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    New here.

    Hi just to say hello !

    I came across this forum by accident but I decided to join as I feel I should.

    I've just been through a bad patch caused partly by a very unsuitable medication, namely Effexor (venlafaxine).
    I've been off it for 11 days now and am still suffering on and off physically and am on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Anyway I am trying very hard to get my drinking under control.

    I'm researching supplements such as DMAE which I've just started taking. I'll browse the forum and start posting once I've found my feet !
    Drinking..... but in moderation.

    New here.

    :welcome: Meabh. This forum is awesome for support and wisdom in this journey. Have you already downloaded the My Way Out book to give it a read? I suggest that as a good starting point. Look forward to getting to know you better!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      New here.

      Hi Meabh and welcome. This is a great site that has helped so many. I encourage you to download the MWO book as a starting point. Read as much as you can in the threads. Here is our tool box link that contains lots of helpful info. Please keep posting and asking questions. I was on Effexor and had to switch to Lexapro due to side effects. The Lexapro is so much better for me.
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        New here.

        Thank you both ! I'll download the book ! Look forward to posting and meeting everyone.
        Drinking..... but in moderation.


          New here.

          Hi Meabh!
          I just wanted to say Hi and to welcome you! Please continue to post and share so that we can get to know you! You've found a great place for support and encouragement.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            New here.


            Hi Meabh,

            Great to have you join us I?m new here too and I?d suggest you just read as much as you can there is just so much information on this site. I don?t know how to send on links yet but I am sure others will send you some good ones to get you started.

            Good luck and congratulations on 11 days that?s fantastic.

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              New here.

              Hi Meabh. Welcome!
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                New here.

                Hi Meabh and:welcome:. You must be some part Irish with a name like that?! Read and post and hang around,11 days is fantastic - good on you!!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  New here.

                  Thank you all for being so kind and making me so welcome.

                  Yes, Meabh is Irish, but I'm actually of Scots stock ! I got the name from Queen Mebd of Connacht.

                  I love your doggy K9 lover !
                  I'll do some reading and browsing of the site today.
                  BTW I must stress I've only been free from Effexor for 11 days, not from alcohol, but I've only had a drink once in those 11 days, and I didn't overdo it. Look forward to getting to know you all !
                  Drinking..... but in moderation.


                    New here.

                    Morning Scottish Meabh! I know nothing of Effexor but like Techie I am on Lexapro and so far find it fantastic - no side effects whatsoever, s'pose all these things are person specific tho. Am off to doc this after and I reckon he might up my dose tho cos I'm still a bit anxious - will let you know
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      New here.

                      Hi Irish Molly !
                      Glad you've found something which helps. As you say it's different strokes for different folks ! I've had Lexapro before if I'm right in thinking it is the same as Citalopram ? It didn't give me as many problems as some SSRI's but I just don't seem to get along with them.
                      Good luck at the docs.
                      Drinking..... but in moderation.


                        New here.

                        Hello Molly !
                        I think I've taken Lexapro (is it also k/a Citalopram ?) I just don't get on very well with SSRI's but I didn't have so much trouble with that one. Different strokes for different folks !
                        Good luck with the doc.
                        Drinking..... but in moderation.


                          New here.

                          live and lern

                          Meabh;949970 wrote: Hi just to say hello !

                          I came across this forum by accident but I decided to join as I feel I should.

                          I've just been through a bad patch caused partly by a very unsuitable medication, namely Effexor (venlafaxine).
                          I've been off it for 11 days now and am still suffering on and off physically and am on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Anyway I am trying very hard to get my drinking under control.

                          I'm researching supplements such as DMAE which I've just started taking. I'll browse the forum and start posting once I've found my feet !
                          interestin i found your 2nd thread b4 your 1st i think hahaha,are you off the alchohol or the effexor,if your off both,withdrawl is justified,specially what i read about effexor,it is similar to tramadol,which is opoid,it sounds like you have a lot of depression,and it easy for doctors here and there i presume to go from one exremme to the next,took me finding here and thro AA for many years to realise the problem,the drink i so enjoyed was destrying me physically and emotionally,at the amounts i was consuming,you have found a great place,an alternative from other places,hospital stays,detox and rehab, again i wsh you well whether modding or total abstinance :welcome::goodjob:gyco


                            New here.

                            Thanks Gyco.

                            I'm off the Effexor (day 12) and it's like coming off heroin (at least I'd imagine !).

                            I'm not totally off the alcohol, but really moderating it. One drink in 11 days.
                            Drinking..... but in moderation.


                              New here.

                              Welcome Meabh! This is a great place for connecting.
                              From the Sanskrit prayer;

                              "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                              But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                              determined to be AF

