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essence of me (well, a little anyway)

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    essence of me (well, a little anyway)

    I guess alcohol has always made its presence very clear in my life. I still have very clear memories to this day of how it effected my father /my childhood. My mother left him because of his alcohol addiction and took my sister and I with her. I was about six or seven the last time we were allowed to stay with him. I remember we were in a caravan park. We went out for dinner at a restaurant/pub. I remember being there for age?s hours on end. While he was inside. He came out and wasn?t walking straight. He picked my sister and I up and started to walk back to the lodge.
    We walked for a while, then he tripped and fell over and I remember falling and hitting my head on the cement and crying hysterically. I guess looking at it through adult eyes now I didn?t understand what was happening and what was wrong with him. I remember trying to calm my sister who wasn?t hurt but was also crying.
    We got back to the room and he put us into the double bed. There was a curtain that divided the room and he shut it. I could see through the crack. He then sat down in front of the little TV and started drinking beer after beer. It surprises me as I write this how vivid and clearly I can remember it all.
    I then recall telling my mother what had happened when I returned home. She didn?t let us stay with him anymore. He used to call every few years and I could never understand him as his voice was always slurred. I would ask mum why he didn?t love us and why he didn?t call on my birthday. She would say Darling. He loves you very much and he is a good person he just doesn?t feel he is ?good enough? to come back into your and your sister?s life.
    Fast-forward a few years past my mother?s new boyfriend and the horrifying abuse towards her and us, leaving there in the middle of the night. Being woken and sat in the car, watching him force her t come back inside.
    I don?t want to write about the abuse as I cant really bare to drag up all of that hurt again. Honestly don?t see the point. Then she married my now stepfather. I went away to boarding school, as I didn?t get along with my stepfather. I was very depressed and didn?t know why. I had suppressed all of these memories until about year 12 when I realised why I couldn?t trust anyone and why I was so sad all of the time.
    I started to drink heavily, only socially at parties with friends etc in about year 10. I was quite popular at school and was doing well in class. But I was still desperately unhappy and in year 11 started binge drinking on my own, my close friends knew and wanted me to stop, but I couldn?t.
    I finished school. Did my HSC and went overseas to the UK for a year and travelled Europe where I proceeded to party and drink heavily. I remember thinking holy f**k I am in PARIS I can see the Eiffel tower I am young and have a place at university when I get home. Why aren?t I happy? Why do I persist in killing my body slowly with poison? I guess I kept moving (still do) thinking I will be happy when I am at boarding school away from my step father, I will be happy. When I go overseas, I will be happy. When I go back to university I will be happy, and so on. I realise now this doesn?t make sense and that I need to find peace with myself. I came back to Australia and went to Uni. Proceeded to drink and make an absolute idiot of myself. Ruin lots of potential relationships and become behind in work etc. I left uni. I really don?t know what I am going to do. But as of today, Sunday the 12th of September. I am 13 DAYS ALCOHOL FREE. I want to put a stop to all of this. I want to be a better person. I want to end the cycle so that in ten years time I am not looking into my child?s disappointed eyes and trying to justify my actions. I want to be better so I can help others you know make a difference in this mad world we all call home.

    I hope this doesn?t seem like a ?poor old me? wallowing in self pity story. I just wanted to be recklessly honest. A snap shot of my past if you like. So sorry if it doesn't make sense and is a bit fragmented.
    Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.

    essence of me (well, a little anyway)

    Not at all! You have been through a lot Angel. 13 days AF is great and you have such a positive attitude :goodjob: I too used to party hard at Uni but never really grew out of it! 21 days AF for me today. We can beat this. Sending you a big:l:h x


      essence of me (well, a little anyway)

      sometimes it helps to see were we have come from, in order to know were we want to go. our pasts shape us & we need to remember the truley bad hangovers so we can appreciate waking up clear headed & smiling. Well done on 13 days, keep it up hun.
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


        essence of me (well, a little anyway)

        Thank you for sharing Angel, I think it will help to write it down. Well done on your AF time. There isnt a hint of self pity in your story, just the tale of someone who wants and deserves their life back. You can do this.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          essence of me (well, a little anyway)

          Good stuff, Angel. Grab it by the goolies and run with it.


            essence of me (well, a little anyway)

            Angel, very clear and not one bit self pitying and as Tawny so delicately puts it 'grab it by the goolies'! Very few folks here seemed to have 'just' started drinking, most seem to have sadness or issues in their past, I went to a counsellor yesterday for the 2nd time only, and actually her advice to me was to write down what happened to me and then burn it, I think coming here and opening up is a similar thing - must be good.
            Good on you - almost 2 weeks sober and sounding strong and determined. Keep it up and keep posting, it really does help - more than I ever imagined!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              essence of me (well, a little anyway)

              Hi Angel!

