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    new starter


    Hi I am new here
    My mother was an alcoholic I am 31 years old and my partner is on the verge of leaving me if i dont do something about my excessive drinking.I am a horrible nasty person when I am drunk and dont know how i can change things. I cant commit to never drinking again because i am scared so i have found this website today and taken the first step. I really dont know what to do. hopefully communicating with others will keep me going. I have lost my job through alcohol and nearly my relationship and most of my family because i am such an embarrasment. I have a 7 year old daughter who is desperate for me to sort myself out.
    Last nigh was the last straw.I tried to throw myself out of my partners van whilst coming home from a meal.
    Things need to change

    new starter

    Hi Katherine ..

    You have found an amazing place coming here ...

    I am new as well, this is Day 8 of moderation for me .... but I already feel stronger and focused and know I can beat this thing with the help of others here ..

    Read, and think about buying the book and the CDs and the suppliments. I just started the supps yesterday morning .. but read wonderful things abut them.

    Stay close here. You will find so many stories / people that are going through exactly what you are ... your post sounds like me a week ago at 2AM .. crying .. looking for help.



      new starter

      Thanks for your reply.
      What do the tablets do?


        new starter

        Tablets are mainly vitamins and help for the cravings as well and being able to sleep better. You can read about them in the book and/or in the Health store.

        Some are also using Topa, which is DR script.

        Keep reading here ... so much information!



          new starter

          hi katherine, the hardest part is abmitting that you have a problem in the first place so well done you for coming out and saying so.if you read most of the posts here you will know that most of us can all relate to everyone elses stories because we have all been there done father is an alcoholic,i am 38 years old don,t have a partner(thank god),know exactly what you mean about being scared of never drinking again that has held me back in my recovery, not quite an embarrisment to my family yet but i distanced myself from them a bit because i was embarressed,i took out most of my frustrations out on my14year old son and it is down to him that i want to change,it goes without saying that he is the love of my life and i want to be the mum that he so deserves and not the mum that gets drunk every night.there is no right or wrong way to do things just what is right for you .if you can visit your gp first and hear what he suggests, if you want read the book start on the supps i am a bit wary of the meds without my gp,s say so but the one thing you must have is the will to want to do it,and it is not easy and you will fall a lot of the times the trick is to pick yourself up dust yourself down and start all over again and if things get to tough just come and visit the site,good luck on what ever you decide to do and hope to see you about the site in the future XX maryt


            new starter

            Hi Maryt

            I feel like i have done somethin really positive today by going on this site.My partner still isnt speaking to me so i need to prove i can calm down on the drink for a while for him and my daughter.
            Thanks for understanding and good luck to you



              new starter

              Well ive done a day without any booze. Feel ok, my partner has come home from work and i have talked to him about this site. He has eventually given me a hug and said he is glad iv done somethin positive instead of hittin the bottle. He has gone to the pub to watch the football which bothered me a bit but i cant stop him from havin a drink can i ?
              He will be home at ten oclock. Feel a lot better knowing people are in the same position as me.I am not packing the drink in completely i am going to try to stay off it for a few moredays and then see if i can have a glass of wine without gulping it down and not finishing off the whole bottle.


                new starter


                Thanks a lot im going to do my best or i willlose my hubby.

                Cheersfor the vote of confidence



                  new starter

                  Hi Kath,

                  Well you have taken a good first step. We all have to do it our own ways. I have done this before and then gone back to it, and it is much worse later on. I don't know if I will ever drink again, but I sure don't want to now. I'm sick of looking at a shaky man in the mirrre each morning, and I can't even remember when I felt well enough to drive on a freeway.

                  Hang in there. Drink a lot of water and do nice things for yourself.

                  Bob from New England


                    new starter

                    Crossing Over

                    Cheers for that Just havin a cup of tea at the moment. Could murder a glassof wine but that craving will go soon, then tommorow is anotherday eh?



                      new starter

                      Hang in there, Admitting the problem is the first step. The longer you go AF, the better you will feel. You will also see your partner and daughter in a different light. You will be able to have a clear conversation with them instead of a clouded one. You will feel more alive.

                      Starting over again 09/06/11

                      "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                        new starter

                        Does anyone know how to usethe chatroom i cant typeanytext in it


                          new starter

                          Hey everyone

                          Justbeen cleanin and found half a bottle of vodke hidden! Poured it straight down the sink. Never thoughti would see the day!!!


                            new starter

                            YEAH on pouring away the vodka!! Well done!

                            It's amazing how quickly things start to feel better.... I'm loving not having such a fog all the time.

                            As for the Chat, if you have not figured it out yet ... there is a small box at the bottom of the page that you type in .. then press ENTER or the SEND button.

                            Hope that helps! Keep up the great job!



                              new starter

                              Sounds familiar!!

                              kath19071975 wrote: Hello

                              Hi I am new here
                              My mother was an alcoholic I am 31 years old and my partner is on the verge of leaving me if i dont do something about my excessive drinking.I am a horrible nasty person when I am drunk and dont know how i can change things. I cant commit to never drinking again because i am scared so i have found this website today and taken the first step. I really dont know what to do. hopefully communicating with others will keep me going. I have lost my job through alcohol and nearly my relationship and most of my family because i am such an embarrasment. I have a 7 year old daughter who is desperate for me to sort myself out.
                              Last nigh was the last straw.I tried to throw myself out of my partners van whilst coming home from a meal.
                              Things need to change
                              :new: Hi Katherine
                              I'm Liz and I've only found this site in the last week. I am also suffering from the stuff ups of my actions from drinking too much. And yes I also have behaved in ways that I am not proud of nor my family and what friends I have left.
                              But like you said we have taken a step and a positive one at that good on us eh!!
                              I'm trying so hard and some days are easier/harder than other days. Is there a women's group near where you are living? maybe they could start you on some new things to keep your mind busy and meet new people? Do you and your daughter do a sport or hobby together? Kids grow up so quickly my baby is turning 19 next Feb and my son 21 ( he still doesn't speak to me 4 years now) I hope you work it out and if you want to chat feel free Liz

