Morning - having a shower saying to myself - I am so sick of this - not going to drink tonight- don't have to, I am strong.
Lunchtime - craving fatty takeaway foods - know this isn't helping me get my life in order but it is easy and will have it anyway.
3pm - starting to think about wine and that hey I feel pretty good now - its not that bad if I drink again tonight.
5pm - on the way home - wrestling between whether to have some wine or not. Knowing deep down there is no choice - I can't stop myself.
6pm - at home heading for the fridge - little voice saying you don't have to do this - but it is so weak and pushed aside for the uncontrolable urge to get that bottle open and in the glass.
8pm - drunk a whole bottle of wine and comtemplating opening another - just one glass from the second bottle won't hurt - right? Past caring about this anyway.
9.30ish - had enough to turn off the light and pass out.
2am - ......
This endless cycle is destroying my life one day at a time. I don't want to stop drinking socially but I do want to stop drinking by myself and relying on wine so much. It is ruling my life and I want that to stop. Not sure if it is even possible for me to drink socially? I have the MWO book - and will continue to read this. I also have the hypnotherapy CD's. I don't want to go to the dr for pills - too embarrassed.
I would really like to have a buddy who can help me stay on track - someone that has been there and is living my dream. Is there anyone there that can help me with this?
I'm not sure what else to do and even now that it is 11.30am I feel ok and wondering why I am even writing this - do I really want to change? Yes - but old habits are so comforting and hard to break.