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Day 10 thoughts

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    Day 10 thoughts

    Good morning everyone,

    Thank you for helping me to make it this far. I haven't gone without drinking over the weekend in a couple of years. :thanks:


    Day 10 thoughts

    Hello...I am on day ten too and I was having exact same thoughts as you...I was thinking just a couple wont hurt...but if I did I know I would get right back into what I was doing...blackouts, physically sick, we were in the same boat...and we are on the same day!!!! GOod luck


      Day 10 thoughts

      Peace and Okk, well done on 10 days you both sound strong folk and Peace you've done years before so you know more than any of us what you have to loose!. I have said before I think we need our mind 100% committed to this or it won't work - any get out clause is fatal! It is also nice to have a 'start' buddy round here. Myself and Hippyc and Papmom and Nora and a few others all started round the same time and it's nice to relate how we are all doing - good and bad!!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Day 10 thoughts

        Morning all
        Peace I almost slipped last night so it shows that stopping is a life term commtitment. well done for getting through the weekend. they were the toughest for me as I knew everyone was out drinking. And well done okks!!

        Hi molly! Didnt know Papmom has four months. It's nice getting to know people on this site isnt it.
        Happy hump day all
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          Day 10 thoughts

          I think she is longer actually - I cocked up in May! Delighted you got through last night Rebirth, it is a scary feeling isn't it, I suppose those feelings will arise for the rest of our lives!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Day 10 thoughts


            PeaceSeeking;953490 wrote: Good morning everyone,

            Thank you for helping me to make it this far. I haven't gone without drinking over the weekend in a couple of years. :thanks:

            This weekend was very productive around the house, with lots of back to school prep. Cooked up a couple of meal yesterday and took lots of time for R & R.

            My resolve is very strong and my husband is actually encouraging me in my sober journey - I think my last binge scared him as well. We always have lots of fun drinking together, but he drinks light beer and doesn't get out of hand - drunk but not obliterated as I. I think in a way he thinks he is losing a drinking buddy, but he will soon get over that when he gets his happy, anxiety free wife back.

            The addictive voice was definitely in action over the weekend trying to convince me that I wasn't that bad and I deserve to have a drink I work hard....Well, I spoke back to it, saying "blackouts are not experienced by normal drinkers.....falling down is not and neither is being physically ill"

            Long rant, but I am getting stronger and haven't felt like this is years...every other time I have recently tried to quit it was like I was giving something up when, actually I am gaining something instead...I guess I scared myself straight after my last drinking episode, thank goodness!!!

            1st im gonna say your doin great,weekends were always the interesting time of week for me ,the voice i dont think goes away,that is why people are in AA groups and here on a steady basis,the impulse to drink is not as strong later in sobriety,but it is there,drunk but not obliterated my dear is the same,:H as you get longer into your sobriety,watch the people at the parties you attend,you will see it,i thot id add,no one tot us how to drink,:goodjob::thanks:gyco


              Day 10 thoughts

              Thanks everyone and you're right Gyco, there is no difference in the stages of drunkenness once you are outside watching.

              Way to go rebirth, it is soooo easy to slip, the addiction plays games with our heads.

              Welcome Okk, we do sound like we are in the same boat, let's beat this..

              Thanks Molly

              Thanks guys,

