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Back again and staying this time

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    Back again and staying this time

    Another day 2.....I made up my mind to stop (Again!!) after this past weekend and boy did I go out with a bang.

    I will be here daily, if not hourly to keep my resolve. I feel stronger about my decision than I have in a long time and am not beating myself up, as I know that is a huge trigger.


    Back again and staying this time

    Hi PeaceSeeking and :welcome:

    firstly great going on day 2 AF...I am on day 4 now....have had longer stints but kept falling off....secondly, how long was your last stint AF...

    I want to live life sober....not die a drunk


      Back again and staying this time

      Hi Liverbirdy,

      I am doing it for sure again, knowing how wonderful being sober feels already I am sure it won't be as hard as last time. But who knows, let's support each other.



        Back again and staying this time

        Oh I am so sorry for your must have been devastating, it will be 1 yr ago next week that I lost my dad, its a hard time for most but even harder for us that have the dreaded beast tempting us.
        5 yrs is a long time and congratulations on that!!! will be able to do it again!!!
        :l LB :l
        I want to live life sober....not die a drunk


          Back again and staying this time

          Thank you


            Back again and staying this time

            Hi Peace,

            I'm new here and I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I am on day 9 AF and I have to say 5 years AF is really impressive!!! You'll get it back just remember what you've already been able to do and be proud of that. You can do it again.


              Back again and staying this time

              Welcome Back Peace
              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                Back again and staying this time

                Hello Peaceseaking. Welcome back. Grief is a powerful force. My brother in law was killed in June and it is with me every day. I can relate to your experience at the party. I would also have blackouts at home nearly make it to bed, yet my husband never felt I had a serious problem. I have been sober since May and becoming sober has infused my life with a peace in spite of stress. You sound very resolved in your post to regain your sobriety so take full advantage of the momentum. I look forward to getting to know you. All the best.
                While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                Benjamin Franklin


                  Back again and staying this time

                  Thank you everyone...


                    Back again and staying this time

                    It's sooo hard to start again
                    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                      Back again and staying this time

                      Hi PeaceSeeking!
                      I just wanted to welcome you and let you know I'm glad you're back. Stay close, we're here to help!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

