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ODAT, Wednesday September 8

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    ODAT, Wednesday September 8

    Good morning all

    Another beautiful day here. Confident that today will be af for me. Much easier on the weekdays! Also, my day is very busy, leaves little time to even think of al. Want to thank everyone here, it is a real blessing to have people to share with. Trying to hold myself more accountable than in the past. Best wishes to all for an af Wednesday!

    ODAT, Wednesday September 8

    me too fancy!!!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      ODAT, Wednesday September 8

      day 4 af here and day 3 nf - looong day at work started at 8 and finished at 5.45 - on feet all day. I used to complain about my desk job - I am seriously out of practice at being on my feet for that long.

      well plan for tonight - big bath - do exercises from physio and ice leg and chill out.healthy tea - left over spicy chicken, oven chips and baked beans - low fat yogurt to follow.
      One day at a time - someone suggested an after work drink tonight - was tempted - until I realised actually i am tired and hungry and want food and a bath.I guess these thoughts will flash into my mind - it's about not acting on them.

      good evening all to come.
      one day at a time


        ODAT, Wednesday September 8

        Well its almost the end of day 13 and i feel so much better apart from being a bit constipated and bloated i have ibs so guess i need to watch my diet. Well good night i'm off to bed in an hour or so its almost 10 pm here.

