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    Hello Everyone

    Hi Everyone

    I'm new here and looking for some support. I have been reading some of the stories, lots of which I can relate to. I have been alcohol free for 4 days now and feeling really good about it right now despite 4.00pm cravings. My danger time!

    Will post my story at some point. Feeing pretty emotional right now.

    E L

    Hello Everyone

    Hey there EL.

    WELL DONE on 4 days AF, that is fantastic.

    Please check out the toolbox thread which has some stuff in there.

    A Big welcome to you!

    Looking forward to reading your posts!
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Hello Everyone

      Hi E.L.,
      I'm new too, on day 6. Yes I feel good about it too but have to watch the "witching hours" 4-7pm. This is a great place to be. Check out the tool kit under abstinence thread and try the supplements - they seem to work very well for cravings. But as many senior members tell us it also takes a mental decision to stop and fight the urges. Something I missed awhile back after I'd been AF for over 2 weeks - thought somehow miraculously after that I could drink moderately - wrong!
      So glad you found this and be sure and check in under "newbies."


        Hello Everyone

        Good to have you here. 4 days is great, keep it up.
        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


          Hello Everyone

          Welcome EL! You've a lot of the hard yards done already 4 days under your belt:goodjob:. Hang around - it's a good place
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Hello Everyone

            Hi Ember and Mere, and welcome! That first week feels great.

            One of my favorite threads to remind me why I'm AF is below. Great reading for weak moments.

            Stay strong and keep posting!

            Pride :welcome:

            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              Hello Everyone

              welcome !!!
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                Hello Everyone

                :welcome:Ember Lola
                Just wanted to say Hi, and wish you all the best in your journey. I'm pretty new here too, I'm on day 25 AF I've been taking one day at a time, as to think too far ahead would be no good for me, at this stage. You will get heaps of advice and support here, I dont think I would have come this far, if I had'nt found this site, take care Lilly x


                  Hello Everyone


                  Ember lola;955645 wrote: Hi Everyone

                  I'm new here and looking for some support. I have been reading some of the stories, lots of which I can relate to. I have been alcohol free for 4 days now and feeling really good about it right now despite 4.00pm cravings. My danger time!

                  Will post my story at some point. Feeing pretty emotional right now.

                  E L
                  hi ember lola,youve found a great site,:welcome:thank goodness for other alternatives,we have almost everything here but a magical cure,i wishnyou well gyco:thanks:


                    Hello Everyone

                    :welcome: I have learned so much on this sight. The support is outstanding and really helpful to make decisions that are hard to make when one feels alone. Best of luck on your journey!!


                      Hello Everyone

                      :welcome: and congrats on 4 days AF! Now that you are not numbing your emotions, you might feel a lot of them in the coming days and weeks. That's normal and it will work out fine. Really.

                      Strength and hope to you,

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Hello Everyone

                        Hi there, and Welcome.
                        Great place this is, and happy you are here. Will be wishing you well along your way.


                          Hello Everyone

                          Thank you so much guys!

                          I was really moved by your messages of support. For the first time, I don't feel alone anymore which is an amazing feeling. I look forward to staying in touch and staying alcohol free. Moderation won't work for me. Just like one cigarette isn't enough. 1 drink will never satisfy me either. At least I understand that much about myself, I suppose.

                          Anyway, it's Friday and Friday nights are tough but determined because when I wake up tomorrow I know that the feeling of having reached my day 5 goal will outweigh any pleasure I get from getting drunk tonight.

                          my best wishes go out to all of you too wherever you are and stay strong!

                          Lots of love



                            Hello Everyone

                            Hi EL

                            I am new here too - only 1 day down for me. Congrats on Day4!! I will be thinking of you as I go through my first weekend AF too. I have always thought it unfair if I can't drink because others do it! But others don't do it like I do!! I am sure I will be feeling some of what you are in the coming days too - like losing my best friend. It was there in the good and bad times after all. Be strong and we will both wake up Saturday morning with a smile and no hangover - Sunday too! Oh and Monday.....

