldn?t be worse as people will be paid off in time for Christmas. Needless to say it is a bit of a worry but I am philosophical and often feel that things usually happen for a reason, as one door closes another opens. In many respects it will just be a relief to know for myself and for some good friends I?ve made over the years. One thing for sure I am glad I am facing this sober and clear headed.

        About 20 of us are staying in the city overnight as we have a flight to catch the next morning so at dinner everyone will either be celebrating or commiserating or a mixture of both, and will be holding up the bar till the early hours. There is no way I can get out of the dinner so that?s not an option and I need to face more of these social situations to gain more confidence in dealing with them. I?m thinking of pulling a ?I can?t drink because I?m on medication? or simply ?I just don?t feel like drinking tonight? I am determined that I will not drink no matter what, and at the moment I am not even tempted I feel so strong, yet I do know how unrelenting a craving/urge can be. I?ll make sure I have extra L-glut and Kudzu with me and try and arrive as late as I can and leave early if need be. Anyone have any ideas or experience?

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Sober (AF) September Challenge

          Well, Dewdrop,
          You seem to have all the bases covered there.
          Arrive late, leave early.

          I'm on meds........don't get to complicated or they may ask what they're for and you'll end up with some imaginary disease.

          'It's been a long day, not to night thanks.'

          Sorry to hear that your company's going through changes,but good for you for the forward thinking and planning.

          I was at a bit of a do recently and one of Mr JC's aquaintances asked me why I didn't drink any more. He'd gone on about it before so I just said to him..... 'It was killing me'. He hasn't asked again.

          J x
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Sober (AF) September Challenge

            Hey there everyone!!

            I can't believe we have almost made it to the end of September!!! I'm realizing that I am reaching the end of my plan that I made almost 40 days ago so I need to alter it within the next two days. I'd better get busy on that. :h:h:h

            I'll check in later.



              Sober (AF) September Challenge

              I'm with you Choice 40 days on Friday! Yay! My next plan is sober October. I too have come to the conclusion that I can't moderate (I have been trying for the past year with some disasterous consequences ). I'm ok with the fact that I have to be AF now as there is no pleasure in drinking for me anymore because I know can't control it. Good night everyone! xx


                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                Hi guys, I have been offline for a few days and glad to see you are all going strong....

                September has been a much more difficult month for me than anticipated, I had a lot of financial stress to cope with including mortgage arrears, my 1st AF birthday and a wedding anniversary which is always hard as we are no longer together. I also have just been visiting a friend who used to be a big drinking buddy of mine and had to endure 5 days with her in drinking environments. I found it difficult to relax and blend in and stupidly took some mild drugs and got high which luckily didn't lead to me drinking.

                Despite all these challenges I remained completely AF and feel my resolve has strengthened as a result of going through al this. As a finale to the month, my two drinking Sisters arrive on Thursday for the weekend! Let's hope October is a little less rocky
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Sober (AF) September Challenge

                  Good for you Chillgirl, it's very hard at times, but we are stronger each time we stick to our resolve. Whatever it takes to stay AF, that's my thinking. I will have a cig when out socializing, I know I won't have to forever..


                    Sober (AF) September Challenge

                    Hi and goodnight everyone. Busy day with long walk/hike and then babysitting. No time for cravings today but worried that this will not last--


                      Sober (AF) September Challenge

                      Wow, Chili way to stay strong!! Yeah, I too am ready for the next month. This one hasn't been all that bad but I'm ready to start fresh again.

                      Peace, I know what you mean about thinking it would be easier to just have a drink with some people, to ease the pressure. The thing I'm finding about a sober life though is it is just a whole lot easier in general. I mean, that's not to discount all the bumps in the road on this path... but over all. I think one of the challenges with it is saying NO. I've heard NO is a word addicts hate the most. They hate hearing it and they hate saying it. I saw that in a movie.. I think it was clean and sober? It made a ton of since to me. NO can also be liberating. hmmmmmmm. always thinking I am in this thread!! I've got my new plan for October in place. It feels good, but I'll miss checking in with you guys on a daily thread.:l:h:l:h


                        Sober (AF) September Challenge

                        Hey kids,
                        Just a couple of quick thoughts on your thoughts, before I'm off to my choral rehearsal (I sing 2 nights per week):

                        An effective excuse for not drinking is, "my stomach feels off tonight". No one pushes you on that one!
                        Over time, you may learn to enjoy watching people drinking while you are sober. They often say and do silly and stupid things. It can be fun knowing you aren't the one looking silly and stupid.

                        Take care, all.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          Sober (AF) September Challenge

                          neart;969192 wrote: I moderate until I have 2 drinks in, then I forget to moderate, and then I forget to stop. Every time.

                          Neart, that is exactly what I do - I also used to buy at least two bottles of wine at a time to "prove" to myself that I wouldn't drink them all (in the same evening) of course that little fantasy only lasted an hour or so each night. Like you and others here I know I cannot moderate... I'm still a bit freaked out by the thought of never
                          having another drink but I love the feeling of relief of not having to think about it. So much better than all the arguments raging in my head between trying to limit my intake at the same time as trying to think how to drink as much as I could, especially if others were sharing. :blush: I guess that's what taking it ODAT is all about.

                          Choice, I'm going to miss seeing you around so often but understand that it's what you need to do. And congratulations on going for your graduate program! :l

                          Dewdrop, good luck with your meeting/dinner on Thursday. Could you perhaps drink fizzy water with ice and lemon so that to a casual observer it would look like a gin or vodka tonic?

                          Chill, well done on staying AF through trying times. :goodjob:

                          Well, I'm feeling great being AF but it hasn't done anything to help me being organized, on time or my number skills - just realized that today is actually my day 31 AF! :H Thanks everyone, couldn't have done it without you. :hug:
                          :heart: AF since 29th August 2010 :heart:


                            Sober (AF) September Challenge

                            Congratulations on your 31 days AF enja :goodjob:


                              Sober (AF) September Challenge

                              ENJA 31 DAYS BLOODY WELL DONE. !!!!!!!!


                                Sober (AF) September Challenge

                                Bad night sleep wise --nightmares about being busted for drugs--- Have never mis-used drugs just alcohol.
                                Anyway it was only a dream and I am on another AF day. Off to Ikea to buy a bed. I must try not to be Mrs Grumpy with OH (other half) today.
                                Soon be October but my mission is still to be 30 day AF.
                                Have a good day/evening/night.
                                I COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOU!

