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newbie with a question

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    newbie with a question

    hi all,

    i have spent most of today reading on this site! I am alcohol dependent, i think!

    i will post again about me and my story but need to ask a question - i want to stop drinking, i am ready to stop - long, long story!

    How likely am i to get seizures if i just stop?? I have drunk 2 bottles of wine every night for about 3 years and the last few weeks it has gradually crept up to 4!!

    I am ready to stop but terrified of having a seziure - i am a single mum!

    newbie with a question

    Hi Dolphin and welcome. I'm no medical expert but that's alot of wine every night for an extended period. I would advise medical intervention. Withdrawal can be very dangerous. There are many here who have gone cold turkey and detoxed on their own. I did not. I think you should err on the safe side. My opinion!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      newbie with a question

      Hello Dolphin, I'm not sure about wether its advisable to just stop completely if its been as many as 4 bottles but I don't know the medical facts sorry. Its great that you've got in touch, wellcome! Can you maybe start by cutting down for a week? You'll fine loads of help, advice and kind words on here so keep posting and reading. I'm sure someone will answer your question for you soon, in the meantime I just wanted to offer my support to you xx
      AF since 19th August 2011


        newbie with a question

        thank you for answering - its only been 4 bottles for 2 nights - before then it was 3 bottles for 3 weeks and before then 2 bottles - i will post my history at some time


          newbie with a question

          Dolphin even two bottles a night for a couple of years is a considerable amount. I know folks are apprehensive about disclosure but you need to be mindful of the risks...John xx
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            newbie with a question

            i am mindful which is why i asked the question - everyone around me (including the dr) thinnks i only drink weeekends now!!! how do i ask for help?


              newbie with a question

              i am scared of having a seizure because of the kids!!!


                newbie with a question

                I went online and found a detox/rehab program that was covered by my insurance. They did a quick assessment, and I was admitted two days later!
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  newbie with a question

                  Hey, I really think you should cut down for the first week rather than stop, Can you speak to your doctor at all? xx
                  AF since 19th August 2011


                    newbie with a question

                    Hi Dolphin.

                    I found it hard to talk to the doctor about it so I changed doctors until I found one who was easier to talk to. Dont feel ashamed of asking for help. Actually admitting it to someone else is a big step in accepting that you have a problem and need help. I felt liberated after talking to her and she was very encouraging and impressed that I had decided I needed help and sought it out.
                    If you are worried about having seizures when stopping, why not try to cut back until you are at an amount that would be easier to just stop.
                    It's not an easy thing to do, but good on you for admitting that your drinking is out of control and wanting to stop.
                    Visit us here often as there is always help and support for all that you will go thru. There are alot of single mums struggling to get and stay sober.
                    Good luck with your journey.
                    Hippy chick
                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      newbie with a question

                      Hi Dolphin: You have several options, as Techie at al have pointed out.

                      But from what I remember (been there, done that) if you keep up 4 bottles/day those options will get reduced to where the EMS takes you or what your family decides to do when they find you passed out somewhere. Not trying to be confrontive, just realistic.

                      What are you ABLE to do just now? Can you taper down to 2 bottles again? Once you're there you could re-assess. (By the time I got there, tapering wasn't within my capability.) Can you call a helpline? Can you call AA central services for your area? I've seen some amazing things happen among members of AA helping each other, including one friend who de-toxed a newbie with beer in 36 hours. AA would probably be the quickest way to get in touch with people who you can tell the whole truth to and get help.

                      Also, I suggest you read the MEDS forum, and especially check out baclofen. That's how I did my latest (and last, hopefully!) reduction from all-day drinking to 2 glasses of wine/day in about 3 days. It's not for everyone and you need to do your research, but here's a link to a thread that shows one woman's journey along that path

                      There are lots of resources here. Keep reading and posting and doing whatever is in your power to find a way out. You CAN do it. And it is so-o-o-o-o worth it. Feel free to PM me if I can help in any way.
                      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                        newbie with a question

                        Also, Dolphin, here's a link about tapering: Hard work, but it can be done.

                        Please, if you need professional help, find it. However, as you can see from these threads, some members have successfully tackled their own de-tox. You can learn so much from their experiences.

                        All the best to you.
                        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                          newbie with a question

                          Hi Dolphin and welcome!
                          I would suggest talking to your doctor honestly about how much you drink and of your desire to quit. There are anti-seizure medications they can prescribe to get you through the first 7-10 days or so. If that is not an option, I would recommend that you do slowly cut back, are you able to do that? Unfortunately, I was never able to "cut back". Please be careful and let us know how you are doing!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            newbie with a question

                            The level of your drinking does sound very dangerous. I would also be surprised, unless you are a complete hermit, that anyone around you doesn't know. Drinking that amount over such a long time does have an effect and take it's toll on your looks. I spent a long time thinking I still looked ok, but reality was that I was in denial and a lot of people around me were just keeping quiet.

                            There are two things you can try - try having a day with a lot less to drink than usual and see if you experience any side effects, then try going AF with some AL, or a friend to hand. If you are going to have a bad time it usually starts within a few hours, with mild shakes at first as the AL wears off and as long as you have someone there you should be ok. Tapering and fear of W/drawls kept me drinking on several occasions.

                            Drs can be a mixed bag, some will help others will tell you not to stop until they can arrange intervention. Unfortunatley that support can take days, weeks, months in some cases by which time you might have lost your desire to stop. Just persevere.

