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High Anxiety

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    High Anxiety

    Hi all,

    Day 5, feel great about that, but the trigger days are just around the corner and my anxiety and shame are at an all time high.

    High Anxiety

    Peaceseeking, I identify so much with the anxiety, have been out of work for 2 weeks and can feel panic setting in going back on Monday, however the shame is a different one. I went to a counsellor for the first time last Monday - lovely lady but she made the point that if you get into a taxi the driver won't ask where you're coming from just where you want to go, and that made sense to me. There is NOTHING we can do about the past, all we can do is try and heal wounds by changing our behaviour and moving on. She also said that every night going to bed think of ONE thing that you have done that day that you are proud of - no matter how small, she actually gave an example of having painted your nails nice! and go asleep with a positive thought and your positive thought tonight should be YOU HAVE GONE 5 WHOLE DAYS AF!!!!!:goodjob::goodjob::goodjob:
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      High Anxiety

      Come on peace! do another day! Weekends were my most difficult days but its just your addiction talking. x
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        High Anxiety

        Hi Peace,
        Congratulations on 5 days that?s fantastic! I?m fairly new here so no expert but can you find some way of relaxing like taking a long bath, going for a walk or distracting yourself with something active to keep you focussed on one day at a time rather than worrying about the trigger days around the corner? You can check out the Toolbox and come up with a comprehensive plan ? that works for me so far. Just another thought but have you seen your doctor about your anxiety? The shame and embarrassment are nothing new to anyone on here, just read some of the posts.

        Hang in there I am sure others will be along soon,

        Take care and be good to yourself,

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          High Anxiety

          I hear you Peace, but the anxiety tends to melt away the longer you go AF. For a week after withdrawals I have always been HUGELY anxious but a couple of weeks in and I always feel so much better and more confident.

          Molly makes some really good points re letting go of the past. I think the key to it is ACCEPTANCE. Accept that you feel guilty about what you have done, but also accept that this is the situation and there is nothing to be done except change the present and the future (see the quote in my signature). Also accept that you DID NOT ASK to be like this, but that you are taking responsibility for sorting it out. You should be proud of the fact you are trying and have already done nearly a week AF - that's great!

          If you can make amends with people, then even better, but the main thing is to focus on the things you can change so you don't feel guilty all over again in a neverending vicious circle.
          K x
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

          Recovery Videos


            High Anxiety

            Hi peace. Well done on 5 days AF . Thanks for starting this thread. I too am struggling with the shame and guilt of the past. Great advice given. We need to let go of the past and live in the now. I hope you can have a peaceful AF weekend. x


              High Anxiety

              peace, the anxiety really does fade when booze is out of the equation. i find i can deal with stuff so much better AF. it really is worth it
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                High Anxiety

                Hi peace
                I'm pretty new here, only on day 19 AF, so I'm no expert, but I know what you mean with the anxiety, I was on you tube and found videos on meditation. I've been doing it and it does help. Not sure how you feel about meditation, but if you are interested in trying it, here is the site
                YouTube - chakrameditation's Channel
                Best Wishes
                Lillypond x


                  High Anxiety


                  PeaceSeeking;950108 wrote: Hi all,

                  Day 5, feel great about that, but the trigger days are just around the corner and my anxiety and shame are at an all time high.

                  I know it is part of the addiction that makes me want to drink to quell these terrible feelings. I just have to go through it and deal with it....I've been somewhat self destructive this past year and need to make amends with myself.

                  How long before I can let go of the shame.....If I don't I will drink again and if it continues how it ended I won't be around long.:upset:
                  :goodjobn the 5 days,i like your name by the way P.S neat,there an old poem yesterdaytoday and tomorrow,its been on here a few times and by myself i beleive,i found it when i was in reahb for 31 days,for me it was required and did help a lot,the treatment,not part of the addiction,the addiction makes you want to drink,you can control whatevr you do,like anything you lern,or are taught to do you have control of the outcome,other then death,that my dear is the only thing you dont have control of,as far as guilt everyone has secrets that there ashamed of,what you did in the past cant be changed,plus you dont no what the future really brings,work in today,theres an old saying one day at a time and your doin great,i do wish you well stik around and as one person said to me,there is no such a thing as failure,only when you stop tring gyco


                    High Anxiety

                    Thank you so very much everyone for you wonderful tips and support.

                    Thank you, thank you...I know I will make it with.

                    You guys are awesome :l


                      High Anxiety

                      Glad to hear you made it through Peace - that's great news and shows you how strong you can be. Hold onto that feeling and remember when your triggers come again, you did it this time and you can sure as hell do it again!
                      K x
                      Recovery Coaching website

                      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                      Recovery Videos


                        High Anxiety

                        Hey PS - well done you!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          High Anxiety

                          5 days PS that's great:goodjob: I'm on day 4 so I'll be following your trail so to speak.

                          The first couple of weekends will be the hardest, but if we take it minute by minute and concentrate on what we want and need you'll make it through and feel so damn good on Monday morning..:l
                          AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

                          So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                            High Anxiety

                            PeaceSeeking;950108 wrote: Hi all,

                            Day 5, feel great about that, but the trigger days are just around the corner and my anxiety and shame are at an all time high.

                            I know it is part of the addiction that makes me want to drink to quell these terrible feelings. I just have to go through it and deal with it....I've been somewhat self destructive this past year and need to make amends with myself.

                            How long before I can let go of the shame.....If I don't I will drink again and if it continues how it ended I won't be around long.:upset:
                            try to exercise when you can, you can always try valerian root (you can buy it
                            in pill form) they can have a great calming affect on the body.


                              High Anxiety

                              Day 7 :yay::yay::

                              First hangover free Saturday in a long time, by now I would be counting the hours until I could have some hair of the dog.

                              Anxiety is lifting, especially with all the kind words and advice from my new MWO friends.

                              It's a beautiful day and I am appreciating it instead of groaning under the covers...I am on my way, feeling very optimistic today. I know I have many challenges ahead and the addiction demon with rear it's ugly head. I feel I am equipped with the tools to beat it this time - I was going to say I hope, but no I am!!!

                              Thank you and have a wonderful Saturday.


