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    I have not had a computer for a while and only had access to my daughters computer and did not want to go on this forum using her laptop!
    I was doing so well and 2 weeks ago I drank so much I fell over and broke bones. It stopped me drinking again for a few days but I am back to binge drinking. I feel sick and disgusted with myself as well as being in pain from the broken bones.
    Well I have done it before so I know how wonderful it is to be AF.
    So day one again Baclofen never helped as I could only ever take one as I fell asleep almost straight away after taking one.
    I will keep coming back to the forum as this was where I got the best help/support and encouragement

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    Hi Anon,

    Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your injuries - be very careful about drinking if you're on painkillers. I did that and it's really dangerous, especially with codeine or diclofenic.

    I hope you will find the support you need on these boards to get back on track,
    K x
    Recovery Coaching website

    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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      Welcome back anon and i wish you the best in your recovery fron the broken bones and the al. Do be carefull and don't drink on pain killers as you could pass out. Its happened me before also that i fell and broke bones fractures etc from over drinking. Its awfull and very painfull and i even had to get an operation and physio after falling down drunk and dislocating my shoulder over 2 years ago. It was the worst pain ever and i spent five days in hospital and weeks of pnysio before i could lift my arm up properly. Good luck and take care of yourself.:l


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        Welcome back anon,jump back on and start again, put your plan back in place & drop by here as much as you can, ;-)

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


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          Thanks for the welcome back Kimberley,Firefox and Mario. Although I did manage to stay AF when I was unable to post. I guess I would have nipped it in the bud if I had gone online 2 weeks ago. I could have got access to the internet if I had really wanted to. Yes I was drinking with the Codeine and Diclofenic I must be mad. Anyway I am not doing that again.


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            Just poured out a Gin and tonic for my husband. Just poured a large glass of water for myself at the moment I have no desire to drink any alcohol. There is no way I can get my husband to empty our home of alcohol so I will have to be strong and aware of that temptation.
            Will stay close


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              Welcome back Anon. It's so tough when we disappoint ourselves, but it's a matter of moving forward now - keep pouring the glasses of water!! On the point of booze in the house, my daughter had a 21st here last May 12 months and there was heaps of booze left over. It didn't bother me but hubs cleared it all out there recently, I was very depressed and I'm guessing he thought I would grab a bottle, and do you know it actually feels much better with none readily available. He also drinks a fraction of what he had been - he couldn't be arsed going out to buy wine if there's none in the cupboard. I would have crawled over hot coals for a sniff of methelated spirits back in the day!!!!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


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                Just watching husband sipping drink, still half full I would have knocked it back in one go. I think he only enjoys it to keep me company. I am looking forward to a hangover free tomorrow even if my ribs and ankle hurt. Mollyka did you take supplements?


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                  Making others drink more

                  Mollyka, that's an interesting point you made about your husband drinking less. My husband can control his drinking, and only has the occasional beer when I'm AF. But when I'm 'drinking' he can binge the same as me. I have come to the conclusion that I am the one who has no control - and he follows. Not proud of that at all - I was putting both our health at risk, not only my own.


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                    Mollyka just looked at the date is that 4months AF. Brilliant stuff:goodjob:


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                      Thanks Anon, and no I didn't take any supplements. When I started out my doc put me on antabuse for a couple weeks and for the last while I'm on anti-depressants but I have to admit that when I joined this site I jumped in blindly - I have never even read the book and know nothing of the supplements, I'm the sort of person that never reads instruction manuals and unfortunately I started here the same way, were I to do it again I would read the book, take the supps, eat rats if that what it took!
                      Cupcake, I'm exactly the same, we had the family in for lunch today and they all (4 of them) shared one bottle of wine all day and hubs is now sitting having a cup of tea - if I was drinking I reckon we'd be at least on bottle no. 3 or 4 by now!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


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                        Awake most of last night not with cravings but actually feel better this morning after a couple of hours sleep.
                        So day 2 today sounds better already.


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                          Welcome back anon. So sorry to hear about the broken bones. :l
                          I had a break from MWO and returned 8 days ago. Yep, Day 8 AF for me.
                          Heres to taking One day at a time, getting those bones to heal so you can get back into your running.
                          Glad your back


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                            Hi Gertrude well done on day 8. It is a hard road we are on but so worth it. Thanks for the good wishes re my bones. I hope to be back running ASAP as I have entered a half marathon in November. I am so cross that alcohol has interfered with all my training. Anyway it feels good to be back here where there is no judgement just support:thanks:


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                              Hi Anon, sorry to hear about your broken bones. I hate getting mysterious bruises from drinking let alone bones. I hope you aren't in too much pain. Glad you are back.

                              Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.

