I?ll confess upfront that I?ve been lurking for about 3 weeks and didn?t post earlier because I set a date with myself for quitting and to get a few other things in place before starting my plan. The community here seems really supportive and I?m eager to begin this journey that probably should?ve started a few years ago?
I?m 31, married, and the Other Half and I are thinking about starting a family next year. I need to get healthy if not for myself than obviously for the little person that?s going to be relying on me to take care of them.
Problem is, I drink too much? waaaaay too much. Have been for the past 6 years. :damn:
I could wax poetic on the things that have happened to me growing up (mentally more than anything else) but when it?s all said and done using that as an excuse almost seems like a cop-out. I made the decisions and I?m reaping the consequences.
I?ve already done several af days over the past 2 weeks and Monday, the 13th, was my ?official? start date for spending 30 days af. I wanted to note that my ultimate goal is to moderate but after my 30 days if I feel that I?m not ready and need more af time then I will do just that.
Although I've found the first few days (and af days in the past) have been fairly easy I'm not kidding myself that this is going to be a cake walk... especially tomorrow when the weekend rolls around. I'll make it through one way or another...
Anyway, that's the 'Reader's Digest' version of me and why I'm here. I look forward to what the next 30 days holds.
