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Been lurking and coming back.....

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    Been lurking and coming back.....

    I have been reading this site for a long time - it helped me to do almost 3 months without drinking before Christmas last year. But like lots of people here I 'fell off the wagon' and haven't had any long periods again. Until now, I'm starting again and will use the site every night to help me in the journey.

    Is the book worth downloading? - I have considered it and its only the price of a bottle of wine (or two!).

    I would like to say that the people on this site who have successfully given up drinking are inspirational, and those who are still struggling are helpful and your posts are full of warmth and compassion. It feels like a big family and I need to become part of it to help me to defeat that evil enemy alcohol. Had to go to work hungover today, its such a grotty feeling. But no drink tonight, its 1st September tomorrow so I shall count from there. I will also post my progress and feelings along the way.

    Best wishes to all of you and thank you for being so honest and sharing your experiences with everyone.


    Been lurking and coming back.....

    Hello Cupcake, welcome back. Personally I found the book a great starting point. It was good to hear of a different holistic way of approaching the whole problem and I liked the idea of 'one size doesnt fit all' aspect to it. It helped me put a plan of action in place, so I would say yes it is definitely worth purchasing, after all what have you got to lose but the price of a few drinks.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Been lurking and coming back.....

      Hey cupcake welcome back! I have not had a hangover for nearly three months but I am no way in the clear. Not tried the book but anything that helps is good! I am reading three inspiring books at the same time as well as tuning into this site, going to AA meetings and anything else that people suggest!
      Look forward to your posts!
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        Been lurking and coming back.....

        Thank you

        for your support and advice. I think I will download the book tomorrow. Although god knows I've bought enough books in the past about not drinking (and losing weight, although I know they both go hand in hand!). Quite funny as I did a boot fair a couple of weeks ago and was having a laugh about selling these books - saying to potential buyers that they probably thought I was fat with a drink problem - which was true really. Just you don't like to admit it.

        Goodnight all. Will be back tomorrow.



          Been lurking and coming back.....

          welcome back cupcake
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Been lurking and coming back.....

            Welcome back cupcake. Looking forward to getting to know you.
            While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
            Benjamin Franklin


              Been lurking and coming back.....

              Hello CC; I'm here only a short time, and I find the group just like you say. There is a Sober Sept. thread, so you are just in time to join that group effort and 30 days so we can all inspire each other. I've had my share of going to work hungover days.... soooo tired of them.
              From the Sanskrit prayer;

              "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
              But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

              determined to be AF


                Been lurking and coming back.....

                Welcome back cupcake
                I bought the book a few months back and started to read it, but must finish it myself.
                Early days again for me too. Day 3 today.
                Good luck for the journey. Thats a great achievement to do almost 3 months in the past. You will do it this time


                  Been lurking and coming back.....

                  Hi Cupcake!!

                  Its a smart move to become part of this family and community. Someone is ALWAYS around when you need them. Post as much as you want and need! This site has helped me in so many ways, but I still fight with myself in thinking that I can drink. Its a mind battle for sure, but a battle we dont have to take on all alone.

                  Looking forward to learning more about you!


                    Been lurking and coming back.....

                    Gday Cupcake and welcome to the family. I am relatively new here too. About 43 days sober and really feeling the strength in numbers of MWO. I ordered the Hardcopy of the book and found it really useful as I started the Topomax journey outlined by Roberta in the book. So far so good for me. I look forward to getting to know you :welcome:
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Been lurking and coming back.....

                      Glad you are back Cupcake.

                      I read the book sometime ago and would highly recommend it. It is a great motavator and has great suggestions regarding supplements and the story is so much like everyones. It does support moderation and that was the goal of the author and the person who started this web site at that time. Many people have decided on their own to abstain.

                      Good for you and I look forward to getting to know you better.

