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New kid on the block

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    New kid on the block

    Hi Guys
    just joined up. I have had my own business now for the past 23 years and I'm only 38!. I am a big closet drinker I have been drinking up wards of two bottles of wine a night, on a good night, more on a bad night. I have three children am divorced and working 6 days a week in a business that is so far in debt I don't and haven't drawn a wage for the past 18 months. My credit cards are to the limit and I am using grog to "relax" . The business and the way I treat my stress relief (grog) have cost me the love of my life and I'm lucky not to have been caught for drink driving yet. I want my life back, I want to try this programme but kids and no support makes thing pretty hard. It's the cravings I have the most trouble with, if i don't start i'm ok, if i start i don't know when to stop and it is getting increasingly hard not to start. Our social culture is designed around metting for a beer (being Aussie) so how do I stop and meet people?. Being a lesbian also doesn't help, already ehind the eight ball. Thanks for reading guys. I hope to continue with the programme and get some of my life back before it is to late.

    Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!

    New kid on the block

    Hi Boycie

    I'm only new here as well... from Brisbane... but you have made the best step in your life toward stopping the spiral... trust me... I too was drinking 2 bottles of the lovely vino at night... and know exactly where you are at.. listen to those long timers here and they will guide and support you..

    Trust me you there isn't anything wrong at where you are at... we have all been there... together we can get over this...

    Keep visiting everyday... ask questions... you will get to know many people here and a few Aussies as well.


    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down

