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New here, but not really...

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    New here, but not really...

    Hello everyone,

    I have been on and off this site for over 2 years... and now I'm finally ready for a change.

    I have tried it all... AF for 2 weeks (I know, not long enough)... modding as best I could, and then drinking light beer instead of the godforsaken wine... none of it has lasted.

    I finally ordered the book, which I have read, and am waiting for the kudzu and CD's. In the meantime I have purchased many of the other supps which I am waiting to take until I have the kudzu and can start the full plan on the proper course. I am petrified to ask my doc about Topamax but think I may need it to settle these cravings. I just wanted to introduce myself properly and let you know I could really use your support!!!! I'd be willing to give whatever I can as well. Thank you so much in advance.


    New here, but not really...

    Hi Mum :welcome:

    Good to have you here. I am a relative newbie myself (60 odd days of being AF) and have found this community to be a wonderful resource of information and supportive people. Read through the threads in the forums, pop in and introduce yourself and just basically make yourself at home.

    There are also some 'fun' word game threads that some of us have fun with - join in if you're interested!

    AF since 7/13/2010


      New here, but not really...

      wesome welcome back sounds like a great plan stay strong and keep thinking positive
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        New here, but not really...

        Hi Mum of 2

        Am a mum of 2 myself and really new to this site. I am 11 days AF today. It's great that you've come back to this site. I wish you loads of luck on your journey.



          New here, but not really...

          :welcome: Mum good luck on your journey
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            New here, but not really...

            Hey Mumtotwo, great to see you here posting. You've been here before so you know the drill! If you've done AF time in the past, you can do it again. Keep reading and posting and like Paguy says look around the threads - maybe have a look into the newbies nest, I found it a great place to start.:welcome:
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              New here, but not really...

              Thanks so much everyone!! I feel like I have to "wait" to stop with the wine until I get the kudzu, but I know I should go ahead and start now!! If I've done it without help in the past then why do I feel like I need to wait for the "extra" help now? Ugghhh... I hate AL!!!!!

              Thanks again for your positive responses... I will be here every day!!


                New here, but not really...


                Way to go on your AF days!! I lived in Sydney when I joined this site... visited Melbourne once and loved it. Back in the US now but miss Australia terribly... enjoy your Spring AL free!!!


                  New here, but not really...

                  Hi Mum to two

                  Yeah Melbourne is great, although must say weather atrocious for spring. Have been here for 10 years now, from UK originally. I just wanted to say that it is tough and I hope that you can stay focused on what you ultimately want whether that is to be AF or moderate your drinking. I have been drinking 40 units a week(that's a good week) for the last 3 years. I drank everyday and beer my favourite although I liked a glass of wine too. That's not to say I didn't have a problem before, it just became daily over the last three years. Have not been AF for more than 4 days during that time. I spend a lot of time on my own on the evening with my 2 children, my partner owns 2 restaurants and alcohol was like my little friend. I should say I functioned very well on the outside but inside it was tearing me apart. Everyday I would stop but then 4.00pm came around and I had to have a drink. Mummy's little helper! I should add that my partner drinks a lot. I am currently sitting in the house with 2 bottles of wine screaming " drink me " but not having any of it. The feeling of achievement in the morning much better than the dreaded booze. I don't know whether you can relate to any of this but I wanted to share with you because it may help. I look forward to hearing more from you mumtotwo and I hope today is a good one.

                  Lots of love

                  12 DAYS AF


                    New here, but not really...

                    Hi Mum to two
                    I too, have been desperately trying to give up alcohol. I am going to order the book and the supps very soon. Today will be day 1 (again) for me. I think this is a wonderful community here and am looking forward to receiving and giving support.


                      New here, but not really...

                      just jumping in to say hi and welcome


                        New here, but not really...

                        And a quick welcome from me too, hope to get to know you better.

                        Dewdrop :h
                        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                          New here, but not really...

                          You are all the best... seriously. No one else quite understands this like we who are living it do! When I tell friends or family "I think I've been drinking a bit too much lately" they say, "oh well, just take a break" or "it's OK, you have a lot to deal with" (meaning 2 little ones and a husband who travels)...

                          I really appreciate all the support here. I am not AF yet but am working towards it. My husband can drink quite a bit some nights and then not at all on others. He never appears drunk to anyone while I have the lowest tolerance EVER even though I have been drinking for years (at least outwardly low... I look drunk after a couple glasses of wine apparently).

                          EL, I totally understand and admire you for being able to sit in your house with 2 bottles of wine and not drink them. I could never do that. For me to be AL free there must not be any beer or wine in the house. I can have liquor around and not drink it, but not beer or wine. My husband travels throughout the week, so it's just me and my little ones. He's leaving tomorrow for 6 nights (normally it's 3) so this week will be especially difficult for me! Good on you for doing what you're doing. How old are your children? Mine are 3 and 5.

                          Thanks again to everyone... you are all such an inspiration to me. I feel like I am at a point where this will become more of a problem than it is (which it really just is for me right now... I am still highly functional but miserable inwardly) if I don't fix this NOW. It seems to just escalate. I want to drink on weekdays by 4pm or even 3pm some days and I know it will creep up earlier and earlier IF I don't fix it.

                          Mum xx


                            New here, but not really...

                            Hi mum! I know what you mean when you say that other people (normies) just don't understand what this is like. It's so nice to have a group like this where we can feel understood.

                            I, like you, have two young kids. Mine are 3 and 2. I love them to death, but at the end of the day I am so drained and I turned to wine to make the night magically disappear. My husband travels a lot too. He will also be gone all next week and I'm worried about my resolve since I usually drink the most when he's gone because it means I don't have to really hide it from anyone. I am on day 7 AF, though, and I am determined to keep going. I am trying to remind myself that it is so dangerous to be drinking so heavily when I am home alone with the kids. What if something were to happen to one of them? How would I drive them to the dr. or whatever if I were drunk?

                            Anyway, sorry to make this about me! (Typical alkie behavior. ) I just wanted you to know that I really relate to your situation. I wish you lots of strength!


                              New here, but not really...


                              I know exactly what you mean!! I've also thought about that... what would happen if one of them were sick and had to go to the hospital and I were drunk?? How far apart are yours? Mine are 19 months and I think that's what made it "harder" for me to handle... yours must be closer than mine! It is soooo difficult taking care of 2 little ones so close in age by yourself. That has been the "nail" in my coffin I feel. I started drinking socially back in college and it just seemed to escalate, and then taper back down, and then escalate with a move halfway around the world... and then back. Never easy and once the pattern starts it gets harder and harder to break.

                              Fantastic for being 7 days AF!!!! I will be back there again... soon, I hope.