              Nice to meet you! I really look forward to learning more about you! Your post was awesome, thanks for sharing your life with us.

              I am AF day 13 today too! Keep going girl, you can DO IT!


                essence of me (well, a little anyway)

                Angel, thank you for sharing a bit of your story. It is so very true what they say about alcoholism being a "family disease." So often through my own years of alcoholic level drinking, I thought I was hurting nobody but me. It is stories like yours, told through the eyes of a child being affected by an alcoholic adult, I can see that my alcoholism affected all of the people I love.

                There have been so many connections made to genetics and alcoholism. Good for you working hard to break the cycle within your family. Congratulations on 13 Days AF. I know how difficult that is! I was a daily drinker and for so many years couldn't even manage to stay AF for one single day. This is an important accomplishment for you!

                I too can relate to the "running." My drinking will settle down if only I get away from this person, this job, this situation, this town, this state, etc. etc. Throughout my adult life I ran from state to state but the drinking just got worse. When I was drinking, it took me years to figure out that I didn't drink because of this person or that thing or whatever, I drank because I'm and alcoholic and that's what we do.

                You can get sober. I wish you well on your journey.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  essence of me (well, a little anyway)

                  Wow Angel good for you! I can so relate as well to "if I get this job...if I was just in a realtionship....if, if, if. Keep it up.


                    essence of me (well, a little anyway)

                    Hi Angel

                    Thanks so much for sharing your story. It is amazing what you are doing.. Congratulations on 13 days AF.

                    Sending you lots of love


                    8 days AF


                      essence of me (well, a little anyway)

                      THANK YOU ALL <3

                      Evening/Morning/afternoon Everyone! (Thought I would cover all bases there, as here at MWO you never know what time of the day it is for each member.) ☺ Thank you all SO much for you?re truly heart felt replies. I was overwhelmed, from all of the thoughtful and kind posts. It took a wee bit of courage for me to share that with you! BUUT I am so glad that I did.
                      Spinning J- Thank you. Sending a bigger hug back around to you!!!!
                      Witchywoman ? I have the images of the truly bad hangover?s playing over in my mind right now. I am going to use this to stop me from taking the first sip. Thanks for the luck also. P.S yes, our past does shape us, but I guess in my case I wont let my past be my future. ☺
                      Tawnyfrog ? Hahahaha good idea!!! Thank you so much.
                      MollyKa ? Thank you so much. I am glad it came across the way I intended it to. Glad it was clear also.
                      Zenstyle- love your Avatar. ☺ Hmm I have seen a counsellor although it helped a little I think I need to try and do this on my own, you know? Thanks for you beauty- full post Zen!
                      OverIt2007 ? Ha-ha your name is exactly how I feel. OVER IT. Whoop hooo then that must mean it is two weeks for you today also! What can I say? we are pretty damn cool? ☺
                      Sheri ? I love reading your replies they always make me happy and hopeful for some reason. It is crazy how alike some of our issues related to AL can be. Thank you for your wishes Sheri. P.S hope your road to happiness is going well too.
                      Doggygirl- your post really touched me. I think it is so brave of you to admit the truth. I guess there wouldn?t be compassion without suffering. Because of my childhood suffering I realise how my drinking alcohol doesn?t only affect me. It would be insanity to let my actions cause the same hurt to others as my father?s did to me. Yes, the ?running? seems the easiest thing to do sometimes. Thank you for your encouraging words doggygirl!!
                      Mere ? haha it seems there are a lot of people who are relating to that. It is so frustrating huh?? Thank you for your reply. Means heaps.
                      Ember Lola ? Congratulations on your 8 DAYS AF !!! ☺
                      Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


                        essence of me (well, a little anyway)

                        Thank's for sharing Angel,

                        Congratulation's on day 13/14! That is a huge achievement. Go for it friend!


                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          essence of me (well, a little anyway)

                          :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo: you forgot to mention me :winkmonkey:

                          How are you doing today Angel?
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            essence of me (well, a little anyway)

                            OMG KTAB. I loved your post!! I am soooooo sorry!! I can't believe I forgot. I'm well thanks. 2 weeks af yay! how are you today??
                            Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.


                              essence of me (well, a little anyway)

                              Hey congrats on two weeks bet that feels great doesnt it. Well done :goodjob:

                              I am grand today thanks for asking, just having an early lunchtime lurk around and seeing what mischief I can get up to.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

