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Day four, been eating like a madwoman

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    Day four, been eating like a madwoman

    I know this is temporary, but wonder if anyone else experiences this??

    I am totally convicted to quitting and know I will feel better..

    Day four, been eating like a madwoman

    I ate & ate & ate all the way through day 13. And then it just went away! I am on day 46, so you'll be just ! Keep up the good work!


      Day four, been eating like a madwoman

      Hi peacekeeping, I am quite sure we have all suffered with what your going through,you will go through a lot of changes in your mind & body as you recover,but you will be getting better day by day.:-)

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Day four, been eating like a madwoman

        Hi Peace, I've been eating a lot recently and I know that it's comfort eating. But, to be honest, I'm prepared to take a few pounds if I'm staying AF - that's how I'm looking at it. When I gave up smoking full time about 3 years ago, I put on a few pounds, but as I got used to the changes over a period of a few weeks, they came off again. Don't beat yourself up and don't panic anyway - you're doing great!!! Maybe try get out for a little walk when you can (I know it helps me clear my head, and it goes some way towards balancing out all the chocolate )
        AF since 13th July 2010
        NF since 5th July 2010


          Day four, been eating like a madwoman

          Hey Peace.
          I devoured chocolate like there was no tomorrow! Whenever a craving came I ate a bar of chocolate.I thought I was gonna get really big but it hasnt happened. The cravings are less and my appetite is slowly going back to normal. I also had the same thing when I quit smoking.
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            Day four, been eating like a madwoman

            thanks everyone

            Been allowing myself a little or I should say alot food freedom these past few days. I am going back to the gym Saturday and will get back to my 5 days a week routine.

            I am feeling strong that is the main thing, and a few pounds are easier to come off than dealing with the ongoing anxiety and shame that AL brings. My anxiety is next to nil when I am AF.



              Day four, been eating like a madwoman

              I agree

              I also suffered from the anxiety as an aftermath of drinking. Like yourself I am a naturally anxious and worrier type of person. I would get feelings of real dread, not be able to make decisions about anything, basically unable to function. I'm looking forward to being more positive and less anxious.

              When I had a period of sobriety last year for 3 months I absolutely craved sweets, normally I'm not bothered but every night I had to go and get some sugary, E-numbers filled goodies, it was a real strong craving. Guess its perhaps the body's way of replacing the sugar in alcohol for another type.

              Good luck on your journey.


                Day four, been eating like a madwoman

                Hey PeaceSeeking, I also become anxious easily. Especially the day after I have been drinking! I either eat lots of yummy food or drink coffee cup after cup. Your lucky its only temporary for you as I have been like this for ages! I guess using food/alcohol as a replacement for drinking? Good luck on your journey

                Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


                  Day four, been eating like a madwoman

                  Last time I quit on days 3 to 7 I craved carbs... hand made jam tarts, I can't stand them normally... after that it just faded away like the other said it's probably your body replacing the things it's no longer getting from AL
                  AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

                  So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                    Day four, been eating like a madwoman

                    Yea,to hell with the weight thing for now peaceseeking.I have to tell you,I'm still laughing at the tital of your thread,eating like a madwoman.


                      Day four, been eating like a madwoman

                      PeaceSeeking;949049 wrote: I suffer from anxiety, the root problem for my drinking to begin with I think...Well, Saturday was my last hurrah with AL and I am dealing with a little residual anxiety over the evening and have been eating myself into oblivion.

                      I know this is temporary, but wonder if anyone else experiences this??

                      I am totally convicted to quitting and know I will feel better, my mind is getting better already but can't wait for the puffiness and bloating to disappear.....
                      Yes, and i'm beginning to think it's better than alcohol. If it takes eating to beat this disgusting habit, then i'm all for it

                      Well done getting to day 4, that is a great achievement :goodjob:
                      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                        Day four, been eating like a madwoman

                        I agree Change; ice cream does it for me and I've decided if I eat a bowl of ice cream in the evening for the first couple weeks, well that is ok. As I get better I'll walk more and won't need that ice cream. Doesn't give me a hangover or make me do stupid things!
                        From the Sanskrit prayer;

                        "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                        But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                        determined to be AF


                          Day four, been eating like a madwoman

                          overeating wont hurt you nor others. And thats what counts
                          Be strong-
                          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                            Day four, been eating like a madwoman

                            i ate loads of crisps and put on a bit of weight. as AF time has gone on things naturally return to normal and im starting to lose the extra weight. if it stops you drinking go for it madwoman eating monster
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              Day four, been eating like a madwoman

                              spuddleduck;950468 wrote: if it stops you drinking go for it madwoman eating monster
                              :H spuddle, that cracked me up!

                              If I can go back to the original post, after I have stopped laughing, I think lots of people tend to overeat after kicking the booze - both because of sugar cravings and because initially you feel this kind of void as you're not constantly sticking stuff down your throat. Personally, the first time I did a major AF stint, I filled this void with 2 cinema-size bags of M&Ms EVERY NIGHT. God I'm sick.

                              However, in the end, all that does is perpetuate the sugar cravings as you are still feeding them, so this time around I have been very harsh with myself. Apart from one day when I had a massive splurge (a cadburys creme egg, 2 slices of cake and half a pack of biscuits), I have cut out all sugar. And I mean ALL.

                              I guess initially, there is nothing wrong with having a splurge if it helps you stay sober. If later on the sugar cravings are bothering you or making you have al cravings too (mine did) then you can always cut it out later when you feel strong enough. It's tough mind, so make sure you're ready. And in the meantime, eat away! (I will not be as impolite as spuddle to call you a monster :H)

                              K x
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