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Feeling Flat not sure why

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    Feeling Flat not sure why

    Hi to you all, hope you are all well !!!!
    Here I am on day 23 AF, was doing good for a while there,getting back into hobbies etc, I dont feel like drinking AL at the moment, but I feel so flat, not interested in things again, just can't be bothered. I'm sure I can't be normal, or is there any supplements I can take to help with this, or maybe I just need a wee word of encouragment.
    I've been on the computer all morning reading some of the posts here, you are all amazing, so if you have any sugestions advice etc. i would trully appreciate it.
    Love to all

    Lillypond x

    Feeling Flat not sure why

    That's a coincidence !
    I actually logged on today because I feel the same way.
    I've decided that I'm just going to give myself over to having a lazy one, and not apply any unnecessary pressure.
    We can't be the life of the party ALL the time I suppose:H
    I think this is just normal, mate. We have our flat days. Usually we'd take 'boredom' as an excuse and go to the bottle shop for the answer.
    If you're deadly keen, you could go for a walk and blow some cobwebs, listen to some music to change your mood.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Feeling Flat not sure why

      Hey Lilly, yeah that sounds normal. At least it was for me. Maybe try St Johns Wart or if it gets worse see your doctor about anti depressents. I'm on them but I have always had depression...I drank to self medicate. Hang in there your doing great! Remember the road to sobrity has its ups and downs but its worth it.
      Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

      Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
      No more bad future-Skull Skates


        Feeling Flat not sure why

        I ve just worked out where you are (approximately, not in a stalkerish way:H)

        If you go onto the home page>go to General Discussion> Go to a thread called 'Underoos and Friends'> that's where you'll find most Aussies if you like.
        Bring your sense of's very silly:H
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Feeling Flat not sure why

          What? who? I'm not sure who your talkin too. Oh good that rhymes....
          Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

          Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
          No more bad future-Skull Skates


            Feeling Flat not sure why

            Hi Lilypond, I logged on just now as I am feeling the same way! I am going to go and put on some of my favourite music and have a hot shower while I listen. That always seems to pick me up.

            Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


              Feeling Flat not sure why

              sk8punk;954186 wrote: What? who? I'm not sure who your talkin too. Oh good that rhymes....
              Sorry sk8:H
              I just worked out that it's likely Lilly comes from Australia, times and all, and thought she might like to join our thread.
              If you think this is socially inept, you should see me in real life !!!!!:H
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Feeling Flat not sure why

                Hey Guys you are amazing, it brings a tear to my eyes, the suport you have giving me, I wish I knew how to do the posts where you can add hugs, so that I could send them to you.
                I took your advice byebyebridgetjones, I have just come back from going for a 45 min walk, I'm sure it did blow out some cobwebs, my head feels a bit clearer, thanks for the push, yip I'm in QLD In Aussie. I'll have a look at the undedoos and friends later today, as I have spent so much time on this site today,I'm so glad I did,
                Thanks sk8punk I will try St Jones Wart, but maybe I will have to visit the docs if that does'nt work
                and Thanks angel77, will try the music too,
                Love to you all, and thanks again for your words of encouragement

                Lillypond x


                  Feeling Flat not sure why

                  Lily, I think the 3 week mark is a wavery point - I know I felt iffy. The way I saw it at the time and I feel I was right for me anyway, was that the HUGE initial benefits of stopping drinking have slowed down - the hangovers are gone, the exhaustion, the shameful feelings, and it all sort of felt not as 'progressive'? for want of a better word a
                  nd I suppose I felt healed and maybe 'could drink'. I wasn't and I couldn't. Those feelings pass and you move on to the next part of being sober - and it feels great. If going to the doc isn't a huge hurdle to you I would go for sure, it makes a big difference to me to know I can go there if panic sets in!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Feeling Flat not sure why

                    A 'normal' friend i.e. without addiction issues told me last week that nearly everyone has flat days, it's part of life. I'm unsure about using antid's to make everything even because surely then that becomes the norm you you simply adjust to it?


                      Feeling Flat not sure why


                      Lillypond059;954172 wrote: Hi to you all, hope you are all well !!!!
                      Here I am on day 23 AF, was doing good for a while there,getting back into hobbies etc, I dont feel like drinking AL at the moment, but I feel so flat, not interested in things again, just can't be bothered. I'm sure I can't be normal, or is there any supplements I can take to help with this, or maybe I just need a wee word of encouragment.
                      I've been on the computer all morning reading some of the posts here, you are all amazing, so if you have any sugestions advice etc. i would trully appreciate it.
                      Love to all

                      Lillypond x
                      hi 59,your doin great,23 days,your rt we all need a bit of encouagement at times in are life s ,i beleive keeping busy is the key to success over ones demons :goodjob::thanks:gyco


                        Feeling Flat not sure why

                        you are all great, did'nt feel too bad as the day wore on, I am just so glad I came here, the words of encouragement from you all, seem to help, I did'nt feel so alone'
                        Off to bed now, nte nite all


                          Feeling Flat not sure why

                          Hey thats great Lilly! I woke up feeling kinda down today and I'm at 150 days. Like UK said down days are normal. I think when we get sober we expect nothing but sunshine and smooth sailing. Problem is life isn't like that. Gotta learn to enjoy the rollercoaster ride of life. Easier said then done I know.
                          Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                          Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                          No more bad future-Skull Skates


                            Feeling Flat not sure why

                            Hi Lilly!
                            I've had my ups and downs lately too...but we're only human, it's gonna happen! I know sometimes we think that being sober will automatically solve all of our problems, then we realize that it doesnt. The good thing is that when we're sober, we're better equipped to deal with them. I hope things perk up for you soon..hang in there! :l
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Feeling Flat not sure why

                              Thanks all

                              Feeling better again, I'm so glad I have this site to come to, you guys are so helpfull,and believe me I really appreciate all your help.When I think about it, and as some of you have said, we do have off days, I am normal after all.Really I had more off days and feelig yuk when I would go on a binge.
                              Hope you are all well
                              sending you:l

                              Lilly x

