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31st August ...Hello ODAT'ers.
31st August ...Hello ODAT'ers.
Hello everyone, thought I'd get this one started today. Hope everyone is doing ok. Tomorrow is the start of the Sober September Challenge so if your not already in then get on board! I'm off to the Docs this afternoon to get what ever I need to get this depression and drinking well and truly under control, I actually feel quite excited...is that weird? I have a plan in place this time and I'm keeping a journal daily and obviously I'll be checking in on here on a daily basis so I'm feeling confident. Have a great day one and all xxAF since 19th August 2011Tags: None
31st August ...Hello ODAT'ers.
Hi Time to Change,
I too look forward to the Sober September challenge. I did over 2 months of AF time when I joined MWO, but I haven't completed a successful AF month since then, in spite of two formal tries. One was two years ago ago in an August challenge, and another was more recently under monthly abstinence. So tomorrow is the big start and I am up for it.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
31st August ...Hello ODAT'ers.
Hi all
I'm up for it as well... I'm on day 7 done today and feeling so much better after that hideous 2 week blow out. But wow, do I feel exhausted!! Its only 6.30pm here and I'm ready for bed. I havent been able to get to sleep the last few nights but when I do fall asleep I stay asleep.. not like when I was drinking, that horrible 3am wake up gasping for water....
Take Care
31st August ...Hello ODAT'ers.
greeting ODATers,
well what a day. I started work (am doing some extra hours this week) at 10am this morning, was having a great day, keeping busy, no stress, when all of a sudden it was there, the craving, and it was bad, to day is day 6 for me & I was really struggling, I actually caved and decided I was going to buy a bottle of wine on the way home when I finished at 5.30, after all my original intention was to taper down so I was finally AF by 1st Sept, aynway that was how I was justifying it.
Well apparently the universe had other ideas, as we were runing all the End of Month reports & getting everthing approved, we came across a lot of stuff that had been brought in to the system after the close off at lunch time, so I didnt get out of work untill 9.30pm, by the time we processed everyting. Way to tired to drink, just wanted to get home & have a samwhich & logon & check in with everyone here.
Hope everyone has a great day, and I am looking forward to Sober September
Progress, not perfection!!!
A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!
31st August ...Hello ODAT'ers.
Hello everyone! I am also excited for the Sober September challenge! Its day 9 for me today and feeling good. Last year I did 6 months AF then treid to mod and have never been able to do it and when I do drink now its way out of control. So lets go for it. Have a great day everyone. x
31st August ...Hello ODAT'ers.
Good morning all
Slept well last night, but very busy today. Lot's of last minute things for the month then right into the ones that need attention around the 1st! Well, busy does have it's advantages. Made it through day 1, on to the next. Best wishes for everyone to reach their goals for the day!
31st August ...Hello ODAT'ers.
Hi Everyone!
Congratulations on your AF time (Witchy: Good job on avoiding the AL!). Time to Change: Good luck at the doctors today, it's not weird to be excited, I was like that too...it was like "I'm just going to be honest and get this all out onto the table", and what a relief that was. I'm lucky to have a very understanding, caring doctor that has helped me throughout this. Just be honest and things will turn out fine! I'll be thinking of you...and be sure to let us know how it goes!
I can't believe it is almost September...I am in for the challenge. My "baby" turns 13 this month...seriously, how come she is aging and I'm not?? LOL
Have a great day everyone!
K9:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.