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ODAT Mon 30th August

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    ODAT Mon 30th August

    Hi everyone!

    Well, i slipped up last night. Worked in hospitality (my second job) and a manager bought me up 2 x shots of Sambuca. I didn't really think about what i was doing with the first one, and just sort of took it cos it was easier to say yes than no. Then he bought the second one up and i put it down for a few mins, then had it later. My only thoughts were as long as i was BAC 0 to drive home as i have a condition on my license. I did decide, however, that i would politely refuse a third one. I didn't really get any effect from it or a buzz and it was never my drink of choice, so i am not really phazed by it.

    So, i guess in a way, i am still AF, for 5 days i think.

    Anyway, hope everybody had a good weekend and most of all is happy.

    Check in and let us know how you are going
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    ODAT Mon 30th August

    Hi Change
    Good on you for not taking that third drink. Wise move.

    I am rejoining MWO, Day 1 today, have been sliding waaay off the rails. So taking control again. I will have a bit more of a plan soon, just going to muddle through the next few days sober and take it ODAT.

    None of my alcohol in the house, just a few of DH's beers which I'm not tempted by at this stage.

    Have a great day everyone, the sun is a-shining here today, glorious


      ODAT Mon 30th August

      hay ODATers,
      struggling with mental tempation to day, I dont physically feel like I need to drink, but boy is my brain telling i need to, I had almost no WD symtoms, apart from being really tired cause I had trouble sleeping, would get twitchy when I went to go to sleep, but I slept for about 12 hours last night so must have needed it. so today is day 5, so am happy to have made it past day 4.
      Change honey, when I first tried to go AF last year, I had a couple of slips where I would have a single glass of wine, but was still happy as I didnt end up drinking a whole bottle, it means that you are awear of the concequences, your thought process is changing, so well done.
      McFuzz, hope you are enjoying thatg sunshine, last night my parents got back from 3 weeks in Australia & left 20 degree weather to come back to deep misty rain, the kind were you can only see about 100 feet infront of you, needless to say they wernt impressed. LOL
      anyway I have bought myself a lemon juice drink to have with my soda water tonight as a my treat for not caving & buying wine.
      hope you guys & all to come have a great day!
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


        ODAT Mon 30th August

        Morning everyone! Welcome back gertrude . Day 8 for me today and have no intention of drinking after my holiday fiasco! Slept ok but my mind is still mulling over all the what ifs and things I could have done differently on holiday. Well I will just have to put it behind me and think of the state I was in if I want to drink in the future. Hopefully I can learn from this lesson. I hope you all have a good AF Monday. x


          ODAT Mon 30th August

          Hi all
          Day 6 for me and I'm totally exhausted. Could be that its so hot here in asia or its just my body adjusting again to being AF. I did 42 days back in June and if I recall it took about 2 weeks to sleep properly again...
          Witchy- I am also from NZ and your description of the weather there made me cringe.. I remember those days so well and I will be moving back there at the end of the year (least it will be summer?)
          Change - excellent for refusing that 3rd drink... and I'm glad you are not phased by it, you are on day 5 for sure
          Have a superb day all


            ODAT Mon 30th August

            Morning all,

            I have a strong desire to drink today so I shall stay posted to everyone's thoughts...I must not give in to temptation. But christ I could so easily do it today. ARGGGHHH

            Have a lovely sunday all. x
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              ODAT Mon 30th August

              Good morning everyone its a lovely sunny morning here. Day 4 for me again and no urge for a drink i had a nice sober weekend tho saturday was a bit of a struggle. I went my first AA meeting in ages last night and i'm going to another today. I haven't been sleeping great and i feel a bit tired but apart from that i feel fine. Have a good sober monday.


                ODAT Mon 30th August

                Hi Rebirth... look at you girl 85 days!!!!
                I just read a post you wrote on 'What I hate and Loathe about drinking' a couple of weeks ago. I used to do that too.. mmm no good
                I will send you positive vibes here in Asia


                  ODAT Mon 30th August

                  G'mornin all, as my side of the pond awakes. Change, it is important to count all AF days, not just consecutive ones. Day 9 for me, off to work. I almost never drink on a work night, no struggles here. Gertrude, I'm in the audience that loves your name.
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    ODAT Mon 30th August

                    Hi all, Nice morning here in London. Welldone Change, it feels like a big break through when you can say no. I'm hoping to get a docs app tomorrow to get signed off work with Depression for a while. I spent yesterday in bed and close to tears again so its obvious I need to get a handle on this asap as thats only going to get worse. The thing is that logically I know I'll be fine and wont feel like this forever as I've been through this before so its kind of like I've split in two for a while if that makes sense. I have grand plans for my future so if I keep those thoughts of the future active I know I'll come out the other end a stronger person. Everyone needs to keep that visuallisation at the forefront of their mind, of who/where they want to be and keep working towards it. When we get there it will be BECAUSE of what we've been through, If we hadn't been through these trials we may just have plodded through life never trying to be anything more than we already we're. There are so many people in the world who are content not to reach for the stars, Us Alcoholics are not content with what we are/have and are forever reaching for a better life....This is a great thing!!! We can do whatever we want, no matter how little or big, and we will always be fully appreciative when we reach our goal because of what we've been through to get there! .....Ha ha, phew ....not sure where all of that came from, I only logged on to say Hello! xx
                    AF since 19th August 2011


                      ODAT Mon 30th August

                      Time to Change,
                      Great words of inspiration for all who encounter struggles. You will be in my thoughts as you pull through the present toward that bright future.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        ODAT Mon 30th August

                        rebirth;947185 wrote: Morning all,

                        I have a strong desire to drink today so I shall stay posted to everyone's thoughts...I must not give in to temptation. But christ I could so easily do it today. ARGGGHHH

                        Have a lovely sunday all. x
                        Rebirth, STOP right there! Think about how you'll feel tomorrow, is it worth it? A couple of hrs of "joy" (false joy), for a day long feeling of feeling glum.
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                          ODAT Mon 30th August

                          I've also realised that we lose so much to our drinking, that we forget who we are and what we enjoyed beforehand. Alc is like any other drug, don't be fooled that you can have this thing licked in a few days or a week. It is a long process of recovery: spiritually, financially, mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically.
                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                            ODAT Mon 30th August

                            Good morning all! Up way too early, only day 3 here, but couldn't sleep hardly at all. Reading all your posts it seems that is to be expected and I'll just have to bide with it for a week or two more and then be over that part. But it weakens my resolve when I'm feeling so sluggish as I don't have the energy to do something interesting, so my mind says...well you could just have a drink. But, its morning no drink, I'll check in here as soon as home from work. Happy Monday to all! And my, I didn't know that NZ had bad winters.....
                            From the Sanskrit prayer;

                            "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                            But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                            determined to be AF


                              ODAT Mon 30th August

                              Good morning all

                              Hoping to start a pattern of af days to mark on my calendar. Not been doing so well in that area, but certainly better than in the past. Everyone is so inspiring! Best wishes to you all in reaching your goals for today.

