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Need some advice on cravings.

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    Need some advice on cravings.

    Hi guys, I'm struggling a bit at the moment with cravings. I'm not on any meds and haven't tried any of the supps yet. I just wanted some advice on what people find works for them. I'm unsure wether to try L- glut first or the Kudzu. Any advice would be great. Also I'll be getting them from a local health food shop so I'm not sure wether the doses will be the same? Thanks xx
    AF since 19th August 2011

    Need some advice on cravings.

    Time to

    I've tried a few supplements and from what I remember Kudzu mainly helps moderate(?), but anyone else can correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway first thing you need to do is make sure you have mental tools to help you. I find remembering everyday how bad I felt drinking really works when the urge is strong. I ask myself do I want to go back there again, and I also have an image I hold in my mind of me in my final few months lying in bed feeling dreadful both mentally and physically. I like to think of that as my foundation and anything else is the booster. L-Glut is very good for AL as well as sugar cravings and I've used that successfully for the 1st 90days. Campral is an anti-craving drug which has minimal side effects and isn't psychoactive or addictive in any way. I use both now whenever I'm feeling as if I could go over the edge at any time. Other techniques include making sure you eat little and often as hunger can be a trigger, and make sure you aren't over doing it.

    Remember a craving generally only lasts 40 minutes and most importantly it does not kill you. Whereas drink will. The more you get through the more you realise it really isn't that bad. I remember when I was still drinking I honestly felt a craving could do me serious damage. Oh the insanity!


      Need some advice on cravings.

      Thanks UK, How much L-glut did you take each day and how often? The one in my local store is only 500mg which is half the dosage per pill of the one on here. I don't want to take too little or too much! x
      AF since 19th August 2011


        Need some advice on cravings.

        Last time I was here I noticed a lot of people were taking about 1500mg of L Glut, so I've started taking 1000mg again I figured if people were taking that much it would be okay for the short term to take more, (like you my tablets are 500mg), If I feel particularly like it's going to be a bad day I'll add another.

        This time round I'll see how I go without adding the extra on as I'm now on AD's and hoping I'll handle things a little better...

        Like UK blonde, I'm using those images to make me stop and think, do I want to be the wreck I was? I was permantly throwing up last week even when my stomach was empty, then going straight back and downing another neat vodka as soon as I left the bathroom.. I don't want to be like that again, plus the blackouts etc etc... Now I think of how I want to be in a few months time,

        Today I really wanted a drink and I'd made up my mind I was going to have one no matter what... I managed to distract myself and work through the cravings by telling myself.. I'll have a wine after I've done this... then think of a nother reason to put it off a while longer and after a while the craving had passed again... and it worked... I'm just taking it minute by minute now.. dealing with the present.

        Just keep working through it and belieiving in yourself:l
        AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

        So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


          Need some advice on cravings.

          Ukblonde;950670 wrote:

          Remember a craving generally only lasts 40 minutes and most importantly it does not kill you. Whereas drink will. The more you get through the more you realise it really isn't that bad. I remember when I was still drinking I honestly felt a craving could do me serious damage. Oh the insanity!
          What UKB said, I try to remind myself that the craving will disapate, and I also was watching the Rain in my Heart clips last night, very intense. makes me realise how happy i am to have begun my sober journey, & just how bad things could have got.

          stay strong, minute by minute ODAT.
          good luck
          Progress, not perfection!!!
          A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!

