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when people leave/dissapear

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    when people leave/dissapear

    It makes me VERY sad/scared when people who are struggling and post here all the time just dissapear. Girly Wirly is definately one of them. This is very scary for someone like me who is struggling just like she is....did something happen to her? She would just not stop posting if she was ok. I have read some of the things she has been through and I am so worried and sad for her. This addiction really sucks!!!!!!!!
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

    when people leave/dissapear

    I agree Red, it is scary and very sad for I am pretty certain in my conclusion that when people stop trying they suddenly stop posting.
    This place is a lifeline to many of us and nobody will judge, so to anyone lurking or in a bad place right now, please post and remember you are not alone, for we are all here for each other.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      when people leave/dissapear

      i'm glad you bought it up red & also thanks for replying Ktab.
      i sometimes feel that (only due to timezones) i'm just typing away mindlessly & that there is no-one else around. but then i realise that hello doodlebug beaglehead, i live a seemingly separate planet & apparently no -one in Western Australia is actually on here.
      hahaha but i just burble away anyways.
      back to the actual topic, i wish i could ring someone if they stopped posting & we all worried, but alas no can help.
      hopefully as you pointed out tabbers, lurkers should feel ok to just drop in & gurgle merrily away like i myself am doing right now.....


        when people leave/dissapear

        Lovely to see you Beagle and glad to see you posting. Whatever you feel you need to say is all good imo.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          when people leave/dissapear

          Beagle - there's someone here from Perth, I'm pretty sure - I just can't remember who! I lived in WA (Perth) for nearly a year a couple of years ago, and travelled up the coast as far as Exmouth. One of the most beautiful places in the world, that coastline Although I'm very happy to be home (I am a home bird) I did love WA, the huge blue skies and beautiful beaches - really friendly too

          Red and KTAB - nice posts - a reminder that this place is for everyone, no matter where we are on our journey x
          AF since 13th July 2010
          NF since 5th July 2010


            when people leave/dissapear

            hello neart glad that you loved our sunny state!
            currently drier than a you know what but hey still sunny!
            i wonder who else is from Perth?
            ah well nice to "meet" you.

            & Ktab lovely comment thanks but you'll think differently when my verbal diarrhea attacks spring forth....they are projectile....really....

            sorry red67 to get off topic


              when people leave/dissapear

              I first joined this site in 2007 and I think I posted a few times about the problems I was experiencing, then really didn't visit regularly until March/April this year. I've also been in and out of AA in a similar manner. Why?Because I was too busy going off drinking, and it was pointless me trying to join in because in that state I just wasn't prepared to listen, or stop to listen.

              I'm not saying give up on people who are drinking, it was just that I knew I wasn't interested in anything anyone had to say at the time. It was only when I was ready that I came back.

              We are still here for those who are lost, and when they are ready I'm sure they will return.


                when people leave/dissapear

                I have been back and forth on this site myself over the years. I leave because life gets busy.... which is a good thing!

                I know that people probably feel embarrassed if they slip. They shouldn't. This site is amazing for the support. Quitting drinking is not easy!!

                I see girly wirly has posted on another thread.


                  when people leave/dissapear

                  hi everyone,

                  i'm here and i'm sorry for not posting. like ukb says i've just been drinking. when i'm not trying don't feel worthy of posting here, so i don't come on as i feel like i'm throwing all the good advice people spend their time and energy on back in members faces.

                  sorry red if i scared you. xx
                  The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                    when people leave/dissapear

                    Yes thats brilliant, thanks for letting us know.
                    I do know that people beat this and post less and less and that is just fantastic, but I was really referring to people whom we know to be having a tough time and then they suddenly stop coming here.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      when people leave/dissapear

                      I knew what you were referring to, KTAB! No worries!


                        when people leave/dissapear

                        no worries ktab x
                        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                          when people leave/dissapear

                          Sorry I have a masters degree in 'stating the bleedin obvious' :laughmonkey:
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            when people leave/dissapear


                            girly wirly;952429 wrote: hi everyone,

                            i'm here and i'm sorry for not posting. like ukb says i've just been drinking. when i'm not trying don't feel worthy of posting here, so i don't come on as i feel like i'm throwing all the good advice people spend their time and energy on back in members faces.

                            sorry red if i scared you. xx
                            good post red,its nc to see girly comes on and replies many just get frustrated and jst dont come back,i to am trying to moderate my al consumption,hopefully when i do reply to a thread the sober or not so sober person understands,the longer you do this stop starting thingy youll realise what i mean,i to came here a few years ago looking for different alternatives to AA,i was nine months sober ?,i like wirly.use to feel guilty,i do not anymore,yes i get sad seeing someone not here,cap is one of them,our addiction does more to us then most realise,many have to realise your teaching your self to have control of your drinking,teaching ones self to learn how to drink is no different then teaching one how to swim,if you swim to much you can swallow to much water and drowned,interesting many have done the same with Al and Drugs,i hope it helps,:goodjob::thanks:gyco


                              when people leave/dissapear

                              Afternoon all, i have been in Co. Meath visiting my sister for the w/end and the signal in the sticks is crap,just thought id jump in and say hello. Good day to everyone

